12 March 2013

Product Review: Aveeno Active Naturals Skin Relief Body Wash

I love body washes, and I usually load up the bathroom shelf with a few different ones, so that I can pick and choose what I feel like using in the morning. Some mornings I like a refreshing citrus body wash, and other days a girly floral one, and other days still, a subtle cream one. Here are my thoughts on the *fragrance free Aveeno Active Naturals Skin Relief Body Wash;

What They Say:
Aveeno Skin Relief Body Wash is creamy and soap-free. This body wash moisturises to relieve dry, itchy skin as it cleans. Wash formula contains colloidal oatmeal and menthol properties.

RRP: $9.95 (354ml) – Available from Priceline, and select pharmacies

What I Say:
I have to admit that I like scented body washes.  Normally I using scented body washes is not a problem for my skin as it is far from sensitive or dry, but lately, being 25 weeks pregnant, my tummy has started to itch a little – probably not made any better by the current heatwave we are experiencing here in Melbourne – so using an very gentle fragrance free body wash definitely doesn’t hurt.

The Aveeno Active Naturals Skin Relief Body Wash contains colloidal oatmeal, which has been clinically proven to moisturise and relieve dry skin, and provide temporary skin protection and when used in a bath treatment it can relieve minor itching and irritation due to rashes, poison ivy/oak/sumac, and insect bites.

The body wash also contains emollients and gentle cleansers, which along with the oatmeal claims to hold moisture even after you rinse to soothe dry, itchy all day long.

The body was is not only fragrance free, and dermatologist recommended, it is also soap free. Yet, it is lovely and creamy and it still easily lathers up into a soft foam. And afterwards my skin really does feel soft, smooth and moisturised, with no itchiness or dryness. However, I still feel like I need to use a body lotion afterwards, which I always do after a shower – and combined, it definitely helps soothe and take a lot of the itch out of my skin.  

In spite of being perfume free, it does have a slight gentle scent no doubt coming from the natural ingredients in the body wash.

All in all, this body wash is perfect for someone after something for sensitive skin or who didn't like strong scents. And as it really does help minimise my itchy skin on my pregnant tummy, I will definitely continue using it and repurchase again when I run out.
*This product was kindly provided for consideration, and it has been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

What’s your favourite body wash? Do you have sensitive skin? And how do you treat it? And any tips for an itchy pregnant tummy?



  1. I really like this body too, it's great for people with eczema and psoriasis and just general itchiness. There is also a lavender version that more calming benefits.

  2. I've not heard of the lavender one, I'll definitely check that out, it sounds lovely!


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