13 July 2016


When we had our first little boy, we had the best of intentions of cooking the best food possible, to ensure that he got the best nutrition possible. And we kind of succeeded, most of the time. Then the second boy came along, who unfortunately was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness at the young age of 6 week and hereafter spent almost 5 months at the Royal Children's Hospital having a bone marrow transplant. And when he came home, the same day we moved into our new house, life with a 6 month old that to this day is still requiring extra attention as well as a 2.5 year old was simply hectic - that sometimes even the best of intentions just weren't realistic. So when I was offered a selection of food from Fresh Pots by Food Babies Love, I happily accepted..

Fresh Pots is an Australian-first range of readily available fresh, convenient and nourishing baby and toddler meals.

These baby and toddler meals are packaged in small 200g square plastic pots so you can really see what you are getting (as opposed to pouches!), and these meals are packed full of nutrition and flavour and have been cooked fresh without the salt, sugar or preservatives and without artificial colours and flavours. There are three different categories available, which includes 7 different varieties;  

Early Proteins for 6+ months packed with iron and protein with a smooth finish
  • Chicken, apple and pumpkin
  • Red Lentil Dahl

Textured Meals for 7+ months loaded with vegetables to provide an exciting range of textures and colours   
  • Greek Lamb casserole
  • Chicken Curry  
  • Baby Bolognaise
Toddler Meals for 10+ months big on flavour and goodness  
  • Spaghetti Bolognaise for little people  
  • Fish pie
For our now 13 month old we tried the textured meals and for the 3 year old boys we tried some of the toddler meals. Now before you start wondering... Because our little one was so sick for so long, he is a little behind development-wise, so while he should in theory be eating toddler meals by now, reality is just that he is not quite there yet, so hence the reason for the textured meals for him.  
The textured meals are available in Lamb casserole, chicken curry and baby bolognaise. I have to mention that I don't like lamb, and neither does my husband. Don't know why, but just don't and never have. So weren't too keen on feeing our little boy lamb, not that I want to deprive him the right of tasting the flavour, but more because I'd struggle doing the taste test - but not wanting to waste good, I did what I had to and tasted it - and hereafter gave it to the little one who absolutely loved it!
The Chicken Curry and Baby Bolognaise were more to my liking, and especially the bolognaise was very well accepted, but the chicken curry certainly also went down, although not quite as fast.
As for the toddler meals - our 3 year old is not a huge eater, he can have a bowl of biscuits sitting in front of him all day and he wont touch it - but give him a bowl of fruit and its gone within seconds. Now he does eat his meals, but again, not a huge eater, - but we quickly realised that the small pots simply weren't quite large enough for him, without having to give him an additional side serve of something - so I decided that (also because the 3yo is already eating a huge variety of foods), that these meals were really better suited for the little one. But of course, they were too lumpy for his liking and ability, so simply got away with it by also giving the meals a slight mash before feeding them to him. 
The spaghetti bolognaise was, needless to say also a hit, but which kid doesn't like spaghetti bolognaise! However, the absolute winner of all the meals were without a doubt the Fish Pie.
Size wise for the little one, who is very tiny for his age (more like an 8 month old), he could generally eat between half and 3/4 of the food, leaving a little left over for lunch the next day.
Overall, I have to say that I've really enjoyed having these Fresh Pots in the fridge, they have been an absolute lifesaver on the days where finding the time to cook special meals for him has been an issue, and I've loved knowing that he has been getting fresh quality food and all the nutrients that he needs. Pricewise they do work out a little expensive and certainly if you compare to other ready made baby food, such as jars and pouches - but there is no doubt that the quality and flavours are also far superior. While with my wage as a stay at home mum (read none!!), and the cost of all our little ones medication and expenses of the frequent trips to the hospital, I sadly cannot justify filling the fridge with these Fresh Pots, I can certainly see myself trying to track these down and keeping just a few at hand for when everything else fails.  
The woman behind Fresh Pots is Melbourne-based baby food expert and author, and mother of 3, Emily Dupuche, has also written the best-selling guide, Food Babies Love, which has been sold in over 10,000 copies, - no doubt popular because of its easy and delicious, and nutritious real food ideas for toddlers. The Fresh Pots are favourite recipes from the guide, which have been prepared fresh, so you can still feed your little ones good quality food when you are strapped for time.
The Food Babies Love Guide is a book full of recipes, anecdotes and tips to help you overcome some of the issues associated with introducing solids to your baby. Food wise it includes delicious recipes for the first few weeks of your baby eating solids, moving on to breakfast, lunch and dinners, snacks, desserts, drinks and baking.  
We've already been trying out a few which have especially been a huge hit with the three year old, including Fish Fingers, Chicken Nuggets, Beef Burgers and Zucchini Slice, and we will most definitely also be attempting to make the fish pie (see the first pic above), and in a huge enough portion so there's something for me too!!!

Fresh Pots by Food Babies Love - RRP: $6.45 / 200g
- Available from select supermarkets and grocers along the Eastern Seaboard with the option of home delivery for Melbournians
Food Babies Love Guide - RRP: $25
- Available from Food Babies Love Online

* Some products may have been kindly provided for consideration, and have reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

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