26 June 2015


I have to admit that I am usually a fairly healthy eater, also throughout my first pregnancy. But with this pregnancy it wasn’t quite as easy, as this time I didn’t just have myself to look after, but also an active 2 year old. So I simply couldn’t just take a nap or relax whenever I wanted, but rather I was on the go constantly chasing after him or up and down from the floor playing with him. And that certainly took its toll, and consequently, when I was getting too drained and tired, but unable to rest, I’d reach for a snack – anything sweet that would give me a quick fix burst of much needed energy. And even well knowing that it would be short lived, but with the pantry only so far away, soon after I was back again for seconds, and back again…

Then I was asked to trial the Pregnancy Smoothie and Healthy Pregnancy Eating & Exercise Plan from The Healthy Mummy. The Smoothie is in short a convenient and easy supplementary food, designed to complement your existing pregnancy vitamins or supplements, to help you meet the extra requirements during your pregnancy, while the Healthy Pregnancy Eating & Exercise Plan is the ideal book to help give you guidelines on how to be as healthy as can be while you’re pregnant.

The Pregnancy Smoothie has been cleverly designed to provide all the extra nutrients and calories are needed in pregnancy to support the mum and the baby, including protein, calcium, Vitamin B, Folate, Iodine, zinc and iron to help keep you full for longer, and give you energy when you’re feeling exhausted. It is also free from free from all chemicals, fillers and artificial ingredients, has no fructose in, no added sugar.

The Pregnancy Smoothie comes in three varieties, Vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry, and I tried the Vanilla one, which I actually preferred – not that I don’t like chocolate or strawberry, but because the vanilla one can easily be flavoured with any fruit combination you decide to add.

The smoothie can either be mixed with low-fat milk alone, or it can be mixed with fruit or veggie, or even nuts or seeds for extra flavor and nutritional value and energy.

The Healthy Pregnancy Eating & Exercise Plan book has several different suggestions, including adding chia seeds, which contains magnesium that will help combat the dreaded nightly leg cramps, or adding fresh ginger to help relieve the symptoms of morning sickness. You can also add thing like tahini which contains protein to help baby’s growth or flaxseeds which contains omega-3 to help the development of baby’s brain.

The Healthy Pregnancy Eating & Exercise Plan book also gives you a full run down on the calories, protein and sugar contents of the smoothies, depending on what type of milk you use, and some of the added ingredients as mentioned above.

The book also gives you exercise suggestions, and tells you which foods you should avoid while pregnant, how to stay active, and gives you delicious recipes for meals, snacks and treats. The book includes a 7-day meal plan, as well as options for healthy snacks and treats. Some of my picks are the Chicken & Mango Salad, the Tuna Salad Pockets, and the No-Bake Choc Berry Tart.

My favorite smoothie suggestion from the book is the iron boosting smoothie that contains the smoothie mix, and has added frozen strawberries and raspberries, baby spinach, chia seeds, almond meal and almond milk – it is simply delicious – almost like a dessert – yet healthy and very filling at the same time, so it’s the perfect pick-me-up snack alternative – both because it gives you more energy, but also because you can get through until your next main meal without constantly feeling hungry.

I so wish that I’ come across this this Pregnancy Smoothe and The Healthy Pregnancy Eating & Exercise Plan book as then I might now have gained 15kgs during my pregnancy!!

The Pregnancy Smoothie has an RRP of $49.95 (500g/makes 16 smoothies), while The Healthy Pregnancy Eating & Exercise Plan book has an RRP of $39.95 (currently on special for $19.95!) – Available from The Healthy Mummy

But The Healthy Mummy also has a range of smoothies, cookbooks and exercise plans designed to help a new mum lose that baby weight, which I might check out in my quest to lose the last 5-kgs to get me back to my pre-pregnancy weight, and hopefully back in my old clothes again…

*Product was kindly provided for consideration, and has reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

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