28 January 2013

Product Review: Nivea Lip Butter

It is only a short while ago I posted about the New Nivea Lip Butters being launched, and as I absolutely love Nivea products, and always find them such great value for money, I happily accepted when I was asked to trial the Nivea Lip Butter in Vanilla & Macadamia. Here are my thoughts;

What They Say:
"Nivea Lip Butters instantly melt on your lips when applied, providing long-lasting nourishment with every application. With this in mind, Nivea introduces the new Lip Butters range, providing rich moisturisation and treating your senses to a buttery soft formula and delicious scent". 

RRP: $5.49 – Available from Priceline, Supermarkets and Select Pharmacies from mid-April, 2013

What I Say:
I love Nivea products, and have fond memories of using the original Nivea Cream in the blue tin when I was little. Those were the times when hair treatment and leave-in hair treatments were not as common as they are today, so often the Nivea cream was used as a weekly treatment in my long hair – and believe me, it works!!

My dog Jazz loves Nivea too!

When I was living in Europe I used to use Nivea makeup and lipsticks, but sadly those products are not available here in Australia! And apart from the lipsticks, I don’t think I have ever tried a Nivea lip product before.

The Nivea Lip Butter, comes in a cute little flat tin. The butters themselves are just the right texture and hardness - they're not so hard that you have to rub your finger around loads to transfer some on to it and they're not that soft that you dig a big hole or make an indentation in the surface of the product when you poke your finger in slightly too hard either.

The formula of the lip butter is a very thick, creamy texture that smoothly glides over the lips and instantly feels lovely and hydrating on the lips. Not sticky in any way.

I have been using the lip butter throughout the day and even when the lip butter has worn off, it leaves my lips super smooth and moisturised. It gives the lips just a touch of shine so the lip butter works great on its own, but it also works brilliantly under a lipstick.

I have also been using at night, applying a thick layer, and when I wake up in the morning my lips are so soft and smooth.

Some people may prefer using lip balms in a stick version, but personally I find that the little tin is just as handy to carry around in your handbag or pocket. It is a good size to just rub straight onto your lips too (which I have to admit to doing at times!) and the pan is shallow enough to do this until it is almost empty I could imagine.

Nivea's lip butter range comes in three "flavours" - Caramel Cream, Vanilla Macadamia, and Unscented, and unlike other “flavoured” lip balms, they do not actually have any taste, which personally I actually prefer. I trialled the Vanilla Macadamia, which has a nutty scent with a slight hint of vanilla. The scent is gentle, pure and heavenly, not sweet and sickly. They are scented enough to smell when applying but yet so subtle that I can’t smell the scent when on my lips.

You only need a tiny amount to soothe over your lips, so the tin which has a generous size with 19ml (compared to other lip balms, which are usually only 5-7g!) so it will last you quite a long time, so at $5.49 it is a bargain buy!

All in all, these lip butters are perfect for anyone with dry or chapped lips as well as perfect for anyone to maintain soft and subtle lips, and I will definitely be trying the other flavors as soon as they are available!
*This product was kindly provided for consideration, and it has been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

What do you think of these new Lip Butters from Nivea? What your favourite lip balm?



  1. Aww your dog is adorable!! I can't hand anything like that to my dogs because they will instantly rip them up! Haha, the rascals.

    I love Nivea products too, I can't wait to be able to get this from Priceline in April!

    1. Yeah, my dog is adorable, and she thinks so herself too!!!
      I love Nivea too, always great value for money!

  2. I love Nivea. Their "A Kiss Of Moisture" lip balm is my fav. Great review :)

    Your dog is so cute!

    <3, Mel

    1. Thanks Mellie!! Yeah my dog is cutie...and always plays on it as well!!
      I love Nivea too!!

  3. I'm so jealous that you got to try it! I can't wait for it to come in stores :)

    1. Yeah, I feel very luck too. Its a great product, and at such a bargain price too!

  4. I think I like your dog more than the lip butter ;) xx


  5. Caramel cream sounds yummy! My favourite lip balms are the Korres Lip Butters :)

    1. The Caramel one does sound good too, although im not sure how sweet it would be.
      I've never tried Korres lip butters, but have read some very good reviews!

  6. Sounds lovely. When are they available in stores?

    1. The Lip Butters will be available in the stores mid-April.

  7. "My dog Jazz loves Nivea too!" Too funny lol

    1. How funny....obviously both a good taste for bargain products!! lol

  8. Replies
    1. They are very nice, and come at a great bargain price too!

  9. Very nice lip butter,,i will try this lip balm ...i love Nivea product very much it is very good in quality and very smooth. Thanks for the review.

    Oncology & Cancer Surgery India

    1. Thanks a lot!! Yes, it is a very good product and for a great price too!!

  10. I doubt your dog would like Nivea very much, seeing as they test on animals ...


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