23 January 2019


A new year, for most means lots of resolutions. I don’t usually make too many, simply as I know I will rarely keep them and let myself down. And hey, in my opinion, you also gotta live life. What’s the point of depriving yourself of all the good stuff. Everything in moderation, if you ask me.

That said, I do have a few things I want to improve on in regards to my health, drink more water, eat a little healthier, nurture my body and skin from within and find a little more time for pampering myself, which can be a little hard at times with two little kids.

Anyway, thanks to 
TVSN   I am well on my way into the new year thanks to their New Year survival Kit. And in case you haven’t heard of TVSN, I suggest you check them out as they have the best brand within beauty, health, lifestyle, fashion, home… you name it!! And TVSN really has all the goods to help get over that sluggish and run down feeling after the holiday season.

Health Foundry Latte Active
This is a 100% natural turmeric and spice blend, also containing corn fibres (pro biotic, Cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, nutmeg, black pepper and stevia. And you simply use by mixing a teaspoon into a cup of warm milk. I love the spiciness of this healthy latte blend, and I love that it is 100% caffeine free, 97% fat free, and containing only 4.5 calories per serve, so perfect if you’re on a diet too.

Health Foundry Ahara Ayurvedic Body Tonic.
This tonic is rooted rooted in the principles of Ayurveda, designed to support both body and mind. The tonic can be mixed with water, and contains among others Ginseng, Indian gooseberry fruit, Garcinia fruit, Green Coffee Beans and hibiscus flower.

The Ahara Body Tonic is 100% natural with no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. It is also GMO free, dairy free, gluten free, has no added sugar, and is low in kilojoules, and each serve will help you with energy throughout the day, and help suppress appetite too, so great again great if you’re on a meal plan. It does have a slightly odd taste, a bit like apple vinegar, but its worth while to simply nourish your body with all the goodness.

Carla Oates Glow Inner Beauty Powder. This beauty supplement contains a blend of Certified Organic, naturally fermented super-food ingredients, antioxidants, more minerals, more vitamins and extra probiotics designed to improve gut health and digestion, help with collagen formation, help to protect from oxidative stress, and help enhance the skin from the inside out for a more healthy and radiant skin, along with maintaining healthy nails and hair.

The ingredients include among others organic Maqui berry, chickpeas, lentils, mung beans, rice, linseeds, buckwheat, millet, alfalfa seeds, quinoa, chia, pepitas, sunflower seeds, green tea, ginger, turmeric.

The Beauty Powder is to be taken just once daily, by mixing one teaspoon into water or any other drink, such as juice.

A lot of beauty supplements that you mix yourself, don’t taste very nice, and consequently, I often stop taking them before I’ve hardly started, as I simply cannot bring myself to drink it. But this one has a nice flavour thanks to the added wild berries, so this one I think I will actually stick with, and I love that it helps care for my skin and health from the inside out.

Sand & Sky - Brilliant Skin Detoxify + Brighten Purifying Pink Clay Mask
This is one face mask everyone is absolutely raving about, and now I know why. It is made using among others Australian Clay, Aloe Vera Leaf Juice, Kakadu Plum Fruit Extract, Liquorice Root Extract, Witch Hazel and Lactic Acid, and I also love that it is free from Sulfates, Parabens, Synthetic fragrances, Synthetic colours, Silicones, PEG, and Formaldehyde.

The mask helps draw out impurities, toxins and pollutants from the skin, while also helping to regenerate skin layers, stimulate collagen, create a defence shield and prevent free radical damage, and leave the skin looking soft and smooth, clearer and more refined, and simply glowing. It is such a great mask for my dull and ageing blemish prone skin. You can use it up to 2-3 times weekly (though less if you have sensitive skin), and is easy to apply thanks to the added application brush.

Used regularly, I really feel that this mask is making a visible improvement to the clarity of my skin, making it look more healthy too.

Wrinkles Schminkles Forehead Smoothing Kit.
These 100% Medical Grade Silicone pads are so unique. You can continue to use them (20-40 times), and simply peel them off, and stick them onto you forehead before going to bed for the night. And in the morning, you simply remove, since and then re-use again next night.

The silicone pads helps get rid of forehead wrinkles and frown lines, by keeping the skin taut, and thus preventing it from creasing or wrinkling, and the same time, helping to soften wrinkles, for a more refreshed look each morning.

The clear patches do look slightly odd on the skin, but who cares, you’re in bed, going to sleep. I also didn’t think it would actually stay put all night on my slightly greasy skin, and I’d wake up in the morning finding it somewhere on my pillow, but surprisingly, it actually does stay put, and leaves the skin looking smoother and more refreshed.

Health Foundry Latte Active - RRP: $24.95 / 150g
Health Foundry Ahara Ayurvedic Bod Tonic - RRP: $39.95 / 500ml
Carla Oates Glow Inner Beauty Powder - RRP: $59.95 / 150g
Sand & Sky - Brilliant Skin Detoxify + Brighten Purifying Pink Clay Mask - RRP $79.95 / 60g
Wrinkles Schminkles, Forehead Smoothing Kit - RRP $39.95 / 2 pads

Available from TVSN

Some products may have been kindly provided for editorial consideration, and have been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy, and reviews are 100% honest and based on personal opinion and experience. Note that The Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter is not a professional or expert, so please do not substitute these opinions as professional advice.

Also note, this post may contain affiliate links, which means you pay no extra, but I get a small commission fee if you click through and buy something. And if so, thank you much for your supporting the running costs of my blog. xx

Remember that in between my blog posts you can always keep up with me on Twitter, Facebook, Bloglovin or Instagram


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