16 July 2013

Lust Have It – June Box – Review & Giveaway

I think all beauty fanatics around the world have fallen in love with the monthly beauty box subscriptions where a box full of surprise beauty products will arrive at your door every month. Here are my thoughts on the *Lust Have It June box; And well keep reading, as I will also tell you how to get a discount on your first box, as well as you have a chance of WINNING a Lust Have It box yourself…

What They Say:

Lust Have It boxes regularly contains products worth $60+ for only $19.95/mth! Monthly box filled with 5 to 6 premium beauty samples. Delivered to your home or work each month for you to try.
RRP: Lust Have It Box (monthly) RRP: $19.95, Eco Box (quarterly) RRP: $29.95 – but read on to find out how to get a discount on your first box.
Available from Lust Have It 

What I Say:
I was instantly impressed with the actual Lust Have It box, a pretty pink floral printed box, which I can definitely see being useful for storing other things such as jewellery.

The Lust Have It June box is using the Great Gatsby as the theme, saying that 'we feel in love with the fashion and beauty style of the 1920's….so much so that they decided to bring a few great classics'.

This is what was in the June Lust Have It Box;

Batiste Dry Shampoo in Cherry – 50ml (RRP $9.95, 200ml)
I usually wash my long thick hair every second day, and especially on the hot days, I swear by dry shampoo on the days that I do not wash my hair. And it is so handy to have at hand on the days where you just can’t get out of bed or running out of time. And having a new born, my days of taking all the time I wanted in the bathroom now seem to be over, and I’m sure there will be days where I have to skip another hair wash because my little boy is taking all my time and attention, and then this bottle will be so convenient.
But one thing about dry shampoos, I cannot say that I am loving the smell of them, and especially that I tends to stick around all day, so your little secret of using dry shampoo is obvious to all. So the cherry scent of this is a such a nice and refreshing change, and hopefully mean that you can keep your secret to yourself!!

Pure Fiji Hydrating Body Lotion in Coconut – sample bottle ($29.95, 354ml)

I have heard a lot of the Pure Fiji brand, but never actually tried any of their products, so I was very excited about this one. Well, that was until I saw that the body lotion is coconut scented, as sadly coconut is my least favourite scent, and I usually avoid it if I can!

The body lotion is made from a blend of coconut milk, raw honey and exotic nut extract and is high in antioxidants and nutrients to help revitalise, moisturise and balance the skin. And it is a very lovely body lotion. It absorbs quickly without leaving the skin feel greasy, but rather is so soft and smooth to touch and it feels so thoroughly moisturised. Ad as for the coconut scent, it luckily (for me!) does fade a little once the cream has absorbed into the skin, although there is still a faint coconut scent left on the skin for the rest of the day.

Real Purity Lipstick in Romantic Red & Crown Brush Disposable Lip Brush – sample (RRP US$15.00)
I have to be very honest and admit that I have never heard of this brand before so I didn’t really know what to expect. The lipstick as standard lipstick, but the sample in the Lust Have It box comes in a small round sample disc, and it comes with a small disposable Crown Lip Brush. I also have to be honest and admit that I rarely – ok correction; I NEVER use a lip brush to apply my lipsticks. I know that I really should, as it not only makes the lipstick look nicer, but also last longer!! But coming in a small pot, I simply had to use the provided brush to try the lipstick.

The lipstick appears to be quite pigmented, but once on the lips it is sheerer than I had expected, but I actually prefer that as I rarely use dark colored lipsticks, and much prefer using lip tints or lip glosses, so I will definitely get more wear out of this sheer formula. In saying that it is possible to build up the colour and get a darker and more saturated colour. The lipstick claims to make the lips appear fuller and more plumb, but I have to say that I did not notice any difference over other coloured lipsticks.

The Crown Lip Brush works well with the sample. The bristles are very soft but the actual brush is a little flimsy. I tried using one of my own lip brushes, and found it not only easier to use, but also that I got an even nicer result. But then again, you have to remember that it is a disposable brush, so naturally a ‘permanent’ brush is better, but still is a good addition to the lipstick sample pot, and without it I could imagine that some -surely there others out there like me never using a lip brush, and consequently not having one??

