14 June 2013

Important Warning – Google Reader is shutting down!

Don’t lose track of your favourite blogs…

A few months ago I did a post about Google Reader is shutting down – and well, now this is getting closer to being a reality, with the service permanently shutting down from 1st July 2013. That is just two weeks away!

I don’t know about you, but I follow a lot of blogs. A lot!! And to make sure I’m kept in the loop with them all, my reader of choice from the start has been Google reader. 

The Google reader is the feature allows you to see new blog posts from blogs you follow when you log into blogger. 

Although Google has not directly said that the Google Friend Connect (GFC) feature will be closing down too, speculation is that it will. With the Google Reader no longer existing, you will not be able to see when a blogger you are following have just blogged.

And of course, if you too have a blog, it means that you will potentially risk losing all your followers! I don’t know about you, but I’d be absolutely devastated if I lost even just one of my lovely and loyal followers!

It appears that the main reason Google is making these changes, is that they want everyone to start using Google+. Personally I have only ever used GFC, but as I have heard a few not so positive things about Google+, I had no intentions of switching. Well unless I have to! (or someone can persuade me otherwise??)

So what does it mean to you that Google Reader is closing down? Well, it means that if you are following Google Reader to follow your favourite blogs then you will need to connect with another reader to be kept up to date. But there are several ways you can keep up with your favourite blogs;

Bloglovin' would be my first choice, as it is very easy to use. After you have signed up (you can sign up here), you simply add your favourite blogs to follow and every time there is a new post from your favourite blogger this post will show up on your Bloglovin' homepage. You can also browse through thousands of other blogs. And what I really like is that you get a daily email with links to all the blogs that you’re following that have been updated with new blog post! Its brilliant!

Another great feature is that Bloglovin' also has the ability to import your existing subscriptions from Google Reader quickly and easily - I just did it again to make sure that I hadn’t missed any of my favourite blogs, and it was so simple, it literally took just a few minutes!

You simply click here, and follow the prompts!


SheSaidBeauty is another reader where you can keep up with your favourite blogs – that is beauty blogs, as SheSaidBeauty is a platform specifically for beauty, where people can discover, share and shop the world of beauty. And as well as following your favourite blogs, you can also access the huge beauty product and brand catalogues to help you discover new products and looks, share your opinions and works. 

You can sign up to SheSaidBeauty here.



If you don't have a Bloglovin' or SheSaidBeauty account, you might want to sign up for one as a way to keep all your blog feeds in one place. And if you aren't already following me on one of these, I'd greatly appreciate it if you do so.

If you do not have a Bloglovin' or SheSaidBeauty account and don’t really want one, but still would like to be keep up-to-date with my blog, you can of course also follow me on facebook.


You can follow the Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter; 

On Bloglovin' click here

On SheSaidBeauty click here

On Facebook click here

Alternatively, use the follow via the various readers using the links on the left hand sidebar.

Thanks heaps for continuing to follow my blog!

How do you follow your favourite blogs? Do you know of any other great blog Readers?




  1. Dearest Karina, I´m following you via bloglovin since a longer time, because I won´t miss you and your blog <3 Although I´m not sure if it´s really true that GFC would be shut down ...

    Hope you´re well and you feel still good!

    xx from Bavaria, Rena


    1. Hi Rena, I hope you're right and this might not be true...!!!
      And thanks, I'm still feeling well and counting down the days now..

  2. Hi Karina,

    Here's a link that you may find useful re options for Google reader.


    1. Thanks so much, that's a great article, very interesting. Thanks heaps for sharing!!


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