9 May 2018


If you’re looking for some great Mother’s Day for the health conscious mummy, I’ve got some great suggestions for your today..

Let’s start with the every so adorable Olika Birdie, which is actually not a decor item, but rather hand sanitiser, which yes, will look incredible on your desk too.

The Olika Birdie contains 350+ sprays of sanitiser made and also contains essential oils of lemon, bergamot and spearmint, and you use it by simply pushing down on the head of the bird to dispense. And even more cleverly, the base of the birdie, contains 10 small dry wipes to help you remove any dirt and grime. So this little birdie not only looks super stylish and adorable, it also smells so lovely and fresh, all while keeping your hands clean and refreshed, as well as soft and hydrated thanks to the added aloe vera leaf juice and glycerin. Now How clever is that

Olika Birdie - RRP: $35 / 2 pack, 2 x 20ml + 2 x 10 wipes
Available from Ziani Beauty

If she’s a huge coffee drinker, what about gifting her some high performance ONE coffee from Before You Speak Coffee. This coffee is not your ordinary coffee, yes, it is made from arabica coffee, but what makes it so special is that it is infused with superfoods to naturally improve your health, well-being & performance. The added superfoods include;
  • Medium Chain Triglycerides to help metabolise unwanted fat, enhance mental clarity and improve mood and general performance
  • Siberian Ginseng to regulate the stress hormone, cortisol, for increased energy, alertness and stamina
  • Black Pepper to help increase nutrient absorption 
  • Turmeric for its anti-inflammatory properties and positive effects on metabolism and well-being.
  • Green Coffee Bean Extract to help regulate blood sugar, appetite control and reduce the hungry feeling

That means that this coffee, which essentially an instant coffee will not only give you the usual caffeine energy fix and enhance energy and reduce fatigue, it will also help improve brain function, increase fat burning, stabilise blood sugar levels and thereby reduce food and sugar cravings. Its recommended only to drink one serving per day, which can be in the morning to start the day, or whenever you need a little boost.

They come in convenient little sachets, so they are also easy to bring with you to ie the office. I also love the fact that you can enjoy it either hot or cold, as unlike normal coffee it actually tastes just as great cold. It is slightly sweet (thanks to the added stevia), , but I think the pepper, turmeric and ginseng counters for that, making it a slightly spicy scent too. For me, I don’t think that it will ever replace real coffee (I’m generally not fond of instant coffee either), but I do love that by drinking this, I can get a coffee fix, and drinking one cup in the afternoon when I typically get tired, has certainly helped give me that much needed kick to get through the afternoon, while also stopping me from raiding the pantry for anything sweet.

Before You Speak Coffee also has a stunning collection of accessories, including this cool 
Before You Speak Coffee Cup, with the text "but first coffee", which just makes the coffee experience even better (and is exactly how I feel each morning).

Before You Speak ONE Coffee - RRP: From $69.95 / 30 sachets
Before You speak Coffee Cup - RRP: $14.95
Available from Before You Speak Coffee

If she’s always on the go, and busy, but loves healthy food, what about giving her some Funch healthy snack premixes. There are lot of different varieties available such as the Funch Vanilla + Coconut Protein Ball Mix, which has a great vanilla-coconutty taste. And while there’s no added sugar (but added stevia) they are slightly sweet, so helps take away any sugar craving, while giving you a high dose of proteins and fibres that will help keep hunger (and further cravings at bay).

Or there’s the Funch Luxe Ball Honeycomb Crunch Mix , which is made using buttery peanuts and sweet honeycomb. Again, these have a gorgeous satisfying sweetness to them, without any added sugar (but added stevia), so they are perfect for that afternoon sugar craving. They are also a great source of energy thanks to the fibre and proteins.

These mixes are made using high quality ingredients, and are so super easy to use as they can be made without any blender and also don’t require any baking. You simply mix the contents of a pack with the suggested ingredients (which include among others rice malt syrup and coconut oil for the protein balls, or warm water and rice malt syrup for the honeycomb crunch), and then simply roll them into balls, chill them, and then enjoy. You can of course also roll them in desiccated coconut if you like, as well as you can add other ingredients such as dates, which personally I really like.

The pack makes approx. 10-15 balls (or a few more if you add the dates), and once made up, they last up to 2 weeks in the fridge. Or they can also be popped into the freezer, but mine’s never lasted that long. So quick and easy to make, and so super delicious, yet healthy at the same time.

Funch Luxe Ball Honeycomb Crunch Mix - RRP: $12.95 / 160g
Funch Vanilla + Coconut Protein Ball Mix - RRP: $12.95 / 155g
Available from Funch and select stockists

If she’s all about inner and outer beauty, she’s sure to love some beauty supplements from Inessa. The Inessa products are Australian owned and made and all scientifically formulated using the highest quality ingredients - 100 % natural, and as Inessa says, as wholesome and pure as can be, and thus the name Inessa also means PURE in ancient Greek.

The Inessa Collagen+ Beauty Boost is a beauty supplement that has been formulated to help support the structural elements of beauty within the body, including healthy blood, bones, skin, hair, and nails, and it contains the key nutrients required for the creation of natural collagen, and thereby helping the body promote the collagen production to help make you age more beautifully and make you glow from within.

The Beauty Boost includes none less than 16 active vitamins and minerals that help achieve physical beauty from within, such as iron, calcium, zinc, lipoic acid, Vitamin C and silica, along with the collagen, it also helps improve skin elasticity and firmness and maintain hair and nails, including Vitamin B7 for strong hair and nails, Calcium and Vitamin D for healthy bones and teeth and Folic Acid for healthy blood.

The Inessa Collagen+ Total Body Care is a supplement that is designed to give you a healthier body from within. It is made using a combination of 13 active ingredients, including amino acids in combination with Coenzyme Q10 , Zinc, Vit C and D as well as Lutein to help assists with Collagen production and help muscle building and formulation of cartilage. These tablets also aim at helping to improve energy levels, promote healthier bone health, build and maintain muscle strength, support a healthy immune system, maintain a healthy heart along with stronger and healthier skin, hair and nails.

I have just started taking these, and appreciate that it does take some time before you can expect to see some benefits, so stay tuned for a more detailed review coming up soon. However, I do love that with these Inessa Collagen you can take your beauty and health to the next level, and thanks to essential vitamins and minerals help take care of your skin and body from the inside out too.

The Inessa Collagen+ Beauty Boost - RRP: $69.90 / 120tablets
The Inessa Collagen+ Total Body Care - RRP: $69.90 / 120tablets
Available from Inessa

* Some products may have been kindly provided for editorial consideration, and have been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy, and reviews are 100% honest and based on personal opinion and experience. Note that The Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter is not a professional or expert, so please do not substitute these opinions as professional advice.

Also note, this post may contain affiliate links, which means you pay no extra, but I get a small commission fee if you click through and buy something. And if so, thank you much for your supporting the running costs of my blog. xx

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