Aromatherapy Associates Signature Bath and Shower Oil – 3ml ($59.80, 55mm)

This is a "DE-Stress Mind" oil contains frankincense, petitgrain, wild camomile, and rosemary, and is to have focusing and clarifying powers and is to help you organize your thoughts, but without making you feel sleepy. The Oil can be added to your bath, or alternatively it can be smoothed over your body before showering.


The shower and bath oil smells absolutely divine, and leaves the skin feel so silky smooth and soft after each use. I could definitely get used to using this on a daily basis. It comes in a tiny glass vial with a gold lid, but even this small vial has a considerable value when a small 55ml bottle of this oil cost a staggering $55.80 – it is definitely the most expensive shower oil I have ever, and probably will ever use, as somehow I just cannot see myself spending that amount of money on such a small amount of bath product!!

Dr Babor Biogen Cellular Ultimate Repair Gel-Cream –sample size 5ml (RRP: $250 50ml)
I have heard about this brand before, but due to the hefty price tag of most of the products I have not had the pleasure of trying any of the products. I mean, this cream in its full size has a value of $250, which is certainly a bit more than I usually spend on a moisturiser. But in saying that, I am always curious to see what exactly such an expensive cream will deliver.
 The Dr Babor cream claims to a highly effective, intensely regenerating facial gel cream for improved skin appearance. I’m yet to try the cream, but will be sure to let you know my thoughts, that is, if the small sample pot is sufficient for me to really tell a difference. But I do look forward to trying it and I like the fact that it is a gel cream, as they are usually lighter and consequently agree better with my combination skin than heavy creams which often make my skin break out.

Overall, I thought this was a nice selection of products, which were all new to me. The only product that I have previously tried is the Batiste dry shampoo, but in another scent, so I will enjoy using and trialling all the products. On terms of value, I did expect to see at least one full sized product in the box, but then realising the value of especially the Dr Babor cream, it really did more than make up for the lack of a full sized product. And personally I Iove, and actually prefer trying products that I would not normally buy, or can’t afford to buy, so I’d much rather a small sample of an expensive cream, than a full sized product at a price where I would just buy it without batting an eyelid - so to me this box is really worth its $19.95 price tag.

And as I was introduced to completely new products I have really enjoyed this month’s box, and find that it has been value for money, and I can't wait to see what Lust Have It has in store for the July box which is out shortly…

In fact, Lust Have It has started giving teasers about what will be in the July box….don’t want to know… well then skip the next paragraph.

Lust Have It has revealed that every single Lust Have It July box will contain a full sixed Nude by Nature Natural Tinted Mineral Moisturiser with Sunscreen, valued at $19.95…  and that is the price of the box (well actually it’s just $14.95 if you make use of my discount code), so how good is that!!
* Product was kindly provided for consideration, and has reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

Discount Offer
Have you signed up to any monthly beauty subscription boxes? Thinking of trying the Lust Have It Box and getting a selection of new beauty products to try delivered to your door every month?

Each month the Lust Have It box includes 5 or 6 hand-picked beauty samples worth $60+ delivered to your door for only $19.95/mth. Some of the brands you can expect to trial include: Benefit, Shiseido, Kerastase, Glasshouse and Laura Mercier to name a few. 
For more information, check out the Lust Have It website
And if you use my unique code LIFESTYLE at the checkout on the Lush Have It website, you are eligible for $5 off your first box. And this includes both the Lust Have It Box and the Eco Box, and at the same time you’ll also be supporting Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter, as I will get a few dollars too if someone subscribes using this code.

Well now on to the good news… the nice people at Lust Have It are wanting to give away 10…..yep, that’s right 10 Lust Have it boxes to Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter readers. This means that ten lucky readers have a chance to win a box each. How good is that!!!

The boxes are mystery boxes, and have no particular theme, so I don’t even know what will be in them….(which means that the image below is just an example of products you could get). But being a mystery box just makes it even more exciting, doesn’t it!!

So what do you have to do to win…
Well entry is very easy, simply follow the prompts in the Rafflecopter widget below.

