1 January 2016


Wishing you all a happy New Year. I hope that 2016 will bring you happiness and good health.

2015 has been a huge year for our family, and the highlight was definitely the arrival of our little baby boy in May. The last couple of months before giving birth were tough as I had extreme pregnancy rash that saw me induced a week early. And just 10 days after giving birth I was rushed to hospital in an ambulance with severe mastitis. After 4 days in hospital I finally came home to my newborn, only to have contracted bronchitis at the hospital, which of course my husband and 2 year old also picked up. Needless to say that recovering from the mastitis, having bronchitis AND looking after a newborn as well as a sick toddler (and husband!!) with bronchitis was pretty exhausting.

But worse was to come, we were hardly all well again, before our baby ended up in hospital with a life-threatening auto-immune disorder that consequently meant a course of intense chemotherapy followed by a bone marrow transplant during a 4.5 month hospital stay. And it of course meant that I had to stay at the hospital too to care for our boy - and as a result only see our two year old a few times a week, which was tough on everyone to say the least.

And while all this was happening, we were also building a house at the final stages, trying to finalise the interiors. Not exactly the greatest timing!

But luckily our boy was discharged from hospital mid-November, and while he still has a very long journey ahead for full recovery and still has to go for checkups and treatments several times a week, at  least our family can now finally be together. And in our brand new house!

So as you can probably imagine, my family and I are personally happy to be putting 2015 behind us and look forward to am amazing 2016.

We still know 2016 won't be easy as our little baby still has no immune system, and as he is hence extremely prone to picking up even the slightest bug that can be very serious for him, we are unable to take him out, or even catch up with friends, as the risk of infection is simply too high - and this is naturally frustrating that we cannot go out as a family to the shopping centre, have lunch at a cafĂ© or have a social life for quite some time still, or even the fact that our now 2.5 year old cannot go to day care or have play dates with his little friends, but it's simply vital that we do whatever is best to keep our little baby boy healthy!
So 2016 will a year of quality time at home with the family, and to make up for being unable to go out, (and living off hospital food for 4.5 months (blah!!), I'm hoping to eventually find time to start being creative in the kitchen again.
And of course get back to blogging on a regular basis again - this whole ordeal has, as you've no doubt seen, meant that I had to put my blog on the back-burner for a while to focus on caring for our baby - but now I'm back! with lots of plans and ideas.  

And on that note, I'd like each and every one of you, my dear readers and followers for sticking around, and for all your lovely messages with support and well wishes. And naturally, also a huge thank you to all the PRs and brands for your continued support and of course also all the beautiful care packages that I received during the toughest hours! Thank you everyone!

Happy 2016!!



  1. Wishing you and your family a safe and healthy 2016! xo

  2. I ve read your post and it makes so asd all the experience and troubles you ve endured.
    So I really wish you from the bottom of my heart a Happy an Wonderful Year for you and your family!


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