27 July 2016


As many of you are aware, our little baby has been quite sick, spending over 4.5 months at the Royal Children's Hospital for a life threatening auto-immune disorder that saw him have intense chemotherapy leading up to a bone marrow transplant. He has been home for months now, and while he is doing exceptionally well, he is, due to being so sick for so long, naturally a little behind developmentally - so while he is now almost 14 months now, and under normal circumstances would be walking now, or at least very close to it, he is just not quite there yet.

Also having a 3 year old, that of course now is playing with smaller toys, it has been necessary to put the little one into a playpen, to ensure that big brother can continue to play with his toys, otherwise it is simply too risky as little one may swallow them. But of course, there are a lot of other dangers lurking around the house, where it is ideal to be able to block off our large open-plan family room and keep him retained in a secure area.

The convenient gate can stay open if required

And the new Dreambaby® Royale Converta® 3-in-1 Gate is the perfect solution. The Royal Converta gate features six individual modular panels creating a wide gate and including a convenient walk through gate, that has a 'child-proof' opening mechanism that stops little ones from running in an out, while it still has the feature to stay open if needed.

The gate is made from metal and is very sturdy, and all panels can be easily locked into place in various position so you can set it up exactly how you like it - and yet it folds down quickly and easily so you can easily move it around or take it away with you when you go on holidays.

Each section is 74cmtall so kids cannot climb over it, and they are 62cm wide, so combined the six panels creates a 3.8m long wide barrier gate so you can section off a whole room, as we have sectioned off our actual living room. But if needed, you can purchase a Dreambaby® Royale Converta® Extensions (pack of two) quickly and easily turn your six panel Play Pen Gate into an eight panel Play-Pen Gate, making it a massive 4.9m long.

What I also like is that you can use the gate to block off the fire place and stop little ones from getting to it, although personally we don't have the fireplace on during the daytime, and as it is a fully enclosed gas fire, and hence nothing they can get to, we haven't got the need to use it for that, but it is of course always nice having the option available, should you decide to put the fire on when the kids are around.

The Gate also includes wall mounting brackets, and can also be used to create a small fully enclosed playpen, which again you can of course make a tad bigger by adding the additional two extension panels.

Overall, I am really impressed with this gate, and I do wish that I had had one of these when our now 3 year old was smaller as it would certainly have made everyday life a lot easier when he was in the early exploring stages. I also love knowing that this gate of course complies with required Standards ASTM F1004-13.

Dreambaby® Royale Converta® 3-in-1 Gate - RRP: $179.95
Dreambaby® Royale Converta® Extension - RRP: $49.95

Dreambaby® Royale Converta® 3-in-1 is available through leading baby stores 

Visit Dreambaby Online or Facebook, or call (02) 9386 4000 for more information

* Some products may have been kindly provided for consideration, and have reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

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