2 April 2014

Industry News: Garnier Colour Sensation Hair Colour

I have to be completely honest and admit that I usually get my long hair coloured at the hairdresser. That was a habit I got into when I was working in the corporate world, and I had a monthly pay coming into the bank account.

But then I had a baby boy (check out my post about him here), and even getting pregnant too quite some time, tears and not to mention money (which you can read up on here!), and well, since then my visits to the hairdresser has been more sparse. Not only it difficult to find the time with our now 9 month old son, life has also changed, and I am no longer going out as often, feeling I can stretch the time between appointments, but lastly, the cost of it is not exactly cheap either. I didn’t use to flinch when I paid, but these days, as a stay-at-home mum with no income, it is a completely different story.

And that’s when I have often considered that maybe I should start colouring my hair myself again. I used to do it when I was a poor Uni student, but again, once you start earning money, you start a whole new spending pattern.

I did have very good experiences with the at-home hair colours, but it has been well over a decade since I last did it, and these hair colouring products have no doubt come a long way since then.

And now, thanks to Garnier, I may be prompted to try at-home hair colouring again.

Garnier has just launched a new range hair colours, with intense hues, creamy textures and scented flower oil fragrance. There are 12 bold and luxurious shades in the new range, and I was sent these colours:

Now do I dare to try colour my hair myself again…. and which colour to pick….

And until then, the lovely dusty pink fedora hat will help cover up my regrowth!
*Products (and the fedora hat) were kindly provided for consideration, and have reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

What do you think of these new hair colours from Garnier? Do you colour your hair yourself? And are you daring when it comes to your hair colour?



  1. You should do it! I love how doing my hair makes me feel all fresh and new!
    I have that monthly income now, but I still box dye my blue/black hair. If it's good enough for Dira Von Teese, it's good enough for me

    1. Hehehe, I like your point.... I'm just such a chicken these days. But getting it done at the hairdresser is just so expensive these days, that doing it yourself can save such much money!


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