Note, it is REQUIRED to follow The Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter by either GFC or Bloglovin' (you’ll get extra entries if you follow me on both!), as well as it is REQUIRED that you post a comment below (and make sure that you include your GFC/Bloglovin' name with your blog comment, failure to follow these steps, and unfortunately you will be disqualified. And remember that you can get extra entries as well by selecting more options in the Rafflecopter widget.

Also note that:
Note that this giveaway is open to AUSTRALIA ONLY (so sorry to my international friends, I promise that I will do an international giveaway very soon..)

The giveaway begins today, the 16th July 2013, and ends on the 12th August 2013.

You will be banned from future giveaways if you're only following my blog on GFC, Facebook, Bloglovin, or SheSaidBeauty, because of this giveaway and un-follow straight after.

From contacted, the winner has 48 hours to respond with their address details. Failure to respond within this timeframe will result in a new winner being drawn.

Note that Lust Have It will send the prize directly to the lucky winners. I take no responsibility for lost, misdirected or damaged mail.

Good luck everyone!



  1. Thank you for such a lovely and generous giveaway! :)
    I just found your Blog through BH & am following you on Bloglovin. :)
    Have a nice day! <3 CandyFairy. xx

  2. I would love to win because I don't have a beauty subscription & would really love to experience one! :)

  3. every girl loves a little surprise full of goodies!

  4. With my constantly changing post-pregnancy skin, I'd love to try some new products on it to see if they will work! Plus being a stay at home mummy now, I feel a bit out of the loop with skincare beauty products lately, so this would be a lovely way to ease back into looking after myself :)

  5. Thanks for the awesome comp, I think receiving a little mystery box of goodies is a great idea. And Im reading The Great Gatsby at the moment so that must be fate :)

  6. I'd really like to try out a beauty subscription to see if it is worth signing up for! The idea of mystery beauty gifts in the mail is exciting :)

  7. I have never had one and to have a pampering all to myself would be very special :)

  8. Great give away, I think I may try lust have it anyway with the discount code :) thanks!

  9. Hi Karina,
    Lovely to see you blogging again.

    I would love to win a LHI box, as I don’t have a subscription but love reading all of the reviews on the products. I am trying to save for a holiday at the moment so no subscriptions for me unless I win a box and absolutely fall in love with it.

    Bloglovin username: jess77
    GFC name: JessJ

  10. I gave up all my beauty box subscriptions just before I went overseas. I can tell you I'm torn about getting involved with them again. I love trying the new products that they offer but I also love the extra cash I have since canceling!

  11. I'm trying to save for a house so have cut out most luxury spending but i've been dying to try these Lust Have It boxes since they come out!! This would be amazing to try with so many products! I'm following on GFC and my username is and-there-you-were :)

  12. A fabulous way to try new and absolutely delicious products.

    GFC: Mary Preston
    Bloglovin: Mary Preston - Marybelle

  13. WOuld love to win this to spend some tlc on me! Being a mum days can be long and stressful and nothing beats something so small to pamper yourself with to mean so much, can treansform robot to mum in seconds!

  14. I would love to try this box out because that coconut lotion sounds delicious!
    GFC: Mishelle's Sleepy Time

  15. What a great surprise box! I love surprises, and would sit diwn with the box, and a diet coke and have great fun going through it!

    I follow you on bloglovin kim maree

  16. Love the surprise element of the boxes! I enjoyed your review above, I would totally have been happy with this box - isn't the point to discover new things we haven't had before?

    My bloglovin' username is cattyfreshbread and I'll be following you from now on!

