28 August 2017


I think we've all tried it... Been out wearing our tallest heels, and by the end of the night, the feet are so sore, that you end up walking barefoot with the heels in hand through the city home. Or perhaps gone out for a pedicure, but wearing closed shoes, and immediately stuffing up the freshly painted toes as soon as you put on those shoes. Or, I also personally am not fond of driving in my high heels, not that I cannot do it, but I hate how doing so marks up the back of the heel and shoe, and not looking very nice. Regardless of the situation, the Salvatos Foldable Thongs are your ultimate saviour... 

You see, the Salvatos are a range of very unique patented, foldable and portable thongs that comes in a little nifty silicon pouch for easy storage, and the thongs simply fold in half, the only take up half the room in your handbag - plus, as you fold them, thus covering up the sole, it also means that it is more hygienic and cleaner popping them into the handbag. 

The Salvatos thongs have a rubber strap but the soles are made from EVA, which is a man-made, eco-friendly, light weight and flexible material, that is also non-toxic, shock absorbing and very durable - so durable that it has proven to stay in tact fold after fold, so no need to worry that your thongs will break in half! 

I have put the Melbourne Black pair to the test, which is an all black pair, apart from the white Salvatos logos on the straps - simple and elegant, and goes with everything, even that LBD!! And I have to say that they are comfortable even at this time of the year... And when I say that, I am surely also not the only one who's feet struggle the first few times in the start of the new spring and summer season that you pop your feet into thongs... Mine are so sore each time, until my feet yet again get used to that starp between the toes. But not with the Salvatos, as the rubber strap is soft and comfortable, so I've managed to wear them for longer periods of time, without any irritation at all.

At the moment mine are 'living' in my car, so they are always there when I need them, but I know that once we move to warmer (read sandal weather), they ill increasingly find a place in my handbag when I go out. 

There are heaps of cool colours available, so make sure to go check them out, I know you'll love them too. 

Salvatos Foldable Thongs - RRP: $29.99
Available from Salvatos

* Products have been kindly provided for consideration, and have reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

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