2 September 2014


Am I the only one feeling that everything is getting more expensive? I mean, I go to the supermarket to grab just a few things and rarely leave without it costing at least $50-60. And worse is it if you’re trying to eat healthy. Fruit and vegetables are so expensive these days, and it frustrates me no end that it is often cheaper to buy a Snickers or Mars bar than a piece of fruit. Very sad, isn't it.

And add to that Christmas is actually just four and a bit months away. Where did the year go?! And have you started saving yet, and started thinking about what it is going to cost you this year?

Pantene wants to be able to help women shine - both on the inside and out- and achieve what they set out to do in 2014/15, so to help you save a little money you can win 6 months’ worth of Pantene haircare, which is sure to give you a little more room in your budget. And what’s even better is that there I have got three packs to give away. And each pack is worth $200. How cool is that. You can save this money for Xmas pressies, or simply put it away for a rainy day. Or maybe there's something special you've had your eyes on and have been saving for?
Each Pantene haircare pack includes a whopping 23 products;
  • 1 x Pantene Hydrating Curls Shampoo and Conditioner set
  • 1 x Pantene Beautiful Lengths Shampoo and Conditioner set
  • 1 x Pantene Colour Therapy Shampoo and Conditioner set
  • 1 x Pantene Ice Shine Shampoo and Conditioner set
  • 1 x Pantene Daily Moisture Renewal Shampoo and Conditioner set
  • 1 x Pantene Aqua Light Shampoo and Conditioner set
  • 1 x Pantene Ice Shine Rinse-Off Treatment
  • 1 x Pantene Intensive Damage Repair Oil
  • 1 x Pantene Aqua Light Rinse-Off Treatment
  • 1 x Pantene 6 Week Colour Protect Treatment Program
  • 1 x Pantene Intense Smoothening Leave-On Creme
  • 1 x Pantene Styling Treatment Foam Soft Curls
  • 1 x Pantene Styling Treatment Mist Soft Curls
  • 1 x Pantene Styling Treatment Creamy Fiber Soft Curls
  • 1 x Pantene Styling Treatment Foam Smooth Straight
  • 1 x Pantene Styling Treatment Mist Smooth Straight
  • 1 x Pantene Styling Treatment Creamy Jelly Smooth Straight


Pretty awesome, isn’t it!


Entry is very simple – but here are the rules of the giveaway, so please read them:
  • The giveaway begins today, the 10th August and finishes on the 25th August 2014
  • This giveaway is open to AUSTRALIAN RESIDENTS ONLY
  • This competition is a game of skill and will be judged as such. The 3 most creative answers to the blog post question as deemed so by the Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter will be the winners. All mandatory options must be completed to constitute a valid entry
  • You MUST follow The Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter by GFC or Bloglovin’, - and leave your follower name in the comments
  • You MUST like The Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter on Facebook – make sure to leave your facebook name in the comments
  • As Pantene Australia has kindly sponsored these skincare packs, please show your love by liking them on facebook, and say that the Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter sent you
  • NOTE: Points generated by the Rafflecopter form are consequently not valid, as this is a game of skill, Rafflecopter is used solely to collate and manage the entries
  • From contacted, the winner has 48 hours to respond with their address details. Failure to respond within this timeframe will result in a new winner being drawn
  • Prize pack will be sent directly from Pantene neither Pantene or I will take any responsibility for damaged, lost or misdirected mail

Good Luck everyone!!

And the lucky winners are:

Jody B
Rose Mary H
Lauren A

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. great giveaway... i agree, it annoys me that you can get chocolate cheaper than healthy alternatives... and also that sometimes its cheaper to buy a fizzy drink than a bottle of water!! id love it if youd comment back :) http://www.amyelizabethfashion.com/2014/08/tropical-fruit-salad.html xx

  2. A house, yacht, cruise or car?
    Money saved won't go that far.
    But thanks to value packed Pantene,
    I'll buy that special dress I've seen.

  3. Naw, I don't have a facebook page so I can't participate. Good luck to everyone who enters though! x

  4. I would really love to go on more dates with my husband, after all, I would have to show off my fabulous hair somehow!!

  5. I'd treat myself to a hair salon visit for luscious looking hair, this prize would keep my hair shining strong for the next 6 months!

    Following on Bloglovin (username Ange33)
    Following on GFC (username Ange L)
    Following on Facebook (Ange Linhart)

  6. I would probably use the savings to purchase more makeup when Sephora opens up in Australia since the hair department is all taken care off!

    GFC: Abigail
    Facebook: Abby Reese

  7. I would buy more nappies. One simply cannot get enough of these, especially with a 5 month old!

  8. I'd use the extra money, for a date night with my honey, dinner and a show, to Les Mis we might go, if people stop and stare at least we'll both have great hair!
    FB name Charmaine Campbell
    GFC name is also Charmaine Campbell I think, to be honest I'm not really sure how that all works.

  9. I would use the savings to buy other desired hair products I need so my hair looks perfect and not lacking!

  10. Google friend connect name: Anita Black
    Bloglovin name: Lea Anita Black

  11. kathryn clayton- i love pantene this would be awesome to win

  12. I should be practical and save.
    But a hair makeover, new style cut and colour,
    to boost my confidence and shine, is what I crave.

