1 January 2015


How is your bank account looking after Xmas? Mine is certainly looking a bit lean at the moment, and certainly didn’t help that the insurance excess of $700 just came through from when recently backed my car into a tree so the whole bumper had to be repaired, or that we have a huge obstetrician free that is due very shortly.. So I’ve purposely stayed away from the Boxing Day sales this year, as then I simply wouldn’t be tempted. Besides, we’ve probably spoilt our little boy a little too much – felt he deserved it as last year, his very first Xmas was spent at the Royal Children’s Hospital with croup, so we wanted to make sure he had a fantastic Xmas this year!

If you feel you’re in the same boat, for some reason or another, fret not – because my new giveaway will at least make sure that you can start 2015 with the healthiest hair you’ve ever had – thanks to my good friends at bhave, they would like to spoil one very lucky Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter reader with a massive haircare pack with all their best-sellers – which also happen to be my all-time favourites.

You can win: 

This amazing haircare pack has a value of over $200!! Whoa!!!
You can see my full reviews of all these products by clicking the product links below. I tell you, these products are incredible. As a beauty blogger I do get the opportunity to trial more haircare products than most, but after a trial, I always return to my favourite and trusted bhave products!
So what do you have to do to be the lucky winner - simply follow the prompts in the Rafflecopter form below - But make sure you read the rules first..
  • The giveaway begins today, the 1st January 2015 and finishes on the 15th January 2015
  • This giveaway is open to AUSTRALIAN RESIDENTS ONLY
  • It is a requirement to follow the Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter by either GFC or Bloglovin
  • From contacted, the winner has 48 hours to respond with their address details. Failure to respond within this timeframe will result in a new winner being drawn
  • Prize pack will be sent directly from bhave, and neither bhave or I will take any responsibility for damaged, lost or misdirected mail.
 God Luck Everyone! 



  1. I had BHave treatment last year and it was the best thing for my hair! Wonderful giveway! Happy 2015 x

  2. I am in a quandary at the moment as to what to do with my hair. I have always had long hair due to it being so fine and not a lot of it - I could always disguise it when up to make it look thicker. But since reaching my 40s I have lost a lot of hair. I am now seriously considering going very short and will need all the best hair products to help me on my road to success, as I'm not overly confident with what style and how to manage it.

  3. Oh yes please! The only Bhave product I've tried is Riot Control. I won it from Beautyheaven, and I love it. I desperately want to try more from their range.

  4. I'd love to win this haircare pack,
    to whip my hair back into shape,
    to give me full, bouncy, flowing, healthy, shiny hair!

    Following on Bloglovin (username Ange33)
    Following on GFC (username Ange L)

  5. Just bought a hair straightener, not a GHD sadly, much cheaper, these products would be amazing to use with it to make my hair shiny and manageable. Happy New Year!!! :)

    Blovlovin (ChezzaGee)
    GFC (Chezzie63)

  6. One of my New Year beauty resolutions is to look after my hair better! I'm blessed with thick, long hair and I haven't done much with it. I really shouldn't take it for granted and I'm determined to make more effort. This bhave pack will be perfect :) I follow you via Bloglovin (stackcats) and GFC (Fei Wilsmore-McCluskey)

  7. I wash my hair everyday, these products will help my hair Bhave.

  8. Perfect hair that will Bhave!

  9. I'm 45 with chronic health conditions where I need to take 40 tablets a day. All these chemicals have taken a toll on my hair and I've been thinning and lost all the moisture from it and it's just gone lifeless. I need to use a decent hair care brand but unfortunately cannot afford one...my fingers are crossed for this <3 thanks for the opportunity and I would like to wish everyone good luck!

  10. I'd love REALLY GOOD haircare products to rescue my lifeless hair, which needs some boost to look fresh and enhanced in the new year to give me a new look.
    GFC: Melissa Jones
    Bloglovin': melissajones5

  11. i follow as carly bates
    i think that this is an awesome pack and it is a brand that i always see in the hairdressers but it is out of my price range. having three kids and bills will do that to your wallet lol.

  12. My hairs been neglected pretty much, with cheap products and I would love this to nourish and give my hair some life! Thanks for a fantastic giveaway lovely!

  13. Being a Mum in a rush and not having the time to spend on my hair...i find my hair never B---HAVES! I can go from being all dressed up to my hair being a total mess. I would love to be able to tame my wild locks and finally have some b-have treatment that is in desperate need or else i'm going to invest in some cats and be known as the crazy lady with the messy hair and cats.

  14. following on bloglovin - Aimee Tatham :)

  15. Unfortunately my hair and heat don't mix. I'm washing my hair twice as much and I still look like someone threw a bucket of oil over my head!!! It's not pretty, I need to bring in the big guns for this, I need a Bhave haircare pack to sort myself out...
    GFC: Sarah Dean
    Bloglovin': missysld

  16. With hair that seems to have a mind of it's own, I can never rely on it to do what I want it to. With curls that go left or right, up or down, over curl or flatten, dry and frizzy or just plain dull, my hair drives me nuts. All I want is for it to Bhave....is that too much to ask?

  17. I want to win this because my hair is not doing too good right now and needs a pick me up!!!(:

  18. After having recently given birth to a wonderful baby son, I have for the past 6 weeks experienced the dreaded post-pregnancy hair loss, and feel that I almost only have half my hair left... so I am in desperate need of some fantastic hair products to help me get my hair back to its best condition. This bhave product pack sounds amazing, and I am sure it will make what hair I have remaining on my head look much fuller and healthier than ever. Would love to win such an amazing prize!

  19. As I may have forgotten to buy a present for a certain lady in my life (sister).
    - Ben

  20. With all this hot humid weather, my hair is uncontrollable - dry and frizzy and I could definitely use some bhave products to tame this wild mass of hair!

  21. I've tried the Rescue shampoo in this range and it's fabulous, the best I've ever used, but unfortunately there's no stockists within 50km of where I live, so I would LOVE this huge pack!

  22. Fingers crossed for me...this range sounds like a dream!

  23. I need my hair to bhave, I even had a big chop recently to try and control it, but just like my children, it has a mind of it's own!
    Follow on FB, GFC, Bloglovin etc as Charmaine Campbell
    Instagram - charmaine7
    Twitter - CharCampbell4

  24. I need a whole new regime for my curly locks which are not looking great. Have heard wonderful things about Bhave so would be thrilled to win this fabulous pack.

  25. I have just had my hair cut and coloured, and I love it, best cut ever, and I would love this gorgeous BHave haircare to keep it looking beautiful

  26. What an awesome giveaway! I've read great reviews on BH, but my budget won't allow me every new thing I want to try out.

  27. The rafflecopter isn't showing for me. I commented & opted in to follow on Bloglovin. Help!

    1. Sometimes I find that the Rafflecopter plays up when you are using Internet Explorer....I sometimes have the same issue. If you have (or can install) Google Chrome and open the link that way, I find it often helps.

    2. Oh no, I missed the deadline! I had trouble downloading Chrome & then I forgot to follow up! Thanks for the tip anyway, I've had rafflecopter problems before, I'll know what to do next time.

  28. Such luxurious giveaway!!! I haven't tried Bhave as it's too exxy for me but I have read so many good reviews about this brand! Hopefully I win so I can pamper my hair! :)


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