6 December 2021


Christmas is approaching fast. Its already a daily talk among out two little boys. Personally I refuse to pull out the Xmas decorations until we’ve officially hit 1st December. But that doesn’t mean that it is not on my mind. I’m not fond of crowds. Even during ‘good’ times, so I’ll do whatever I can to avoid the craziness of the shops this year, so have already started getting everything ready… 

While our boys at the ages of 6 and 8, still want and get toys - We are always very mindful of also giving them both NEED, WEAR and READ.

Luckily the usually love it all!! Especially the books. And I love that my boys are book worms, and both very advanced readers. Here’s some great book gift ideas my boys are currently loving..

The Christmas Pig by J.K Rowling - ($39.00 Hardback)
A magical and imaginative book by none other than J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter books. This book is a little Toy-Story, and is about a young boy, Jack’s love for his most treasured toy, Dur Pig, also called DP. Until the terrible thing happens and DP is lost, and Jack goes on a daring and exciting journey to find it again. 

Such a beautiful story, and beautifully illustrated with black and white drawings by Jim Field.  

It is suitable for kids aged 8+ and my 8.5 year old boy loved it, and found it easy to read. He’s already planning to re-read it! 

Wandi by Favel Parrett ($19.99 Hardback) 
This book is true and inspiring about a young dingo cub is snatched from his family and home by a giant eagle, then dropped, and left injured and alone, in a suburban backyard wondering if he will ever see his family again. 

Wandi is taken to a sanctuary to help save alpine dingoes from extinction. The book has gorgeous illustrations and is a beautiful and emotional story, a little in line with Storm Boy - about learning to adjust and adapt, be strong and finding hope. And as an animal lover, this book was also a great pick for my 8yo.  

It is recommended for 7+, so he did find it an easy ready, but even so, really enjoyed it. 

The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Peculiar Pairs in Nature by Sami Bayly ($32.99 Hardback)

Written and beautifully illustrated by Sami Bayly, this book is about the strangest animal species pairs in nature, relying on each other for their survival. From a rare tick living in the fur of a pygmy possum, or a stick insect feasting and hiding out amongst the Melaleuca. 

It is a different view of the animal kingdom, looking into different types of necessary animal relationships between animal.

A great and very fascinating read for any animal loving child. Both my 6 and 8yo are enjoying reading and studying it and the beautiful pictures.

All books available from good book stores and from Hachette Online

* Some products may have been kindly provided for editorial consideration, and have been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy, and reviews are 100% honest and based on personal opinion and experience. Note that The Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter is not a professional or expert, so please do not substitute these opinions as professional advice. 

All images above are taken my me, and I own the full rights to them - hence you cannot use them without obtaining my written permission first. 

Also note, this post may contain affiliate links, which means you pay no extra, but I get a small commission fee if you click through and buy something. And if so, thank you much for your supporting the running costs of my blog. xx

Remember that in between my blog posts you can always keep up with me on Instagram 


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