6 October 2014


Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday…. Yep, that’s true, today, the 6th October marks my blog's 2nd anniversary…when I started blogging two years again I had no idea that it I would get so addicted. At the time it was merely meant as a distraction in a time where I was having a personal hard time between miscarriages and IVF treatments, and here I am two years later, with some 650 posts and close to 700,000 views! Personally I am impressed.


Now with a 15month old there are days when it is so difficult to find time to blog, but I try to make up for it over the weekends, although I definitely no longer have as much time to myself (read for blogging) as I would like to, and consequently, planned improvements, developments and expansions on the blog will take a little longer than planned, but I will get there…. Two years ago, I had certainly not even thought that I’d ever get so much daily traffic as I do today, but what is even more, that I would have connected and made friends with so many other fabulous bloggers from around the world, and of course with some remarkable brands and PRs too, all of whom have made this whole journey come to fruition – and made the whole experience so enjoyable!

Anyway, enough babbling from me… as many of you may know, I am currently in Denmark visiting my family I haven’t seen in almost two years, but when I return to Melbourne mid-October, stay tuned as to thank my loyal followers and supporters, I will be doing a giveaway or two…. So make sure you keep your eyes on the blog and my social media pages…

Thanks again to everyone for all your support. 

Karina xx


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  1. Congratulations Karina on your milestone! More blogging years to come! :)

  2. Happy birthday to your blog! So glad to hear it is doing so well!

    Des | Simple Charm Beauty

  3. Congrates Honey on the second birthday, maybe i can get some space back in the house????

  4. Happy Birthday!!! I hope you are having a wonderful time in Denmark!)

  5. Happy Birthday and Congratulations!

  6. Congrats Karina - heck of a milestone! Keep up the good work (from soggy Ireland!).

  7. Happy 2 year anniversary for your blog!


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