25 January 2013

Product Review: Jojoba Company Acne Serum

I have been one of those unfortunate ones who has always suffered with my skin breaking out. Some periods worse than others, and best as I think that my skin is improving, it starts breaking out again! I honestly didn’t think that I would still suffer with ‘teenage’ skin at my age! I have tried so many different products over the years, some haven’t worked at all, and others have worked, at least for a limited time – so when I was asked to trial the *Jojoba Company Acne Serum, I happily accepted, here are my thoughts;  

What They Say:
"A purifying treatment serum rich in aloe vera with a light consistency. It decongests and balances sebum with its strong antiseptic base of nettle and burdock extracts together with the antibacterial benefits of totarol. Designed to help reduce redness and inflammation and help begin the healing process in troubled skin".

RRP: $29.95 (50ml) – Available from the Jojoba Company and select pharmacies and health stores both in Austrlia and overseas.

What I Say:
I have previously tried the Jojoba Company Jojoba Oil, which is an amazing multi-tasking product, so I had high hopes for the Acne Serum as well. Similar for most, if not all of the acne and blemish products that I have used over the years, have been that they have all been loaded with chemicals and other nasties.

Not the Acne Serum from the Jojoba Company!! After some quick research I very quickly discovered that the products from the Australian brand are naturally free from mineral oils, sulphates ,  parabens, artificial fragrances and colours and contain no animal derivatives, and of course it has not been tested on animals. In other words, they are theoretically pretty good for your skin. As a bonus, the products are all made in Australia too!

The Jojoba Company actually has the philosophy that "Why subject your skin to chemical preservatives and synthetic ingredients when you could use a natural alternative that is good for your skin. We all avoid eating, drinking or inhaling chemical preservatives and synthetic foods, why would you risk ingesting them in to your skin. The Jojoba Company's skincare range is naturally good for your skin as well as the earth". Very impressive!

The key ingredients in the Acne Serum are Pure Australian Jojoba, which is an antioxidant, rich in Vitamins A, D & E, and acts as an anti-inflammatory. It also contains Totarol, an anti-bacterial super antioxidant, Nettle, which is balancing the skin, Aloe Vera, which has soothing properties, Green Tea, which is calming, Kakadu Plum, which nourishing and high in Vitamin C, Burdock Root with anti-inflammatory properties, and finally Juniperberry, which has a detoxing effect on the skin.

You can find more detailed information on these natural ingredients here.

I have been using the Acne Serum for roughly a month now and I love it! My skin instantly began to clear up; large pimples quickly became less red and inflamed and the smaller ones started to dry up, and now my skin is probably the best it has been for a very long time as I simply have less pimples, and those that I have are smaller and less ‘angry’ and inflamed.

Although the serum is designed to be used all over the face, I have only been using it where needed, and hence the large 50ml tube will last quite a long time. I can hardly see that I’ve used it!

The actual serum comes in a gorgeous orange plastic tube with a pump. I really love the orange colour of the tube, such a nice refreshing change to other products packaging. And I also love the fact that it comes with a pump, which makes it not only very easy to use, but also very hygienic.

The actual Acne Serum is an extremely light solution and one pump is sufficient to cover the entire face. It absorbs into the skin very quickly leaving the skin soft and smooth to touch, and far from dried out, unlike other acne products.

It has an orange floral scent to it, which is very faint, but still disappears as soon as the serum has been absorbed into the skin.

All in all, this is a fantastic product, and I really love that is natural and so gentle on the skin, yet so effective. So I will most definitely continue to use this serum whenever my skin is acting up. And if you too have constant breakouts and require something more natural to target the inflammation, then I highly recommend that you try it!

*This product was kindly provided for consideration, and it has been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

You can find more information about the Jojoba Company here.

Have you tried any of the products from the Jojoba Company? What is your preferred anti-blemish/acne treatment?



  1. Seems like a great product during "that time of the month".

    1. Yep, especially at that time of month, my skin always goes nuts!!

  2. This product sounds like right up my alley!
    I have sensitive, acne-prone skin and I always have at least one break-out -.-
    And I'm still looking for the perfect spot treatment :)

    1. Sounds like your skin is just like mine, so frustrating, isnt it!!

  3. Hello! I came across your blog and I'm your newest follower! :) Would you mind checking out our blog & following back via GFC and Bloglovin'? Let me know!


    1. Thanks heaps for checking out my blog and following me - I'll make sure to check out your blog too!

  4. This sounds amazing :) I love it when products just get to work on your skin straight away and you can really see a difference!

    1. Unfortunately it is so rare that things start working immediately!

  5. i love the packaging. it looks clean and cute

    visit my blog ^^

    1. I love the colourful packaging too, such a refreshing change!

  6. I really like your blog! And all your reviews so good.

    Found your blog over at Aloha Friday Hop.

    xo, Vita

    1. Thanks a lot for your lovely comments! I'll make sure to check out your blog too!!

  7. Maybe I need to give this a go as my skin's similar. I've been searching for a cure to acne for years.


    1. Same here, it is a constant search for something that actually works!

  8. This sounds like a promising product. Great review

    xx Christal xx

    1. Thanks a lot. Yeah, it is a great product, and I love that it's natural!

  9. Thanks for the following and nice comment on my blog!! I've never tried this product but have heard a lot about jojoba, for skin and for hair too.

    1. Thanksa lot of visiting my blog too!
      Yes, I really like this serum, it just seems to work for my skin!

  10. it seems to be a good skin product! I should give a try in the future ^^

    1. I love that it is natural, unlike other blemish products that I have previously used!

  11. I really like it, also because it is simply more natural than other blemish products that I have used in the past!
    And thanks so much for the lovely comments, I will make sure to check out your blog too!!

  12. I bought this after seeing this review, and I'm so glad I did! My skin was so bad for no particular reason (gotta love my skin) and this is definitely helped it improve! I've only been using it for a few days, but I can already see a difference. I'm hoping my skin will clear up completely soon, and I'm sure it will. Yay! :D
    Thanks for the great review! :D x

    1. You just made my day!!! So glad that you found my review useful, that just makes it all worth it!! So glad to hear that the serum is working for you too, it really is a great product, isnt it!

  13. Resources like the one you talked about right here can be very beneficial to me personally! I am going to submit a link to the site in my weblog.best acne treatment here.I am sure my personal site visitors will find that very helpful.

  14. Internal as well as external health need to be enhanced for acne free skin.

  15. I bought this after seeing this review, and I'm so glad I did! My skin was so bad for no particular reason and this is definitely helped it improve! I've only been using it for a few days, but I can already see a difference.
    Thanks for the great review

    obagi nu derm starter kit

    Alison Clarke

    1. Im so glad to hear that its worked for you too Alison, and then so quickly. That's amazing - goes to show it is a great product!


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