22 April 2018


I have always, since a very young age, been very interested in skincare, and very well aware of the fact that a healthy lifestyle, generally also tends to mean healthier skin. I mean, isn’t it just logic that you cannot expect glowing healthy skin, if all you eat is processed junk food. And lately, a lot of skin supplement brands seems to be popping up, and with good reason, as regardless as how much we all try, with a hectic daily life, it can be hard to ensure that you get all the nutrients your need on a daily basis. I’ve put the Vida Glow Beauty Greens with Pineapple & Mint to the test.

Vida Glow believe in the importance of holistic wellness that goes beyond a one-dimensional approach to beauty, and that foundation that nourishment for hair, skin and nails starts within. So they have crated a range of pure yet potent supplements to benefit and enhance beauty, mind, body and general wellbeing.

The Vida Glow’s Beauty Greens in Pineapple and Mint is specially formulated to add essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fatty acids, fibre, herbs, protein, a balance of pre and probiotics and digestive enzymes to your daily diet. These certified organic ingredients, have been put together to alkalise the body and provide it with potent phytonutrients to help reduce inflammation, slow the signs of ageing, support digestion and fight radical damage to give clearer and more youthful looking skin, enhance nutrition absorption, and assist the body in breaking down difficult to digest food, to help normalise the. Gut for less bloating and a flatter tummy. The Beauty Greens contain 28 key nutrients such as Pea Protein powder, Vida Glow's unique Phyto Greens Blend, Sea Buckthorn juice powder, prebiotics and probiotics.

The Beauty Greens are also enriched with naturally occurring key minerals including magnesium, selenium, manganese and zinc, which help curb cravings and stabilises blood sugar levels, and also promises; 

  • Clearer, brighter, more youthful looking skin 
  • Improved hair and nail condition 
  • Slows signs of ageing 
  • Enhances nutrition absorption 
  • Prevents nutritional deficiencies 
  • Supports digestion 
  • Regulate sugar and carb cravings 
  • Assists the body in breaking down difficult to digest foods 
  • Detox the body, flushing it from excess fluids and toxins. 
  • Balances pH levels in the body 
  • Fights free radical damage 
  • Reduces inflammation 
  • Increases energy 
  • Stronger Immune System 
  • Supports detoxification 

The Vida Glow Beauty Greens has the consistency of a powder, and it can be added to smoothies or juices, with a natural mild pineapple and mint flavour tasting delicious in plain water - I love that it is flavoured from the natural ingredients, and do not contain any synthetic flavourings.

According to Vida Glow, just one scoop, which is equivalent of one serve, gives you a concentrated blend of fruits, vegetables, aquatic plants and algae like spirulina and chlorella, probiotics and enzymes, herb and spice extracts including dandelion and ginger; and natural vitamins and minerals.

You can drink it by adding the scoop of powder to a cup of water, or you add it to coconut water, or a plant-based milk (almond, cashew, or coconut) that does not contain added refined sugars. You then make sure to blend or shake well. Alternatively you can of course add it to a smoothie. Personally I’ve liked just adding it to water, for the pure reason that it is obviously something that I always have available, whereas ie coconut water I tend to forget to purchase, and I have to say that it does have a rather lovely and refreshing taste.

Vida Glow promises that you can expect to see results within typically 4 weeks but may even start seeing results in as little as 1-2 weeks, taking it daily.

So how did I go..Firstly, I do like that a single scoop of this, added to something as basic as water coming out of my tap, can give me so many vital mineral and nutrients, with so many benefits for both my over-all health, but also for my skin, hair and nails. It tastes great - ok, I do prefer the taste of a freshly squeezed juice, but it is still lovely, and I love that it doesn’t contain anything artificial.

In terns of results.. something are obviously very hard to judge, but overall I do feel that it has helped with my sugar craving.. I’ve been drinking a glass in the afternoon, so perhaps thats why, but I chose to believe that it has made a difference. 

In terms of my overall gut health - for me that is a tricky one to judge, as I have a bowel illness, and on permanent medication for it - this condition does mean that I am not alway absorbing all the nutrients I need, so for that reason, I am also pleased with the added nutrients in these Beauty Greens. I have not seen any improvement in my overall bowel health, but to be honest, I also hadn’t expected that, but I certainly haven’t seen it deteriorate either. I do however feel that I am somewhat less bloated, something that I have always struggled with due to my illness, so whether it is the Beauty Greens doing this, or the fact that they curb my afternoon surgery cravings (which cause the bloating??), well that is beyond me, be the fact that I feel less bloated, is a nice feeling.

As for my skin - I have recently been through a particular stressful period, and that always has a major impact on my blemish prone skin, which responded by breaking out worse than a teenagers. My skin is slowly clearing up again, and is certainly looking so much nicer than it did when I started taking this daily, and it is also looking so much healthier and is also so much more glowing and radiant too, and I do think that the Beauty Greens have certainly helped speed up this recovery

I am at the end of the tub now, and know that benefits are cumulative, so I have plans on getting my hands on a new tub and see what further improvements it can give my skin.

Vida Glow also has a large range of other products to target different needs, and I am certainly keen to explore further products from their range.

Vida Glow Beauty Greens with Pineapple and Mint - RRP: $59.95 / 210g / 30 servings
Available from Vida Glow and RY

Some products may have been kindly provided for editorial consideration, and have been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy, and reviews are 100% honest and based on personal opinion and experience. Note that The Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter is not a professional or expert, so please do not substitute these opinions as professional advice.

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