9 February 2018


How hot has it been in Melbourne lately. And I am absolutely loving it, after a few weeks of Scandinavian winter and minus degrees in the beginning of January, it is so lovely to feel the warmth of the sun again. But with hot weather, also comes the sweating.

Now I am lucky that I don't sweat a lot, but of course when it is really hot, or when I am outside exercising, it is only natural that I do. No, like most, I do use the standard over the counter deodorants and aerosols (though I prefer roll-ons), and usually find that they do the job for me regardless of the temperatures. But you hear so many negatives about these deodorants from causing health issues due to the aluminium contents to not being environmentally friendly, that I have been keen on putting some natural options to the rest, and that's when No Pong landed on my desk.

Firstly, you just gotta love the name, No Pong. How appropriate, that is, if they work... Keeps the pong away.... Let's find out...

There are two different versions available, the Original No Pong, which is bicarb based, as well as Bicarb Free, Low Fragrance Version, which is suitable for those with sensitive skin. Both promises to be sweat resistant deodorants that keep you feeling fresh for up to 12 hours.

No Pong are 100% paraben, aluminium, cruelty and plastic free and is made from all natural ingredients the Original No Pong includes the ingredients coconut oil, baking soda, Corn Starch, Beeswax, and a proprietary blend of 100% pure, Australian certified organic essential oils consisting of Orange Sweet, Vanilla, Lemongrass, Cedarwood Atlas, Bergamot, Lime, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Geranium. The Bicarb Free version on the other hand contains coconut oil, Magnesium Hydroxide, Diatomaceous Earth, Beeswax, and a reduced concentration of No Pong’s 100% pure, Australian certified organic essential oils consisting of Orange Sweet, Vanilla, Lemongrass, Cedarwood Atlas, Bergamot, Lime, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Geranium.

The essential oils means that both have a gorgeous scent of vanilla and citrus, which I really like, the low fragrance option obviously with a more subtle scent. Personally I like the original one, simply because of its slightly stronger scent, which is still so subtle it wont clash with a perfume, however, if you are sensitive so stronger scents, the low fragrance option is the way to go.

The small tins contains 35grams, just sufficient to last a month. I love that they come in little tins, as it makes them super handy to bring with you in the handbag, or when travelling. However, I have to say that I do find having to dig my fingers into the paste to apply it onto my armpits a little bit messy. But thankfully its easy to wash off the fingers again. As for my armpits, I liked that No Pong absorbed into my skin quickly and easily without leaving them feeling sticky, or powdery, and didn't leave white marks on my skin or clothes.

But how did the No Pong deodorants stack up. I tested both during really hot days where the temperature was above 35 degrees, putting it on first thing in the morning after my shower, and as promised, both did live up to their promises and kept me free from sweat or odour throughout the whole day.

So if you're looking for a natural alternative to a deodorant, then I highly recommend that you check out No Pong as they are not only very efficient, they are also very budget friendly too.

No Pong Original - RRP: $9.95 / 35g (currently $5.95 with $3 shipping)
No Pong Bicarb Free - RRP: $10.95 / 35g (currently $5.95 with $3 shipping)

Available from No Pong

* Some products may have been kindly provided for editorial consideration, and have been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy, and reviews are 100% honest and based on personal opinion and experience. Note that The Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter is not a professional or expert, so please do not substitute these opinions as professional advice.

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