6 October 2016


I don't think I know of a single female in our group of friends, including mother's group, who does not complain about unsightly stretchmarks. Now, stretchmarks come for a lot of different reason, but one of them is rapid weight loss or gain - and hence many get these during pregnancies, and sadly, they often don't disappear again. I've been fairly lucky in that I've gone through two pregnancies, where I each time gained over 16kgs, that I didn't really get any major stretchmarks. I am not sure if its in my genes, or because I vigorously applied fatty moisturisers, especially onto y tummy several times a day -not actually to prevent stretchmarks, but more to try to calm the frustrating itchiness. 


That said I did get a few tiny tiny ones on my thighs - now, I am really not that bothered about them, firstly because they are that small, (if they were bigger and deeper, I'm sure I wouldn't be happy), but I guess that I've just accepted that it is just one of those things that happens when you have children.

Anyway, I was offered to trial Stratamark, so I happily accepted...

When the tube arrived in the mail, I was a little chocked. That tiny 20g tube! Seriously. And here I was slathering creams on my body during my pregnancy by the handfuls, surely this tiny wouldn't even cover one application, but I was very wrong. While it does come in a larger 50g tube as well, the smaller 20g tube can last you a couple of months, or at least a month if you are at the latter stages of pregnancy.

And yes, it is also suitable for use during pregnancy, lactation or for those with very sensitive skin. 
The stratamark is a gel that has been designed to prevent and treat stretchmarks, helping to soften and flatten them, as well as reduce redness and discolouration, and relieve any itching and discomfort. 

The gel is clear and has no scent, and it is also very light, and because of its formula, only the tiniest amount is needed, and hence why the small tube will last a very long time. When it is dry, it forms a think, flexible and protective layer on the skin, which is gas permeable and waterproof, and which allows the skin to normalise the collagen synthesis cycle, while hydrating and protecting it.

After having used the Stratamark Stretch Marks on my stretchmarks I am very pleased to say that they definitely appear less visible, and far smaller and not as deep in size. The were never red or discoloured, so I cannot comment on that, but overall I am very impressed. Again, I need to reinstate that my stretchmarks were very small to begin with, but if you have larger and more prominent stretchmarks, I'd highly recommend that you try Stratamark, as really, you've got nothing to lose!

Stratamark Stretch Marks - RRP: $49.95 / 20g - $89.95 / 50g

Available from Select Pharmacies Or for more information visit Stratamark Online 
* Products have been kindly provided for consideration, and have reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.


1 comment

  1. Hi! Can you tell me if the gel is like an ultrasound gel or is it sticky/slightly tacky and runny in consistency. Is it clear or cloudy?



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