24 May 2013

Product Review: Karpati Bio-Intelligent Enzymatic Deep Polishing Powder

Regular exfoliation helps keep the skin clear, and free from dead skin cells that not only block the pores, but also make the skin look dull. Always having had problems with my skin breaking out, I have realised that a gentle exfoliation is the key to keep my skin clear. Here are my thoughts on the *Karpati Bio-Intelligent Enzymatic Deep Polishing Powder;


What They Say:
"Karpati Bio-Intelligent Enzymatic Deep Polishing Powder cleanses and decongests the skin, it refines and smoothes out the skin’s micro relief leaving the complexion radiant and clean, and assists in further absorption of water soluble ingredients."

RRP: $86 (75g) – Available from Karpati Medispa

What I Say:

I absolutely love it when I come across new brands that I’ve never heard of or tried before. That was the case with the Karpati Bio-Intelligent brand, which has been created by beauty therapist Eva Karpati, based on her experience of what she has learnt about skin care in her 20 years of experience of dealing with the stars. Her passion is to bring an end to harmful chemicals in cosmetics, hair and nail care.

"It is my mission to inspire our generation to become better educated and to stop allowing harmful chemicals into our body on a daily basis. The peace of mind that comes with using safe and effective cosmetics is paramount in supporting our wellbeing"   Eva Karparti

And as you all may be aware, I have, since being pregnant, been increasingly interested in more natural products, so this is just music to my ears!

The Enzymatic Deep Polishing Powder includes nothing but natural ingredients such as rice flour, that won’t clog pores, Prozymex Enzyme which acts as a decongestant, lemon grass for purifying, grape seed extract that nourishes and green tea extract that acts as an antioxidant. And absolutely no harmful or nasty chemical ingredients.

These pictures speak for themselves, don't they
- absolutely no chemical nasties!!!
It has been formulated to exfoliate damaged cells, decongest pores from built up residue from creams, makeup and perspiration. It is so gentle that it can be used daily.

So how did the Enzymatic Deep Polishing Powder perform…

When I first saw the bottle with the fine powder, I did find it a little odd to begin with. Tipping a bit of the powder into my hands I was also struggling getting the powder to turn into a paste – I simply added too much water, making it too runny, or too little water so the paste was too difficult to massage into the face. So it did take a few goes before I realised that simply putting the powder onto wet hands was more than sufficient water.

Massaging the Polishing Powder into the skin, feels just like massaging a cream into the skin – it is so gentle that you, unlike other facial exfoliators, cannot feel any scrubby bits. It makes you wonder if is even doing anything to the skin…

But once rinsed off the face, I can instantly feel and see the results. My skin is so soft – softer than it has ever been, yet without being irritated, or feeling dried out. And it is as if it has been cleaned deep down every single pore. It is by far the gentlest exfoliator that I have ever used.

The Polishing Powder comes in a plastic bottle with a twist lid at the top, and once you twist it, a few small holes open (in fact a very similar design to a bottle with baby powder!), allowing you to shake out a little powder into your hands, without getting any moisture into the bottle.

The Polishing Powder doesn’t contain any fragrance, but once made into the paste, it still has a nice and gentle natural scent, no doubt from the included ingredients such as green tea and lemon grass. But once rinsed off the face, this scent quickly disappears.

After having used the Polishing Powder for over a month approx. every second day, I am so impressed with the results. My skin feels softer and more refined than it ever has. And because it is so gentle that I’ve been able to use it so frequently, it also seems to have normalised the oil production in my skin, so it no longer feels so greasy in the t-zone area, and consequently I seem to be getting less breakouts, and the blackheads that I use to have, especially on my nose, seems to be a thing of the past. It also means that my makeup glides on so much easier, and no to mention, looks so much nicer and stays put for longer.

At $86 for a bottle it is a little pricey, but you seriously only use to little (when you’ve got the hang of it!), that the bottle will last you a very long time. And in spite of having used it so frequently for a month, I still have well over half left.

Because the exfoliator is so gentle, and it contains no harsh particles, it is suitable for all skin types, including very sensitive.

All in all this truly is a wonder product. With absolutely no chemical nasties, it is so natural and so gentle, yet the results speak for themselves. Why didn’t I come across this Polishing Powder any sooner.

* Product was kindly provided for consideration, and has reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

Have you ever heard of the Karpati Bio-Intelligent brand? Have you ever tried a powder exfoliator? Which exfoliator is your favourite?

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