    I follow on facebook, GFC, bloglovin and she said. Facebook/GFC-Jess J

  13. Name Rose Powell Wow having my own personal hairdresser my hair no more fizz or knots I will look smooth and sleek

  14. I would have my hair cut and styled as well as having highlights put into my hair to cover my millions of grey hairs

  15. Would love to save the money and go on a little trip away as a family, it feels lately that we are so busy, that no one seems to be talking to one another, A weekend away together would be perfect, for some quality time and fun together

  16. Money saved would be well spent
    My wallet wouldn't even feel the dent
    Salon hair to make me shine
    Oh but wait, i don't have time
    Hair that's smooth, healthy and strong
    With Pantene products I cant go wrong!!
    I wish i could i wish i might
    I really hope i get this right!!

    Bloglovin,Facebook GFC name Cheryl Gibson

  17. new hair style and colour to get rid of the grey hair for a younger new look. Cherie Boucher

  18. With the beautiful hair I will have
    And the money I will save
    A night away on the town
    Before I go to the grave

  19. l would buy new shoes because a gal can never have enough shoes.

  20. I'm about 6 months overdue for a haircut and colour, my 3 kids take all my time and money lol

  21. What a fantastic prize everytime I shampoo my hair I would sing:
    As I shampoo my hair,
    I really love my free pantene,
    I love the feeling,
    So does the family oooh yeah.
    FB/Bloglovin : Rebecca Perry

  22. If I had extra money leftover because I did not have to buy my hair care for 6 months, then I'd put that extra cash into healthy foods - I'm on disability and a single Mum and buying fresh, healthy food is so expensive, sometimes I just can't get what I'd really love to. And 6 months of eating awesome food and caring for my hair with Pantene...I'm going to look like a Goddess (to someone with bad eyesight - but that's better than nothing haha)....I will be glowing from the inside and shining on the outside!

  23. Oh and sorry - I forgot to put my names.
    FB - Juanita Torr
    Twitter - nita03scorp
    GFC - Juanita Torr
    Bloglovin' - Juanita Torr

  24. I'd buy some quality skincare and makeup, so that my face looks as good as my hair. On second thoughts, Spakfilla might work better lol.

  25. FB/Bloglovin'/GFC Lauren Anastasiou
    Twitter crazysigner

  26. What an awesome competition - thank you for allowing me to enter

  27. I'd save the money and use it to buy more products for my unborn child. You need to save as much as you can for your children.

    FB Name - Lisa Bartlett

  28. Wow awesome prize I have been using pantene for many years now and it's the only haircare product that I trust and brings such great results to my hair and leaves it feeling healthy and natural.

  29. gfc jody buhagiar

    Pantene would help my hair shine,
    then I could be wined and dined.
    Feeling special, confidence galore,
    The money saved, couldnt ask for more!

  30. What would you like to purchase with the savings to help you shine strong
    FB, Google, twitter user all Kiah Edwards

    Pantene shining hair
    No other can compare
    Hairdressers waived
    With the money saved
    Its Diamonds for me
    Just wait and see.

  31. oh sorry bloglovin user also Kiah Edwards

  32. I would use the savings to get my kids' favourite toys to make them smile. A mum with happy kids always shines strong.
    GFC/FB: Melissa Jones
    Bloglovin: melissajones5

  33. If I have extra money left over I'd use it to help people in my community who are struggling. I already do all I can with what I have but there are so many kids who don't have new shoes and their parents simply cannot afford them. My cousin is one of those people. I won a sports authority gift card and gave it to her son so he could have a new pair of shoes where his toes weren't sticking out. It's important to me to do all I can for others, I've been this way since childhood. I'd even offer half of a snickers bar to everyone in my household LOL


  34. GFC follower- Bloglovin.com/cinderella10383 I am also following via Bloglovin- http://www.bloglovin.com/cinderella10383

    PrettyInPinkWife @ aol dot com

  35. Please remove me from the list as I am in the United States and just saw it's for Australia only.

  36. My hair with shine!
    Would be so divine!
    I would love to by me a treat!
    Something so neat!
    A beautiful Cristina Re tea set
    To have a high tea!
    Would truly please me :)

  37. http://www.bloglovin.com/aimeetatham :) following you xxx

  38. I'd spend the money on a wonderful new haircut, with bills to pay and mouths to feed, my hair gets very basic care!

    Fb Stacey Shailer
    GFC stakky32

  39. Wild beasts are my raven locks,
    Will require this mighty prize to tame.
    I may now spend all on my vice,
    Tim Tam, je t’aime

    Bloglovin: stackcats
    FB: Fay Willy-Mac

  40. A dinner out with hubby - (no kids!), that means bubbly! Quality time with my handsome chappy, leaving behind housework and nappies!!!!!!

  41. I'd register in a short course. .. I'm thinking Adobe Photo Shop or plant propagation. I learn best from being shown rather than reading a book.
    Karlene 75


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