28 July 2018


I admit that I love my coffee, and in winter also tea - but sadly it does show on the teeth, which tend to become not so pearly white and can look stained and somewhat yellow, which we an all agree is not a great look. 

There are so man different tooth whitening products on the market from toothpastes, activated charcoal powder, and of course you can go get them done at the dentist, often at very high prices. Unfortunately some of these options are not very gentle on the teeth, and definitely not suited for sensitive teeth, so I was rather excited when a Mr. Bright Home Teeth Whitening Kit* arrived at my desk to put to the test, as this kit promises to be suitable for even the most sensitive of gums and teeth.

The Mr. Bright Home Teeth Whitening Kit comes with everything you need for a two week treatment, including;

  • 3 x Whitening Gels
  • 1 x Led Light
  • 1 x Mouth Guard
  • 1 x instruction manual 

The Mr. Bright products are free from peroxide, and contains no harsh chemicals, which is why it is also suitable for sensitive teeth and gums. Rather, the product contains Glycerine, Sodium Bicarbonate and Cranberry, which cleans and dissolves plaque for a whitening effect, as well as it also contains organic Peppermint Oil and Aloe Vera for a fresher breath and to moisturise the mouth (I’ve never heard of a moisturised mouth before!!).

The Led light helps speed up the process, so that the gel breaks down stains even faster than if used on its own. 

  • Mr. Bright is super easy to use, you simply; 
  • Clean your teeth 
  • Make sure the Led Light is working and attach it to the mouth tray 
  • Apply 1/4 of the gel from one syringe into the mouth tray, covering the frontal surfaces 
  • Put mouth tray in the mouth and turn it on 
  • It will then count down from 10 minutes, and once done, you can repeat 3-4 times with best results when using between 10-30 minutes 
  • When done, rinse mouth and clean mouth tray 
  • Repeat treatment 6 consecutive days each week for best results 

So how did I go with this Mr. Bright Whitening Treatment..

  • My first issue is time, and committing to doing something daily can be a little trick when you’ve got two little kids at your feet all the time. But that said, I tried hard, though did skip a few treatments here and there, with the consequence that 2 week supply lasted me about 3 1/2 weeks. But even so, I was actually amazed at the results I say. Along with the instructions, the kit also comes with a Whitening Shade Guide so you can measure your progress, which I really liked - though it did make me realise that perhaps my teeth weren’t that yellow at all, with the overall teeth measuring somewhere between a shade 2 and 3, where 1 is the whitest and 16 is the darkest on the scale - my problem is rather that along the rim, near the gum, where my teeth are yellowing, and few shades darker. 
  • The kit is easy to use, and really what takes the time is to evenly distribute the gel into the mouth tray, once that is done, you can really walk around with it, getting on with what ever you are doing, for me, it was simply remembering to do it. It is a little odd having it in the mouth, but you really do get used to it. 
  • The gel has a slight minty flavour, which is quite nice, though personally I prefer strong minty flavours, so I would have liked it slightly stronger, but nonetheless it is quite lovely and does leave a nice flavour in the mouth. 
  • And at no stage did I feel that the product was irritating or making my sensitive teeth and gums more sensitive. 
  • And after finishing the kit I have to say that I am quite impressed, and I feel that the kit helped make my teeth overall look more like a shade 2 (and not 2 to 3). But again, my main issue was the yellowing at the base of the teeth, and that’s also where I saw the biggest improvement, with the staining fading to the point that the teeth were almost the same shade all over, and thereby the overall look of the teeth appeared whiter.
  • Overall this is a great kit, it is easy to use, and for me, it did give me whiter teeth. I love the fact that unlike many other products on the market, it doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals or peroxide (to bleach the teeth), but rather it is gentle and doesn’t not cause any sensitivity or damage to the teeth or the enamel. 
  • It is also quite budget friendly, and certainly great option if you cannot afford to go to your dentist for a professional treatment, or simply prefer to do it at home. 
  • I have used one pack, and considering getting a second one, just to see if I can achieve further results, and after that, I can imagine that using a kit every few months would be great to maintain the pearly whites. Mr. Bright also has a whitening Pen available which I am quite keen on, as I can imagine that it would be great to use especially on the base of the teeth, where I seem to have the main issue. 

Mr. Bright Home Teeth Whitening Kit - RRP: $59.95
Available from Mr. Bright, The Shaver Shop, and Myer
Some products may have been kindly provided for editorial consideration, and have been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy, and reviews are 100% honest and based on personal opinion and experience. Note that The Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter is not a professional or expert, so please do not substitute these opinions as professional advice.

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