18 August 2013

Product Review: Fudge Ends Miracle Smoothing Treatment

Having very long hair that has been coloured and heat styled a lot, needless to say that my hair, and in particularly the ends are often dry and in need of a little TLC. And at the moment I am very well overdue for a haircut, but just cannot seem to find the time suddenly having a newborn. Over the years I have spent a lot of money and tried countless treatments, all with mixed results. Here are my thoughts on the *Fudge Ends Miracle Smoothing Treatment;

What They Say:
"Fudge Ends – say your final goodbyes to tortured hair. A recovery treatment for battered hair; Fudge Ends conditioning cream will help repair damaged, downtrodden and down and out tresses. Jam-packed with a combination of powered proteins, Fudge Ends works to repair and seal dry ends, helping your hair lead a thick and shiny life."

RRP: $18.95 (50ml) – Available from Priceline and selected pharmacies

What I Say:
The first thing that I noticed about the Fudge Ends Miracle Smoothing Treatment was the packaging. It comes in a see-through box with orange sides, and a clear front so you can see the cylinder with the product.

And yes, I said cylinder, and although this is a squeezy cylinder it is still a little unusual, as usually this product comes in tube. The actual cylinder is white, slightly frosted but still see-through, while it as a bright orange flip lid. I also love that has a measure down the one side of the cylinder, making it easy to see exactly how much product you have left.

According to Fudge, the Ends Miracle Smoothing Treatment can be used both before and after blow drying the hair, but after using the hair straightener to give the hair a soft smooth result.

The treatment absorbs easily into the hair, leaving it soft and shiny and without any greasy feeling at all. The ends instantly feels revitalised, and the look of split ends and frizz really is reduced dramatically. If your hair is dry and damaged, I think the best and only treatment is to get the ends trimmed at the hairdresser. But in saying that, using the Ends Miracle Smoothing Treatment as an ongoing treatment after washing my hair, and on the days where I don’t wash my hair to smooth down the frizz and moisturise the ends, my hair does both feels and looks healthier, and in particularly the ends seem to be less dry and damaged, so the treatment is clearly helping to restore the moisture levels.

It has a nice sweet but delicate scent, which quickly fades once absorbed into the hair and dried.


On the negative, the Fudge Ends Miracle Smoothing Treatment is rather small with only 50ml in the cylinder, which although it ‘only’ costs $18.95 does make it a little pricey, compared to other leave-in treatments which often come in 150ml tubes or larger.

Having so long and thick hair, and a lot of it too, and when even just putting it into the ends, I feel I have to use a fair bit of the treatment, at least a tablespoon full. And after first use, I could see that I had already used 5ml of products! And that was only applying it into damp hair, if I had also used it after straightening my hair, I would naturally have used even more. But that does mean that the small tube won’t go far in my long hair.

But overall this is a great and effective leave-in treatment, and my hair is loving it, and it will help save my locks and get by until I can find the time to get to the hairdresser!
* Product was kindly provided for consideration, and has been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

Have you ever tried any of the products from Fudge? Do you use leave-in treatments? Which one is your favourite?



  1. The packaging for this is so cute and novel! I love how you can see how much product is left which is very useful :P Such a shame that there isn't much product in one tube and that you used it up quickly :( I'm still on the lookout for a great hair treatment- I've been using a Herbal Essence one lately which smells amazing :P

    1. I do like this treatment, so I will be sad when it runs out.
      And I agree, the Herbal Essence products do smell very nice!


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