    Oh I have a blog too but it's a food blog, not sure if you are interested :) foodsider.wordpress.com

  17. Fabulous giveaway. I love beauty boxes and the surprises that come in them. I am following you on bloglovin' and my user name is: addylou :)

  18. I've always been curious about the LHI box but have never subscribed. Would be great to actually have one then decide one way or another to subscribe or not. Is always great to try before you buy. I follow on Bloglovin..tanyamaree33 and GFC..Tanya Maree

  19. I love trying new things and when someone else is choosing the products it's a great way to discover products that I wouldn't normally pick! Plus the box is soooo pretty!
    GFC name is Charmaine Campbell

  20. What a generous giveaway! I would love to win because I love the idea that LHI offers an eco-box, because I'm a hippy, eco-loving beauty chick :)
    My GFC is E-von Lee-Arevalo

  21. These boxes look fantastic!
    I am following you via GFC (Lynsey S) and Bloglovin' (LynzStevo), and I have liked you on facebook =)

    .. Thanks for the chance! I'm off to check out Lust Have It's website! x

  22. I'd love to win a Lust Have It box because I dropped my subscription from them a while ago and I would love to see what sort of goodies they contain these days. (GFC Cathy O)

  23. I would love to win a Lust Have It Box as I've never been subscribed to them before but have admired their boxes every month. Would love to have one of my own. Sub boxes are great to try out products you may not have even heard of/looked at before!

    GFC -TriedandTested Blog
    BlogLovin' - TriedandTestedBlog

  24. I would love to try this box out because it's a great way to discover brands that is unknown for me yet.
    My GFC is- Olga Chikurova

  25. I'd like to win because I love the feeling of opening a subscription box filled with beauty goodies. (GFC: Melissa Jones) Thanks for the chance :)

  26. Hi Karina, I'd love to win one of the Lust Have it Box because I have never tried a subscription (and the boxes look super elegant!). I am also a sucker for samples - it's really the best way to try anything new without shelling out the big dollars!

    I have followed as Nightlace on GFC and also bloglovin' as Jenny.

    Thank you!
    Jenny xx

  27. Oh don't we all love a surprise. Being pampered would mean missing out on squabbling kids, spilt milk over the kitchen table, a toddler who loves to throw her bowl of food on the floor, family who can't put anything of theirs away without a personal invitation, kids who forget to flush the loo.

    To feel pampered by Lust Have It. I know which one I'd choose!

    (I follow you on:
    BLOGLOVIN - bonnie-kate
    GFC - rm.newell
    SHE SAID BEAUTY - Rachel Kriss-Newell )

  28. At the end of every payday, i never have a cent left over for me. My moisturiser is plain old sorbolene cream which either has no scent or a noxious smell. You'd never find a mroe grateful recipient than this home here.

  29. GFC Fawn M

    As a beauty product addict there is no doubt at all that I would and am very interested to get my hands on these wonderful surprise beauty packages.

  30. entered
    gfc/fb togato antonella
    email/bloglovin giglio-82@hotmail.it

    i love this giveaway!

  31. As a mum, luxury is the last thing on my mind, as I always put my family first. Love to have some luxury and feel special and have some excitement in my life with a mystery Lust Have It, Beauty Subscription Box. It will feel like christmas and would be amazing surprise. I follow you on GFC as Cathy Stone and bloglovin as Cathy Stone. Thank you for a great giveaway.

  32. Lust have lust have!
    Another fab give-away beauty and lifestyle hunter!

  33. It would be nice to get something in the mail other than bills and catalogue!

  34. I've wanted one of this for ages!! I'd love to try out a subscription box for once, and have had my eye on LHI.

  35. I would love to win a Lust Have It Box, I have never had one. Its very exciting getting a parcel of goodies not knowing exactly what the contents are...thankyou for an awesome giveaway. My name on GFC and Bloglovin is Lea Anita Black

  36. I would love to win a box... all the items speak to me, especially the aromatherapy products... I've been pretty stressed lately and all these products would definitely help me de-stress. pamper away~! Awesome giveaway!

  37. I'd love to experience the excitement of opening a mystery Lust Have It Box, a subscription that I'd love to sign up to but the spending ban fairies are telling me no way :(
    Name on BlogLovin': spunkx

  38. I'd love to win a box purely for the excitement of opening it and checking out all the goodies! It's also a brilliant way of trying new products before going to pay full price for them in the shops.
    I follow you on Bloglovin as Effie Bakkalis

  39. Beauty goodies AND mystery? I need nothing else to make my day a happy one! :D
    Bloglovin' - jbmarigold

  40. I just love surprises! There's nothing better than a nice surprise! Polly Pauline

  41. I'd love a Mystery box, It would be like Christmas every month!

    GFC - mandachic84

  42. I want to win because I love trying new items. I could even share with friends. Plus, I am a sucker for things like grab bags. My GFC name is June Lisle :)

  43. I follow on GFC as June Lisle and on Bloglovin as faithandfreebies. Have a nice day.

  44. I'd love a chance to try some new items without having to decide what to buy!
    I follow on GFC Wendy Sutcliffe.

  45. I would love to just receive a box of goodies to play with!

    GFC: themissus

    Thanks lovely!


