26 October 2012

Product Review: CLEAR Total Nourishing Care Shampoo & Conditioner

The new CLEAR Total Nourishing Care Shampoo & Conditioner, is fronted by Miranda Kerr, and if you can have as healthy and shiny hair is Miranda, then I say that it is definitely worth a try!

Here are my thoughts:

What they say:
"Just as good soil is to a tree, a well nourished scalp is the right foundation for strong, beautiful hair. For years women have been treating the wrong ends of their hair. CLEAR Scalp & Hair Beauty Therapy™, made with Nutrium 10™ nourishes your scalp, the right foundation for strong, beautiful hair".

Price: RRP $5.95 - Available from supermarkets and chemists.

What I say:
Having long hair, that I regularly have coloured at the salon, I have to admit that I generally do not buy supermarket shampoos and conditioners, but rather buy the much more expensive professional ones from the hair dresser.
I also have to admit that I not had any issues with my scalp – well except that it does get a little irritated if the shampoo is too perfumed.

As soon as I smelt the CLEAR shampoo I was therefore a bit concerned. While it smells lovely, it is also very strongly perfumed.
The pearly white shampoo is very thick and only a very little is needed to get it to lather into a beautiful creamy froth. After washing my hair felt clean and healthy.

The CLEAR shampoo and conditioner comes in skinny and curvy pastel lilac bottles, which do look very stylish. In spite of them being so tall and skinny, I have however not found any issues with them falling over in the shower, which I initially thought that they would. They have press-to-open lids, which makes them very easy to use in the shower with wet hands.
The conditioner is also very thick yet it spreads easily into the hair. I have to admit that it was a strange feeling having to massage into my scalp, as normally I only condition the ends of my hair. The conditioner has the same beautiful scent as the shampoo, although it is more subtle. The conditioner is easy to rinse out, and does not feel like it leaves behind any residue. Afterwards my hair is so easy to comb, and once I’ve let it dry naturally it feels silky soft and thoroughly moisturised, and it looks healthy and shiny.

I usually wash my hair every second day. But having to use the conditioner on my scalp, I would have imagined that it would make my hair looking greasier on the second day than normal – but two days and one workout later, I have noticed that my roots are not as oily as they usually are.
After using the CLEAR shampoo and conditioner several times, I have to say that I have not noticed any major difference to the health of my scalp – but maybe it is just because it was in a fairly healthy condition to start with. But my hair looks and feels so shiny, moisturised and healthy, with very little frizz and all without feeling weighed down.  

Apart from preferring a shampoo and conditioner that are little less perfumed, my only negative is the high number of silicones and sulfates in the shampoo, and I do wish that they were free from these.

However, at just $5.99 per bottle the CLEAR shampoo and conditioner are great value for money, at that price, you have nothing to lose!

Have you tried the CLEAR shampoo and conditioner? What do you look for in a shampoo and conditioner?




  1. After seeing the ads for this I've been wanting to try it, now I'll definitely have to get some! Great review

    1. Thanks Bella!! Again, this is so cheap, that realy you've got nothing to lose! Good luck, and let me know how you go!

  2. I really wanna try this shampoo but its not sulfate free so it puts me on the fence

    1. Yes, that is definitely a negative, but sadly there are still a lot of shampoos on the market that contain sulfates!

  3. I found your product to be quite good but I will not be buying it again as I found the packaging extremely difficult to use,so therefore in the bin it went.Cheers Michelle


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