3 September 2014


How healthy are you? It’s been 14 months since I gave birth to our beautiful boy, and I am pleased that I have lost all the pregnancy weight. But that doesn’t mean that I feel healthy. Countless of nights with poor sleep because of a teething toddler, means that I often feel tired, and feel I have no energy to exercise, and by the afternoon I often find myself reaching for an energy quick-fix in the form of a muesli bar, biscuits or the like, - all of which is of course not very healthy, and full of empty calories too.

The good news is that on September 1st 2014 A Season of Change started up. It is a program that is free of charge – yep, completely free, and it is inviting women from all walks of life to join on-line for a 12-week event that will make a positive, sustainable transformation to the way you eat, exercise and look.

A Season of Change is a 12 week body, self-image and lifestyle event. The program promises a 360 degree approach to well-being, participants will receive free weekly digital TV episodes containing expert advice on nutrition, health and fitness as well as self-image and styling.


The program will offer expert tips and advice on nutrition with eating plans and recipes, health and fitness including exercise programs as well as well as self-image and personal fashion and styling tips to complete their lifestyle transformations.  

It is hosted by Australian-raised television personality, Henrietta Moore, and A Season of Change participants will be able to tap into the vast knowledge of an ensemble cast of experts from Australia and New Zealand including nutritionist Dane Fuller, chef Nick Honeyman, fitness guru Luke Sniewski, yoga instructor Claire Robbie, competitive athlete and trainer Anna Bramley and stylist and self-image expert Susana Tuya Sarmiento - all without spending a cent.

According to Evan Matthews, creator of A Season of Change, the new online program isn’t about willpower and it’s not a weight loss “challenge” either. “A Season of Change takes a holistic approach to health and wellbeing by helping women to make behavioural changes that they can actually live by long term - one that sustains rather than depletes them and gives them life-enhancing tips, resources and opportunities for long lasting change.”

The episodes are only seven to eight minutes in duration and can be watched from any computer or mobile device, so even the most time poor women can fit watching them into their busy lives,” host Henrietta Moore said. “Plus, everyone starts at the same time, so participants go through the transformation process together, encouraging a sense of community and support between members,” she adds.


Additional resources such as weekly eating plans, recipes, fitness programs, behavioural insights and personal styling tips will be available on the website after each episode airs, providing a weekly area of focus for participants to work on.

“We’ve specifically chosen a team of inspiring experts who’ll guide women through the program, offering nutritional advice, healthy eating tips and delicious recipes, plus trainers who’ll give them the motivation to get moving, while having fun and trying new things along the way. We’ll also give their wardrobes some much-needed attention with styling ideas that help them create a positive new look and get them to a place where they feel completely transformed!” Matthews said.

Participants will also have the opportunity to connect with other like-minded members who have similar goals, backgrounds and aspirations with plenty of ways for them to unite, encourage each other and make friends along the way.


I have already signed up and hope to get a little healthier along the way, and be inspired with some new healthy recipes and get a few lifestyle and styling tips along the way too.

And what are you waiting for? It's not too late, sign up now, and then watch the show online, before visiting the Nutrition, Fitness and Self Image pages for the all the extra information you need to help you succeed with the program.

To join in the program and transform your health and lifestyle this spring, visit A Season of Change 



But wait, there’s more – in addition to this amazing free program, to help you succeed and to to celebrate the launch of their free 12-week program, A Season of Change are giving away a unique health and wellness prize pack to one lucky Beauty and Lifestyle Hunter reader.

The prize pack contains a unique selection of health and wellness products to help you through the 12-week program,  including Sculpt protein powder and shaker, Yes To Blueberries Facial Towelettes, BeGenki Vital Face Mist, Be Genki Vital Oil Blend, and a selection of Pukka organic tea sachets, all valued at over $100 – pretty cool, isn’t it!

Entry is very simple – but here are the rules of the giveaway, so please read them:
  • The giveaway begins today, the 3rd September July and finishes on the 18th September 2014.

  • This giveaway is open to AUSTRALIAN RESIDENTS ONLY.

  • This competition is a game of skill and will be judged as such. The most creative answers to the blog post question as deemed so by the Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter will be the winner. All mandatory options must be completed to constitute a valid entry.
  • You MUST follow The Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter by GFC or Bloglovin’, - and leave your follower name in the comments.

  • You MUST like The Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter on Facebook – make sure to leave your facebook name in the comments

  • As A Season of Change has kindly sponsored these skincare packs, please show your love by liking them on facebook, and if you would kindly also like and share it on the Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter facebook page or retweet on Twitter, I would greatly appreciate your support

  • NOTE: Points generated by the Rafflecopter form are consequently not valid, as this is a game of skill, Rafflecopter is used solely to collate and manage the entries.

  • You will be banned from this and future giveaways if you're only following my blog because of the giveaways and un-follow straight after. So if you have previously been following my blog, unfollowed, and now wish to follow again, you are not eligible to enter this giveaway. (I know you are, so don’t waste your time or mine!)
  • Giveaway blogs that solely posts about giveaways/competitions are excluded from entering this giveaway.
  • You must be 18 or older to enter. If you are under 18 years of age, please get permission from your parent(s), as I will need your postal address if you're chosen as a winner.

  • From contacted, the winner has 48 hours to respond with their address details. Failure to respond within this timeframe will result in a new winner being drawn.
  • Prize packs will be sent directly from A Season of Change, or I will take no responsibility for damaged, lost or misdirected mail.

Good Luck Everyone!

And the winner is...... Rebecca P.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Seems like a really cool program :)! And good luck to all the participants, the giveaway is lovely!


  2. I gave birth 6 months ago and I too need to get into shape because we are heading to Hawaii end of October and I look a bit wobbly!

  3. I've lost 35kg in just over 12 months, was 155kg, still have 40kg to go to reach my goal weight, this would be just the ticket to boost my weight loss :D

  4. Post-baby belly blues left! I need a fresh start! A journey to loving me! It's the perfect season to change! <3

  5. follwing on all forms as aimee t or aimee tatham :)

  6. I love that this program is free, Australian and not all about weight loss. (though I would like to drop about 5kgs)
    Getting a healthy, feel-good treat in the mail would be an extra motivating boost during the program. (off to sign up now!)

  7. I just had baby number 2, Now fighting off a brain tumour so Top health is my priority!

  8. I've spent Winter in hibernation, only emerging for my sugar and caffeine fixes. But Spring has sprung and it's the perfect kickstart I need!
    Bloglovin' user name: missysld
    Facebook user name: Sarah Dean

  9. Winter has left me feeling plump, and a left over baby bump. My mirror refection causes no laughter. Some healthy inspiration is what I'm after!

  10. Winters over, light clothing looms showing off my body. Need reduce extra pounds; begin healthier, refreshed lifestyle making myself feel and look revamped, altogether happier

  11. I follow on GFC - rm.newell.....,Bloglov - bonnie-kate.....thank you

  12. A season of change is here,
    To get me into gear
    Fantastic advice and wellness products to use
    To rid me of the winter blues

    Bloglovin / FB : Rebecca Perry


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