27 March 2013

L’Oreal Paris Beauty Workshop, with Beauty Tips from Rae Morris, LMFF 2013 - Part 1

Every year in connection with the L’Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival (LMFF), L’Oreal and Marie Claire hosts a beauty workshop, where L’Oreal Paris Make-Up Director, Rae Morris shares her beauty tips and tricks.

The beauty workshop was held at Maia, on Central Pier, Docklands, Melbourne, and this year I was lucky to get an invite from L’Oreal. But even at the ticket price of $39 it was reasonably priced, and even more so as it also included a L’Oreal Paris gift bag, valued at more than $70, but more about that later in part two..

The beauty workshop lasted for a good hour, and there was a stage where three models were being made up by makeup artists, while Rae Morris along with the beauty director of Marie Claire, Alex Noonan, not only shared their tips and tricks, spoke of the latest trends, as well as the newest L’Oreal Paris products to hit the shelves. So it was therefore not a ‘back-to-basics’ workshop, where you get to play with the makeup yourself, but more about picking up some tips and tricks to improve on your existing skills.

Some of Rae Morris’s tips that I managed to pick up during the workshop:

  • When selecting a foundation shade for yourself always try the foundation on your chest area rather than on your face as this is the best indicator of your true colouring. And if you are wearing a strappy/strapless top, make sure to also cover your chest and shoulder area to make sure your face matches your body.

  • And if you use a self-tanner on your body, again, make sure that your foundation matches the shade on your body, even if it means a darker foundation. There is nothing worse than a tanned body and a white face.

  • If you use only one product, make it a foundation or a BB cream as having an even skin instantly makes you look younger.

  • Concealer should be applied after the foundation, as the concealer will move as you apply your foundation, as well as the foundation will cover most imperfections, and consequently less concealer would be required.

  • When you are concealing under your eyes, always use a shade that is one shade lighter than your foundation, And don’t use the same colour concealer to blemishes as it will highlight them. To conceal blemishes, always use a concealer shade that is the same as your foundation.

  • If you have droopy eyes, forget the old saying that you should just line your lower lash line 1/3 of the way - because as this line stops at the lowest point of your eyes it will only emphasise the droopiness.

  • Wear the colours that complement your eyes below your eyes (i.e through eyeliner) to make your eyes pop, and you can then wear whatever colour you like on your eyelids.

  • When trying to make the perfect winged eyeliner look, use a piece of sticky tape put on an angle by the outer corner of your eye (Tip: take most of the stickiness of the tape out by putting it on your hand and take it of again a few times before putting it near your eye area.)

  • Messy eyebrows can ruin your whole look, so to ensure your eyebrows stay in place, spray a mascara spoolie with a little hairspray and comb through the brows to fix in place.

  • Define your brows with a pencil or a little powder for a more defined and groomed look.

  • Rae Morris also talked about how to shape your eyebrows for the most optimum effect. If the gap between your eyebrows point is too far apart, it can exaggerate the width of your nose (or draw attention to a wide nose). If the gap between the eyebrows is narrower, it will also make width of your nose appear much narrower.

  • The perfect nude lip colour depends on skin tone – your perfect nude colour is between the colour of your skin tone and your lip tone.

  • Enhance your cupids bow with a little gold highlighter to visually plump your pout.

  • On the debate on how much or how little water to drink. It’s not always a matter of drinking 8 glasses a day, sometimes you need more, and sometimes you need less. If you drink sufficient, your lips will not need lip balm, so your lips are hence an indication that you are sufficiently hydrated

  • When swatching lipsticks, never do this on the back of your hand, as it will not give you a true indication of the colour on your lips. Rather do it on the tip of a finger for a more realistic representation of the colour.

  • When applying lipsticks, one coat should be enough, as too many coats can result in the lipstick bleeding and smudging. And don’t apply lipstick on top of a lipbalm, as it will also make it bleed, and ruin the staying power as it stops the lipstick from adhering to the lips. Instead, put lipbalm on your lips before you start applying your make up, and then wipe it off before applying your lipstick.

So there you have it, those were the great tips I managed to pick up from Rae Morris. And all in all, it was a great workshop, that I really enjoyed attending it.  

What do you think of these tips? Any that you are keen to try out?



  1. I like the idea of one coat of lipstick being sufficient, less is more kind of a thing! New follower from the Aloha hop, would love a follow back :).


    1. I like that idea too - and with the quality of lipsticks these days, one coat should be sufficient anyway!!

      And thanks for visiting and following my blog. I will make sure to check out your blog too!

  2. She has the most fabulous tips, I love reading her books, definitely a brilliant makeup artist :-)

    1. It was a great event, and it was fantastic to be able to pick up some of her tips.


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