9 June 2017


It is no secret that I love simple things of good design. And when they are then in white, grey or black, or in any combination or monochrome design, then I'm sold. My house is black and white, I love black and white makeup packaging, and when it comes to my clothes, well, a lot of it is in those shades too. And hence why I so fell in love with the stunning Loop scarf by Zilpah Tart when it landed on my desk. 

In case you have never heard of Zilpah Tart, I suggest that you check out her amazing designs, which, yes, also cater for those who love colours, as there are heaps of stunning brightly coloured designs in her collections too, which include among others dresses, jackets and scarves.

Zilpah Tart is an Australian fashion label by designer Yumi Morrissey, with the brand named after her late Grandmother, and even the logo of the brand comes from a 1940s brooch that belonged to Zilpah.

Zilpah Tart's designs are made for women who want to wear something unique and make them stand out from the crowd, and hence, Yumi designs her own unique fabric prints which are based on photograps she takes around Canberra.

The photographs are then manipulated in Photoshop to create a pattern and a repeat to be digitally printed onto fabric. Sometimes I’ll create a pattern, sometimes I’ll use the full image. I often change the colour of the background to enhance other colours within the focus of the image.

The result of this process is a truly beautiful, unique set of prints for each new collection. For Canberrans, Zilpah tart designs carry with them a special connection to the home and environment they love. And for women every where they are beautiful and vibrant, just what you need to brighten your day.

The garments are made locally in Yumi’s studio in Canberra, so you know you'll get a premium quality Australian made product.

I've been loving the Loop Scarf with the Winter Trees Print, which is based on a picture of naked was designed byf winter trees in Lennox gardens, Canberra. And it is absolutely stunning in its white, grey and black shades, and 'pattern' is nothing short of stunning. When you wear it, it looks more like an abstract design, but the fact that it is based on a picture of naked tress, makes it look even more stunning.

The scarf is 2 metres long, in a continuous loop, and it can be worn however you like in. in a long loop hanging down, or wrapped around as I've been liking it, but that's probably just because of the recent drop in temperature and the fact that I am always cold!

The scarf is made from a silky feel polyester, and it really is so soft to touch that you'd swear that it was made from silky. It looks amazing with a simple jumper or dress, and is even a fantastic way of dressing up a basic casual outfit.

I definitely recommend that you check out Zilpah Tart's designs, they are just incredible.

Zilpah Tart Loop Scarf - RRP: $60
Available from Zilpah Tart and select stockists

* Some products may have been kindly provided for consideration, and have reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

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