12 July 2018


My hair is quite long and thick, and needless to say that it has endured quite a bit over the years, from chemical treatments and colourings to daily heat styling sessions. To keep my hair in top condition, I always rely on great haircare products as it really makes a huge different. I’ve put the the De Lorenzo Defence products to the test, including the shampoo, conditioner and Thermal Argan Oil*.

I love the fact that these products are Australian made, and they are certified vegan and not tested on animals, and of course free from sulphate and parabens, so they are also safe to use on my coloured hair.

The range has been designed to help safeguard your hair from the damage caused by intense heat thanks to an exclusive AquaTherm™ Complex Technology, which is made up of among others, proteins, polymers and ceramides, and it helps provide the ultimate anti-breakage protection, also helping to reduce the damage cause by thermal styling tools, including breakage, split ends, and colour fade.

The products are also infused with Argan Oil, to leave the hair feeling silky soft and conditioned and with an healthy shine.

The De Lorenzo Defence Thermal Shampoo gently cleanses my hair, with just a single wash, and leaves it feeling clean, but without that squeaky feeling, but rather helping to lock in moisture within the hair.

De Lorenzo Defence Thermal Conditioner is best left in for 3-5 minutes, and it quickly absorbs into the hair, and is easy to rinse out again, without any greasiness. Once towel dried, my hair is clearly feeling soft, and is easy to comb out without too many tangles. I’ve then been adding a touch of The De Lorenzo Defence Thermal Argan Oil into the ends of extra moisture, before drying and styling. And once done, used the Argan Oil again as a finishing oil, to help add even more moisture to my dry ends, and smooth down any frizz, and simply to add extra shine.

Overall, I have really been enjoying using these products as they are leaving my long coloured hair looking and feeling so silky soft as well as it is looking healthier thanks to being so shiny and glossy. My ends no longer seem quite as dry, thanks to thermal argan oil, which I have also enjoyed using in my dry hair on the days I’m not washing my hair, and I think that the added moisture also means that my hair not only is so much easier to comb out, but also, the ends do not seem to break and split as easily anymore. And most of all, I really love that these products help protect my hair during heat styling.

I am due for getting my hair colour touched up, but I feel that since using these products my hair is actually looking a little glossier, so I may even postpone the colouring a little.

The products come in the most beautiful tall and sleek red bottles that look amazing in my black and white bathroom, my only gripe is just that the shampoo and conditioner bottles look identical, apart from a red top on the shampoo bottle, which I really have to try to remember, as without my glasses on in the shower, I really cannot distinguish between the two bottles.

De Lorenzo Denfece Haircare Set with Defence Thermal Shampoo, 240ml,Defence Thermal Conditioner, 240ml and Defence Thermal Argan Oil, 50ml - RRP: $49.95

Available from RY

Some products may have been kindly provided for editorial consideration, and have been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy, and reviews are 100% honest and based on personal opinion and experience. Note that The Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter is not a professional or expert, so please do not substitute these opinions as professional advice.

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