4 July 2014


Today I’d like to share with you my thoughts on the newly launched *Kevin Murphy Plumping.Wash and Plumping.Rinse;


 What They Say:

Using exclusive cocktail of eyelash thickening technology and a complex combination of tripeptides, plant extracts and oleanolic acid, Kevin Murphy's Plumping range promotes lengthening of the growing phase of the hair for longer periods. The results? Overall, thicker, fuller hair.

Plumping.Wash is a thickening, densifying shampoo to strengthen fine or thinning hair. It gently yet effectively cleanses hair, leaving your hair and scalp feeling revitalised and refreshed.
Plumping.Rinse is a thickening, densifying conditioner to strengthen fine or thinning hair. It nourishes and restores for stronger, thicker hair.

RRP: $36.95 (250ml) each – Available from Adore Beauty and Select Salons

What I Say: 

The first thing I noticed about the new Kevin Murphy Plumping products is the stunning and innovatively shaped bottles. Kevin Murphy have always had square bottles, which to me has made the products stand out a mile from many others on the market, but these, just take it that bit further. They are so funky and modern looking, and the pinky-peach colours are so cute and girly at the same time.

The products are fragranced with white florals, orchid extracts and citrus extracts, and it smells absolutely divine – fresh and floral, yet sli9ghtly musky at the same time.

I have been going through a long period of dropping insanely many hairs (which I think is pretty standard after giving birth), and while this hair loss has slowed down significantly now, I am still dropping more hairs than I like, and the frequently blocked drain in the shower is a good proof of that! So when I was asked to trial the new Kevin Murphy Plumping.Wash and Plumping.Rinse, which promises thicker, stronger hair, and reduced hair loss, I naturally jumped at the chance. I have also previously tried some of the Kevin Murphy products including the Hydrate.Me Wash and Rinse, and the Born Again Hair Masque, and really loved both, which excited me even more about these Plumping products. 

The Plumping.Line includes a concoction of ingredients to help support its claim. Amongst the key ingredients there are among others ginger root extract to improve circulation, stimulate hair growth and reducing hair loss. It also contains nettle extract which is rich in iron, vitamins A and C, and minerals including Iodine, Silicon, and Sulfur as well as amino acids that the hair follicles require for proper growth, as well as it increases the microcirculation to the scalp. Then there’s oleanolic acid, which fortifies the hair from the root and helps fight follicle from ageing. It also includes rice protein and rice amino acids that replicate the keratin structure of human hair giving it vital nutrients for hair repair.


Also worth a mention is the sugar cane extract, a natural Alpha Hydroxy acid which acts as a gentle, non-abrasive, non-irritating exfoliate that removes dead skin cells, oily residue, and dirt from the scalp, unclogging hair follicles so new hair can grow.

So did these products live up to their claim? It did take few weeks before I really started to see any effects, - that is, I instantly liked what the products did to my hair, making it look healthy and shiny, and so easy to comb.

But being persistent and continuing to use the products paid off, as after using them for almost 4 weeks, I am impressed to say that I can really tell the difference in the look and feel of my hair - I have quite long hair, and although I have a fair amount of it, it often seems quite flat, but after a few weeks use, my hair simply seems to be so much fuller, and I seem to be losing significantly less hair too – how do I know… I have a baby that likes to grab my hair, so I generally have it up most of the time – so I brush it after I was my hair, and also in the mornings on the days I don’t, before I put it up in a bun or a braid, and there are simply hardly any hairs left in my hair brush – and I used to ‘empty’ my hair brush after each use, simply because I had to. And there are very few hairs stuck in the shower drain too! Good enough proof to me.

One drawback about these products are that you have to be persistent and use it for several weeks before you start to see any plumping results, but on the other hand, I think that this is pretty standard for most products. And the second negative is the price, at $36.95 each, these are in the higher price scale, but with clear results, I really find that it is worth it, and highly recommend that you try these products if you’re concerned with hairs falling out and thinning hair.

*These products were kindly provided for consideration, and have been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy. 

What do you think of this Plumping Line from Kevin Murphy? Tried any of his products? Concerned with hair loss and thinning hair?



  1. I love the pretty colours and cool shape. This sounds like my answer to fuller hair!

    1. The products are fantastic, and yes, the colours and the shapes of the bottles are so unique, such a refreshing change.

  2. I started using KM shampoo as I too have fine/thin hair. The first time I used it, I noticed more hair was on my hand than normally. I thought to myself "ok maybe its bc its a new shampoo, tried it for a second time it had the same affect and third time, again a lot of my hair fell out. Im afraid to continue using this shampoo. Anyone else have the same the issue?

    1. Wow, that's strange. I guess in that case I would definitely stop using the shampoo too. I have certainly not noticed that, I love how it makes my hair feel and look!

    2. I have been using this product religiously for one year and have significantly lost so much hair. I recently quit using it and have noticed that my hair is not falling out. I love the ell and the way it makes my hair feel, however, the hair loss I've experienced has made me move on from this product.

    3. Wow, that's horrible too, I'd be pretty devastated too, and I definitely stop using the product, and probably even be hesitant using other products from the brand. Maybe contact them to let them know, I would... Hope you've found other products you're loving and which have made up for the damage


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