14 April 2015


I have always struggled with my skin breaking out. Even to this day where I am at the age where anti-ageing products are amongst my daily go-to products. Once thing that really makes a difference to the condition of my skin, is how well it is cleansed, and when I was pregnant with my little boy I had to stop using my usual high strength AHA cleansers as these ingredients are considered to be harmful to the unborn baby – and instead start using more ‘basic’ products, and in no time, my skin started acting up. And what made it improve was when I purchased a Clearsonic brush and started using it once or twice daily. I have sworn by this brush for over two years now, and still love it – but when the opportunity to trial one of the much raved about new style cleansing systems, the Foreo Luna came up, I happily accepted, here are my thoughts;

What They Say:

The Luna incorporates an 8-speed T-Sonic cleansing system with an innovative anti-aging feature. Three different models are available to cater to specific skin types.

RRP: $249 - Available from David Jones

What I Say:

Unlike most other sonic cleansing brushes uses a brush, the Foreo Luna is an egg shaped tool that cleanses your skin by the use of tiny nubby silicone bristles and sonic pulsations that gently cleanses the skin, and it works with a combination of transdermal sonic pulsations along with silicone touch-points, which gently helps cleanse the skin while refreshing the look and feel of it.

And actually, when I think about it, I really like the lack of normal bristles, as the non-porous silicone bristles means that there is no build-up of dead skin cells or bacteria, and of course, also no having to exchange the brush head regularly.

I also really like that the Foreo is not only completely waterproof, so it is safe to use in the shower, it is also quite small, and a lot lighter than the Clairsonic, so it is easier to take with you when travelling. It also charges very quickly and according to Foreo it should last for around 300 uses in one charge – which is almost 5 months if used twice per day!

To be quite honest I doubted that the Foreo would cleanse my skin as good as my Clairsonic, and I thought that the Clairsonic with its longer and thinner bristles surely would cleanse my skin deeper down each pore, but I quickly realised that I was wrong. From the very first use Foreo made my skin incredibly soft and smooth, and with a lovely glow – now doubt from the massaging effect, which I do believe it does better than the Clairsonic. It clearly cleanses my skin from excess makeup, oil and dead skin cells. Like any other cleansing device, I have been using the Foreo with a basic facial cleanser, which works really well – but I’m sure that you will get even better results if you use it with a ‘high charged’ cleanser instead.

Actually, the Foreo has two sides, the side with the nubby silicone bristles for every day cleansing, and the ‘rippled’ side intended for anti-ageing.

You first cleanse your skin with the nubby bristles, and once done after 2 minutes, you use the rippled side to wrinkle-prone areas of the face in lower-frequency Anti-Aging Mode. In just 3 days, you’ll feel the confidence that comes from having naturally beautiful, youthful-looking skin.

The Foreo is set to run for a minute, and every 15 seconds you get a buzz notifying you to move on to the next face zone, so you spend an equal amount of time on each part of your face; left cheek, right cheek, forehead and chin and nose. The Foreo also has various speed settings as well as the anti-ageing settings, so you can adjust according to need and skin type.

So what’s the verdict after using the Foreo Luna for about a month? Well, I have to say that I am really enjoying using it. It seems to be cleansing the skin as well as the Clairsonic (or in my case probably a little better as the brush head on my Clairsonic would be in serious need of replacing!). And with my skin being so thoroughly cleansed from every last trace of makeup and excess oil and sebum, it has consequently also meant that I feel I have been getting less breakouts, and the ones that I do get, seem to clear up faster again.

As for the anti-ageing claim that the Foreo helps smooth fine lines and wrinkles, I am not too sure that I have seen any change at all in my skin. However, as well as I feel that my skin is more refined and pores seem to have minimised, I do feel that my skin has a more radiant glow and simply looks more fresh. My serums and moisturisers seem to absorb quicker, and my makeup applies no only easier, but also stays put for longer.

At $249 the Foreo is a little pricey, but I find that it is well worth the price, as used in connection with your other skincare products, it really makes a significant change to both the condition and look of my skin, in a way no skincare product can. And as it will last you for years I feel it is a worthwhile investment you wish you’d purchased earlier!

*Product was kindly provided for consideration, and has reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

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