3 June 2014


Did you see my post last week, where I shared the start of my journey through HYPOXI? If not, I suggest you check it out here.

HYPOXI helps to increase blood circulation, accelerating fat metabolism and detoxifying the connective tissue especially targeting stomach, hips, legs and buttocks, - or in other words, those areas women are always complaining about. According to HYPOXI, this reads to fast visible results that are long-term, so they won’t reverse as soon as you stop the treatments.

I have been using the L-250 which requires your lower half to be enclosed in an airtight vacuum alternating pressure chamber during the exercise. In this chamber, the therapy is applied to stimulate circulation in the problem areas, in order to remove fat and toxins from the stimulated tissue. The result is slimmer legs and a more tuned buttock!

And in spite of being quite unfit, not having done any exercise since before getting pregnant, and now only going for walks with the pram and the dogs, the 30 minute exercise is easy as, and while I do manage to work up a little sweat, it is in no way strenuous - and the 30 minutes go so quickly too, thanks to the lovely staff at HYPOXi Berwick making it such an enjoyable experience.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I am not expecting to see huge results and loss of weight and centimetres, as I don’t believe that I have a huge amount to loose – but what I would love to see, is a more toned area. Obviously no treatment and weight loss is instant, but already after just three sessions, I can both see and feel a difference….

And as you can see, the measurements speak for themselves…


So there you go… in spite of actually gaining 300gms since the initial weigh-in (must have been that visit to Adriana Zumba’s Patisserie!), I have actually lost a total of 4.5 centimetres… Wow!! May not sound like a lot, but again, this is after just three sessions, so I am quite excited about this, and what the next weigh-in will reveal..

For more information, make sure to visit the HYPOXI website, where you can also book in for a free trial session…

And make sure to check back in again next weeks to hear about my progress..

*These HYPOXI sessions were kindly provided for consideration, and have been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

What do you think of HYPOXI? Keen on trying?


  1. It sounds very good! Thank you for the tip! :)

    ❤ ✿ MY BLOG ✿ ❤

    1. Yeah, the results are definitely there - I cannot wait to see the end result in a few weeks..


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