1 July 2013

It's a Boy

After a very long and stressful journey trying to get pregnant, (which you can read about here), my husband and I are excited to finally announce that our son Oliver joined this world on Thursday the 20th of June.

Due to give birth on the 21st of June, I was booked into be induced on the morning of the 20th of June, but the hospital suddenly got busy, so at 5pm the day before going to the hospital I got the call that I had been bumped until Friday morning. I had mentally prepared for this date, so I was upset about this, even just one day seemed to be forever!

But the little man had other ideas, as in the early hours of the morning of the 20th June, at 4.15am my water broke, so we ended up going to the hospital at the same time as I initially was supposed to have been there. 

Labour was a long almost 10 hours (or hours from my waters broke), but in spite of the pain both during, and the discomfort I still have 11 days later, it was so worth it.

Our little Oliver was born weighing a healthy 3,535kgs and 51cm long, and ok, I may be just a touch biased, but he is just so beautiful and gorgeous!

The journey since then has already been a bit of a ride, and during our stay at the hospital he spent 24 hours in phototherapy.

Monday the 24th of June we finally came home, and the next days just passed so quickly, and we were enjoying being a little family. Oliver was so easy to care for, although we did have to go get some blood tests a few times during the week to ensure that he was beating the jaundice.

Sadly on Friday evening, he turned into a little horror, and just wouldn’t settle or stop crying. Neither my husband or I slept that night. On Saturday morning we went to our GP to get him checked out, and were sent to the emergency department at the hospital.

Oliver being newborn, it was taken very seriously and we luckily didn’t have a long wait. But as the hospital wasn’t geared up to such small children, were sent to another hospital, where we unfortunately were waiting in the emergency department for what seemed like forever. Until they finally found that he had an infection, which lucky just turned out to be a skin infection and not an infection of his whole body. So Oliver and I had to spend a sleepless night at the hospital so he could be treated with antibiotics intravenously.


Fortunately he responded well to the antibiotics, and the next day at lunchtime we were sent home again, although for the next week we have to force some yucky ill tasting antibiotics into him, as well as put some ointment on the little sores on his body. But Oliver is already getting better, which is the main thing, as for the jaundice, he finally seems to be beating that as well.

Now happily home again we are all relaxing, and catching up on some much needed sleep, and simply enjoying having our little boy home. 

Needless to say that my husband and I are both over the moon, we are both so in awe and so love with Oliver. He has been well worth the wait.


Thank you all for all your well wishes on my previous posts, and for sticking around while I’ve been MIA!! And while I can’t quite promise that I’m yet to return to my previous blogging schedule, I will certainly do my best to post more regularly.



  1. What a beautiful little boy you have! Congratulations, and enjoy this precious time you have with a new little addition to the family!

  2. What a gorgeous little boy Oliver is! Congrats on the arrival and enjoy the new addition to your family :)

    Sarah xxx

  3. Welcome, Oliver and congrats to the parents :)! He's such a little treasure :)!


  4. Congratulations! He is beautiful! :)

  5. Aww he's adorable! Absolutely gorgeous :)

  6. Congratulations......he is such a cutie... :)

  7. He is just beautiful hun, many congratulations, enjoy being a mummy xx


  8. Awwwww he's adorable! Good to see that he's making a quick recovery! Congrats to you and your hubby and I hope you don't have to go through any more health issues with your new bundle, can't imagine how stressful it must be.

  9. Congratulations! What a little cutie :) glad that mum and bub (and hubby!) are all doing well now.

  10. he is absolutely beautiful, so glad to hear he is making a speedy recovery. x

  11. Brilliant brilliant brilliant news! Huge congrats! He is so gorgeous. The same thing happened to me as you - I had a Caesar scheduled for a Friday,got a call late thurs telling me that it had been postponed until the following tuesday. Like you, I was all primed to give birth the next day so was a total emotional mess when it was cancelled (I had a routine appointment at the hospital that day and couldnt stop bawling my eyes out, was trying not to let any of the other pregnant women see me cry as i didnt want to freak them out. Unlike Oliver though, Kiki didnt make an early appearance (although the caesar did get rescheduled yet again to the monday).

  12. Hey is beautiful and I love his name!

  13. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! Oliver is just precious!

  14. Congratulations! Welcome to the world Oliver :)

  15. Congratulations! I am so happy for you :-) he is absolutely gorgeous

  16. Congratulations!!! He's gorgeous! :)

  17. Congratulations honey, Oliver is beautiful and i'm glad he is a healthy little boy.. Enjoy him xx


  18. Congratulations! He's simply beautiful! Xx


  19. Congratulations! He is beautiful!

  20. Congratulations Karina- he's gorgeous ! Glad to hear all is going well for you and the bub :)

  21. Congratulations to you and your family Karina, what an adorable little guy. I'm sure he will bring endless love into your life and will be keeping you very busy for the next couple of months. Well done, he's super handsome <3

  22. Congratulations my darling girl! I wish you, hubby and Oliver nothing but happiness and lots of love. Let's hope he gets better quickly and is a happy little boy. xoxox Tammerly


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