21 April 2013

Industry News: Lush Charity Pot and Earth Day

Tomorow, the 22nd April 2013 is Earth Day. In case you are not aware, Earth Day aims to inspire awareness of and appreciation for earth's environment, and it should not be confused with Earth Hour.

Earth Day is usually celebrated with outdoor performances, where individuals or groups perform acts of service to earth. Typical ways of observing Earth Day include planting trees, picking up roadside trash, conducting various programs for recycling and conservation, using recyclable containers for snacks and lunches. Some people are encouraged to sign petitions to governments, calling for stronger or immediate action to stop global warming and to reverse environmental destruction. Television stations frequently air programs dealing with environmental issues.

The April 22 Earth Day, founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson, was first organized in 1970 to promote ecology and respect for life on the planet as well as to encourage awareness of the growing problems of air, water and soil pollution. You can find more information about Earth Day here.

Cosmetics and skincare are products most females use on a daily basis, which also means they can have a huge impact on the environment!

You can start demonstrating your support for environmental protection by using eco-friendly cosmetics from a brand that truly cares. LUSH guarantees beautiful, fresh and effective products, while working to reduce at a maximum our impact on the planet.

A great example of LUSH’s care for the planet and the communities is Lush Charity Pot.

The Charity Pot project (where all proceeds, minus GST, go to charities) enables fantastic support for grass root causes. Since the launch in 2007, sales of the hand and body lotion have raised over $1.4million for over 500 groups working in conservation, transport, environmental issues, animal rescue and protection and human rights. Examples of the groups we’ve supported include: Human Society International, Music Outback, Fundacion Fauna de la Amazonia, Sea Shepherd, Positive Change for Marine Life, Men of the Trees, Australian Marriage Equality, Rize of the Morning Star etc.

The Lush Charity Pot contains a hand and body lotion is made with skin-softening cocoa butter and almond oil to make your skin feel lovely, and it has a scent you’ll want to sniff all day long. Every penny that you pay for it - excluding the GST, will go into our Lush Charity Pot Fund, which is then given to the various organisations we support. Each pot has a label on it telling you a little story about one of the charities, good causes, and hand-picked groups that Lush has supported. You can find out more about the projects Lush is currently supporting with this money, by visiting the Lush Charity Support page.

RRP: $8 (45g), $14.50 (95g), $32.50 (240g) – Available from Lush stores and Lush Online

Will you be supporting Earth Day? What do you think of the Lush Charity Pot? And what is your favourite Lush product?

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