16 March 2018


Another week has passed, and its finally Friday, YAY. It also means the its time for another Fragrance Friday. This one is about one I’ve had for some time, and actually not really sure is available anymore, as I haven’t seen it in the shops, and seeing how much I like it, lucky that I had a backup bottle. I am talking about the Clarins Sunshine Fragrance, which s right up my alley as it is light, summery and citrusy. And besides, how is ready to say goodbye to summer, I know I am definitely not.

What I also really like about this fragrance is that it is not just a perfume, it is actually a treatment fragrance that combines the fragrant benefits of essential oils with the skincare benefits of natural, unscented plant extracts to provide soothing and moisturising benefits. In fact, it contains essential oils to help "awaken the happy high-spirited sensations of summer, even in the depths of winter”. How perfect is that scent right now as it is now officially autumn and the days, at least here in Melbourne, seem to be getting so much shorter, so quickly.

The scent contains among others;
  • Top notes: sicilian mandarin, grapefruit, watermelon and bergamot
  • Middle notes: mimosa, chamomile, ylang-ylang and carnation
  • Base notes: tonka bean, patchouli, lime (linden blossom) and osmanthus

The scent is such a gorgeous light, refreshing and uplifting and happy scent, that is light, and floral citrusy from the grapefruit and mandarin.

Because it is such a light scent, it does mean that it doesn’t have the longest longevity, so a touchup mid-day never hurts.

I am not sure if the scent really does make me more awake and happy, but regardless, I really love this fresh citrusy scent an how lovely it feels on the skin, and the fact that it treats both my senses and my skin at the same time. I also love that I can use it even on sunny days, it is non-photosensitising, so it, unlike a many other fragrances, doesn’t react with the sunlight and cause the skin to be more sensitive, burn and get damaged.

And how can you not love the round bright orange bottle, which is simple, yet very modern and stylish too, and just seeing this bright orange bottle makes me think of summer.

Available from Clarins

* Some products may have been kindly provided for editorial consideration, and have been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy, and reviews are 100% honest and based on personal opinion and experience. Note that The Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter is not a professional or expert, so please do not substitute these opinions as professional advice. 

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