20 September 2017


One of those brands I've seen and heard beauty bloggers and editors rave about for months and months now is Zoella Beauty. I am clearly way behind as I had not had a chance to try out any of the products, so when a parcel with some of the products from the newest range, Zoella Jelly & Gelato landed on my desk, I couldn't help but get very excited. Also as it was without a doubt the cutest PR delivery that I've received in a very long time... I mean, just how adorable is that little deck chair, and the card with the pop out ice cream van, and of course those adorable pasted coloured products! 

Not heard of Zoella before, don't worry, it took me a while to catch you too. But in short, she's considered internet royalty as a UK beauty blogger having over 11 million subscribers on her YouTube channel, and so popular that she apparently has been named the most powerful beauty vlogger by Forbes Magazine!! In addition, she has also written several books, has a lifestyle range and a beauty range... Oh, and her very own waxwork in Madame Tussauds. Her newest range is called Jelly and Gelato, and these are the products I've been putting to the test; 

  • Zoella Shower Sauce Body Wash 
  • Zoella Shower Shake Moisturising Body Wash 
  • Zoella Pink Bath Wafers Moisturising Bath Fizzer 
  • Zoella Gelat'Eau Body Mist 

But I didn't even need to open the products to smell their gorgeous scent, as their fresh fruity and slightly sweet scent immediately filled my whole family room. The range features notes of elderflower, pomegranate and double cream. Just divine, and along with the cute pastel pink, and retro looking packaging, these products really are super cute and girlie, and also the perfect products to give you that summery feel.

The Zoella Shower Sauce Body Wash that has a slightly runny jelly consistency, in a transparent pink colour. You're are to drizzle it over your body, like you would drizzle sauce over your ice cream and gelato, and lather it up, before rinsing it up. It has a lovely soft lather and gently cleanses the skin without drying it out, leaving it soft and with the gorgeous scent lingering behind. It does not appear to have any additional moistursing benefits, and I do feel I need to apply a moisturiser afterwards on my winter dry skin.

But my favourite scented body wash would have to be the Zoella Shower Shake Moisturising Body Wash, which has the same scent, but which is a creamy moisturising wash. It lathers up to a soft foam and smells just gorgeous, and leaves the skin feeling soft and with beautiful scent lingering on the skin. And you of course cannot help by fall in love with the cute which is made to look like a glass of milkshake complete with a straw. Just too gorgeous. 

Then there's the Zoella Pink Bath Wafers Moisturising Bath Fizzer, which I have to be honest and admit that I am yet to try, basically as I simply have not had the time with two sick little kids to take a bath! But these are like a moisturising bath bomb, only they are designed to look like a cute ice cream wafer, and rumour has it that they turn your bath water a gorgeous pink colour and makes it smell so divine. I so need to find time for a bath, pronto!

Finally, there's the Zoella Gelat'Eau Body Mist, which comes in such a beautiful bottle with its pastel coloured design. Like the rest of the range, it has notes of elderflower and fruity pomegranate, and it is just such as fresh and fruity and slightly sweet scent that is absolutely perfect for spring and summer, yet without being too sweet or overpowering. Just the perfect scent to use as an everyday scent. It is a body mist, which tends to meant that it wears off rather quickly, but surprisingly this one seems to last for quite a while on the skin. The perfect scent if you'd like to wear a perfume, but still want something subtle, I therefore also feel that its perfectly suited to younger teenagers. Oh and cute is the name, Gelat'Eau, such a clever play on words.

Zoella Shower Sauce Body Wash - RRP: $11.99 / 160ml
Zoella Shower Shake Moisturising Body Wash - RRP: $8.99 / 250ml
Zoella Pink Bath Wafers Moisturising Bath Fizzer - RRP: $9.99 / 200g
Zoella Gelat'Eau Body Mist - RRP: $19.99 / 45ml

Available from Target 

* Some products may have been kindly provided for editorial consideration, and have been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy, and reviews are 100% honest and based on personal opinion and experience. Note that The Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter is not a professional or expert, so please do not substitute these opinions as professional advice.

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