30 September 2019


We all know that a good nights sleep is essential to good health. But having two little kids is not exactly the best thing for getting a good nights sleep. While we are super lucky, that unless our kids are sick, they are actually both extremely good sleepers, rarely waking up, yelling our, never coming in to us in the middle of the night, but that said, it seems that ever since they came into this world, I have not slept as soundly as I used to, always keeping an eye and ear out. 

Understand how you sleep at night, is according to A.H. Beard the first step to unlocking the secrets to better sleep. By monitoring how you sleep, you can learn how much sleep you are really getting, and discover which of your lifestyle habits may be having a negative effect on your sleep. 

The A.H. Beard RestOn Sleep Tracker* is a lightweight strap that can slide into a sleep tracking compatible A.H. Beard mattress, or it can simply can be placed under your sheet if you have of any regular mattress. I have have standard mattress and have simply been doing that. 

Once turned on, and paired with the free AHB Sleep Tracker app, Sleep Central, on your smart phone, it can then monitor things like sleep cycle, heart rate, respiratory rate and body movements, with up to 96 per cent accuracy. When you get up in the morning, it analyses all that data to calculate your nightly sleep score, which can then be viewed on your Sleep Tracker app along with personalised tips and advice.

I found that it was easy to set up and connect to the app. It is also easy, although a tad annoying to slide under your fitted sheet and keep it in place without sliding out. 

However, I’m very impressed with how it has been tracking my sleep quality and my overall vitals, giving me information I was never aware off. Yes, we all know when we’ve had a poor nights sleep, as we tend to feel tired and average the next day, but it is actually great knowing exactly what is happening. As well as a daily report, you can also get weekly and monthly reports via the app, so you can quickly start to get an overall impression of your sleep - and do something to improve it.

On the whole, I’ve found out that I am generally getting a ‘GOOD’ sleep, but obviously in-between I have a few that are ‘BAD’ as well, and of course, the odd one here and there that are ‘SUPERB’. I’d obviously love to get more days or sleeping superbly, know that I generally need to get to bed tad earlier each night, and I know that I generally need to get to bed tad earlier each night. 

Often ‘Falling asleep takes too long’ and often as I’m having a chat with my hubby about the day’s events before going to sleep, and we really should cut that shorter too (but what to do when the rest of the day is hectic!).

My ‘Distribution of Healthy Sleep’, or in other words, the balance of deep sleep and medium sleep, could be better, meaning I should have a higher percentage of deep sleep - but guess, having two little kids (who have both recently been sick), does mean that I am waking during the night. 

Generally my breathing is ok and very require but one thing that has surprised me a little, is that usually once, and sometimes twice at night, I have BRADYPNEA, which is when the breathing rate is abnormally slow and less than 12 times/minutes (normal for adults is 12-20times/min) - I never knew this, and will certainly, as advised, have a chat to my doctor about this.

So overall, this really is one very handy device, as you learn so much about yourself and how to improve your overall sleep, to help be a little healthier too.

A.H. Beard RestOn Sleep tracker - RRP: $229

Available from Harvey Normal, Forty Winks, and select other retailers
For more information visit A.H. Beard

* Some products may have been kindly provided for editorial consideration, and have been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy, and reviews are 100% honest and based on personal opinion and experience. Note that The Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter is not a professional or expert, so please do not substitute these opinions as professional advice.

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