1 January 2020


For the past few months I’ve been loving the Australian cosmeceutical brand ESK Evidence Skincare  - their cruelty free products are created by doctors and dermatologists, using evidence-based and scientific ingredients to fight the signs of ageing and repair and protect the skin from the effects of a harsh environment. I talked about a full skincare regimen a little while ago, which was completely tailored to my skin type, needs and concerns (you can read more about it here), but today I am going to talk a little more about their Ultimate A+...

The ESK Evidence Skincare  Ultimate A+* is a night cream, which contains retinal to help fight the signs of ageing, including hyper pigmentation, lines, wrinkles and skin elasticity, while also promoting collagen growth, combating acne and rosacea, and improving skin texture.

Vitamin A is THE ingredients that I have found to be most efficient at both fighting the signs of ageing and reducing pigmentation on my ageing skin, while also helping manage and keep my acne under control. 

If you know a little about Vitamin A, then you’ll probably know that there are several different strengths of Vitamin A. They all need to convert into retinoic acid, for the ingredient to be able to be used by skin cells. 

ESK Evidence Skincare Ultimate A+ contains a version called retinal, which is a lot more effective and faster working that retinol, as it is only one step conversion from retinoic acid, (whereas ie. retinol is a two step conversion away, so effectiveness is not as powerful and fast!!)

 Retinal Palmitate > Retinol > Retinal (Retinaldehyde) > Retinoic Acid
Retinal (retinaldehyde), being the third stage in the retinoic acid conversion process, is also the closest in terms of performance prescription retinoic acid at fighting the signs of ageing.

ESK Skincare has two varying strengths of retinal, Ultimate A (0.06%), and Ultimate A+ (0.1%), which hence makes the A+ the more concentrated and stronger version. As my skin is used to high strength retinoids, I have started out using the A+, but if your skin is not used to the ingredient, it is always advised to start at the lowest strength first to get the skin used to it, and to avoid skin irritations.

In addition to the Retinal, the Ultimate A+ also contains a combination of glycolic acid, to enhance the effectiveness of the retinal and improve skin exfoliation for increased cell turnover, along with vitamin B3 4%(niacinamide) to help visibly improve the appearance of enlarged pores, even skin tone, remedy skin dullness, and improve skin barrier function by strengthening the epidermal surface from future environmental assault.

It also contains niacinamide and sweet almond oil to help prevent the dryness often associated with vitamin A products, along with glycolic acid to help exfoliate away dead skin cells for a brighter and fresher skin, and keeping my pores clearer, also helps greatly with my breakouts. It is quite light, which I really like on my combination skin, as again it doesn’t leave it feeling greasy or clogged up, and I am really enjoying how it leaves my skin feeling and looking softer, smoother and generally healthier and fresher.

Used in combination with the rest of the ‘prescribed’ skincare regimen from ESK Skincare, it is leaving my skin looking better and better, with pigmentation and acne marks reduced in appearance, and my skin overall appearing more even in texture, looking more even and brighter, and has a nice healthy glow. Plus, I have also noticed less of those angry breakouts, which is just amazing. 

For more information and to purchase, - and get 14% discount by using my affiliate link ESK Evidence Skincare 

* Some products may have been kindly provided for editorial consideration, and have been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy, and reviews are 100% honest and based on personal opinion and experience. Note that The Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter is not a professional or expert, so please do not substitute these opinions as professional advice.

Also note, this post may contain affiliate links, which means you pay no extra, but I get a small commission fee if you click through and buy something. And if so, thank you much for your supporting the running costs of my blog. xx

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