  46. I would love to win this as I have never tried a sample box before!

  47. I would love to win this amazing prize because as a mother of 2 boys and newborn baby girl I don't have a great deal of spare time for myself. This would be like a special little treat just for me! It sounds like bliss.

    Thanks for the chance.
    GFC, Bloglovin & She Said Beauty: Kell Kelly


  48. I subscribe to Lust Have It and am now ADDICTED to getting my monthly box! I would love to win a mystery box.. more products to meet and try :)
    GFC Loz
    Bloglovin Polish & Patterns (Loz P)

  49. I also linked your giveaway on my sidebar http://polishpatterns.blogspot.com.au/ :)

  50. Cool giveaway! I would love to win this because I have read SO many blogger's post about these boxes yet never tried one myself!
    GFC: Candice
    Bloglovin: http://www.bloglovin.com/youreview
    Email: candiceyoureview@yahoo.com

  51. Great giveaway. I would like to win as I've heard so many things about these boxes but just don't have the money for it.

    GFC: Cindy N
    Email: aussieheartsbeauty@gmail.com

  52. Beautiful beauty goodies AND a Lustful surprise... my two favourite treats!
    GFC: Jennifer B.

  53. Such a lovely giveaway! I love these things - they are such a good idea although I am yet to find a natural one with quality products - until now! I'd love to win (of course!) I've followed on GFC & Bloglovin - my username is Kelsey Price :-)

  54. I'd love to win a subscription because im a beauty fanatic who is always trying new products, which leaves my wallet quite light at times! i feel this would be a great way to find new products to love.
    GFC: hayley bannister
    email: hayley_shortie_22@hotmail.com

  55. I love makeup & beauty products-but I'm on a tight budget with 2 kids and our foster cats (plus our own cats), I've also never had a subscription box of any variety-I think it would be very fun & exciting! GFC: kim adsit & Bloglovin: raine38 (Raine buzzyngabe(at)yahoo.com)

  56. I am apart of other monthly subscription services and I would love to try this one as well. I love trying new products and getting the packages every month are so fun!

    GFC Name: Justina McNear
    Bloglovin Name & Email: Justina Who / mcnearjm@gmail.com

  57. beautifull giveaway.
    I love beauty boxes and
    the surprises that come in them
    gfc bloglovin fb Carla Antognoni

  58. Every box a surprise! Every surprise a delight!
    Winning one of these boxes? I hope I might!!

  59. Would love to see what's in one of LHI's mystery boxes, as their regular boxes aren't doing much for me lately.

  60. I'd love to win a Lust Have It box because I love everything beauty, love trying new products, love surprises and have never tried the Lust Have It box service before!

    Logged into rafflecopter as Dianne Childs
    GFC name - Di from Max The Unicorn
    Bloglovin username - http://bloglovin.com/maxtheunicorn (Di Carter)
    djchilds @ hot mail dot com

  61. I am your newest follower on Google Friends and love this giveaway
    teenage girls in the house like to steal my makeup away
    solve the problem, that's for sure
    Lust Have It boxes delivered to the door

    Smiles, Alannah at http://luvbooks_alannah.blogspot.com

  62. PS. I think I may have mistyped my blog address on my prior entry...it is
    http://luvbooks-alannah.blogspot.com, with a hyphen not an underscore! :)

  63. I'd love to win a LHI box for my mum, she never treats herself and she loves surprises!
    Following on GFC and bloglovin as Hissycat Krissy

  64. Lust Have It was the very first subscription beauty box that I got! It's probably the most consistent in terms of value for money.

    GFC Amy


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