6 November 2013

Product Review: John Plunkett Skincare Essentials Glyco Peel

Once upon a time when I was working, and had no house mortgage I was more frivolous with my money than I am today as a stay-at-home mum with a four month old, two dogs and yep, a mortgage too. But way back when, I used to have regular facials, well at least every few months, including glycolic peels. And I loved being pampered and of course how soft and smooth it made my skin feel. I would love continue with regular facials, but sadly these days it is just not that realistic, even just finding the time would be difficult. That’s why I got so excited when I was asked to trial the *John Plunkett Skincare Essentials Glyco Peel 25% Glycolic Acid Night-Time Exfoliator;

What They Say:
"John Plunkett Skincare Essentials Glyco Peel is a clinical-strength night-time exfoliator that contains 25 per cent glycolic acid. It works by exfoliating the skin’s outer layer overnight, helping to remove old, dull surface skin cells. It aids the reduction of fine lines and surface discolouration, leaving the skin looking youthful and refreshed. It also contains lactokine, which protects against skin inflammation, and aloe vera, which soothes and hydrates the skin."

RRP: $28.95 (15ml) – Available from Priceline, Selected Pharmacies and Plunkett Pharmaceuticals Online

What I Say:
John Plunkett recommends using the Glyco Peel at night after cleansing, avoiding the eye area, applying it before serum and moisturisers. It needs to be used daily for one week, and then rest the skin for one week, before repeating the routine, although for sensitive skin it is recommended to rinse off after one minute to avoid irritation.

With a baby I don't have a lot of time any more to pamper myself, so I love the fact that you can use it at night time under your usual moisturiser, and that it has no downtime at all as it works while you sleep.

The actual Glyco Peel is a thin gel that spreads easily over the skin. And you might think that it comes in a very small tube, but you use so surprisingly little that the tube will last you a very long time – even my small 8ml trial tube that came as a bonus with the John Plunkett Collagen Lift Moisturiser (stay tuned for a review to be posted shortly). And actually, if you use too much the skin ends up feeling quite sticky.

After application you feel a slight tingling sensation for a few moments, before this completely disappear. On my skin, which is far from sensitive, it is very bearable, and again, the tingling quickly disappears. To be honest, I actually don’t mind the tingling, as to me it is a sign that the peeling process is working!


Afterwards I follow with my usual serum and night cream, and the next morning when I wash my face, I am left with a skin that is so soft, fresh and glowing.

I have now used the Glyco Peel for three rounds, that means three weeks, with a week break after each week, and I am so impressed with the results. My pores, especially on my nose and t-zone area appear a lot smaller, my skin seems less oily and I seem to get a lot less pimples and blemishes. And I do get a pimple, if I am in the middle of a ‘peel course’ the pimple will fade a lot quicker than normal, so the Glyco Peel in a way also works as a blemish cream.

I had hoped that the peel would also help reduce pigmentation and soften the look of fine lines, but I am yet to see that happen, but I am hoping that with continued and long-term use I will start to see some results.

On the negative, the Glyco Peel can make the skin feel a little dry in some areas, - I got some too close to my lips, and woke with very dry lips the next morning. This also means that I would definitely advice to be a little cautious around the eye and lip area, as well as if you have dry or sensitive skin, while I say it would be perfect for anyone with combination or oilier skin types.

What I Like:
  • It helps to make my skin feel and look less greasy
  • Helps to clear up blemishes
  • Makes my skin feel soft and look glowing
  • Easy to use, with no downtime as it is used under your moisturiser while you sleep
  • Very concentrated

What I Don’t Like:
  • Can be a little drying on the skin
  • Some may find the tingling sensation uncomfortable, but personally I don’t mind

Overall, this is an amazing product that really does live up to its claims. And at just $28.95 this is such a bargain, in fact just a quarter of what a peel would cost at a salon – and a tube will give you weeks of use in the comfort of your own home while you sleep! I am very rapt with the results I have seen already, so I will definitely purchase this again.
* Product was kindly provided for consideration, and has been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.


What do you think of this Glyco Peel? Have you ever had a peel?


  1. We are so glad you loved the Glyco Peel. It truly is an effective treatment for the time poor, or for those who are in need of a skin pick-me-up! We hope it becomes a staple in your life, just as it has ours.

    Thanks again for this beautiful review. Take care and have a beautiful week,

    The Plunketts Team


    1. Thanks so much. I agree, it really is an amazing product and I love that it works while I sleep so I have no doubt that it will become a permanent fixture in my bathroom cabinet.

  2. Oh god, I'd LOVE to try this! I love glycolic peelings, my favorite things at pampering myself :)!


    1. It is a really great product, and at such a bargain price too!


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