21 May 2014


No matter how much in a hurry I am, one thing I never skip, is applying a body lotion or cream after I’ve showered. I don’t have particularly dry skin, but if I skip the moisturiser, I feel my skin becomes itchy as the day goes on. Often I will use a fragrance free body cream, so it doesn’t clash with my perfume, but every so often, I love the indulgence that it is to slather my skin with a gorgeous scented cream, and today I’d like to share with you one of those, the *Subtle Energies Divine Passion Double Cream;

What They Say:
The exclusive Divine Passion Double Cream is enriched with a precious blend of pure essential oils that enhance both the spiritual and sensual nature within us.
RRP: $89 (200ml) – Available from Subtle Energies and selected Spas

What I Say:
To be quite honest, when I was approached and asked if I wanted to trial the cream, I’d never heard of Subtle Energies before. But a little bit of research into the brand and its products quickly got me very intrigued..

Subtle Energies is an Australian owned, family business that offers a range of Ayurveda Aromatherapy blends, treatments and skincare. The products and treatments are based on traditions dating back over 5,000 years in written texts and 40,000 years by oral teachings. The products are made by combining the optimum methods and knowledge found in these respected ancient sciences, with modern aromatherapy techniques, to create safe and effective products with properties to enhance wellness and promote vitality to the skin. How amazing does that sound!!

And the Divine Passion Double Cream is nothing short of amazing. It combines the skin softening elixirs of Saffron, Patchouli and Mogra essential oils, which are extremely beneficial for hydrating and soothing dry, stressed and roughened skin.  Also contains the beautiful Sandalwood essential oil to nourish the soul. These pure essential oils are combined with an ultra-rich cream of natural butters and plant extracts, to provide skin with the extra moisture and protection that it needs to promote a radiant glow.

The products from Subtle Energies are also made combining the traditional techniques and benefits of Ayurveda with the added benefits of Aromatherapy and Marma techniques, using the rare and unique flora pharmacy of the Indian essential and base oils, providing a holistic sensory experience.

And true to its name, the Divine Passion Double Cream really is amazing and smells absolutely divine, and you can clearly detect the Patchouli, and although new to me, no doubt also the Mogra Absolute, which is extracted from Jasminum Officinalis, which is said to be one of the most fragrant flowers that originated in central Asia.

The Indian science of Ayurveda and Ayurveda Aromatherapy is based on the Elements, Doshas / Prakruti (genetic constitution) and Vikruti (presenting condition). There are three Doshas, Vata (Air & Ether) Pitta (Fire & Water) & Kapha (Water & Earth) – originating from the five basic elements Air, Ether, Fire, Water & Earth. It is said that we are born with an inherited genetic blueprint, or Prakruti of these Doshas within us, some more pre-dominant than the others. When the Doshas are balanced according to our Prakruti, they support the body. When not in balance, they cause disease and disorders.

The Subtle Energies products also works to achieve balance and harmony at the individual Dosha level, whilst also nurturing the skin and senses.

All of this is new to me, so luckily the Subtle Energies website has a small test you can do to calculate your dosha – which you can do here.
Mine is predominantly Pitta!

The Dosha effect of the Divine Cream claims to pacifies Vata and Pitta, resulting in a synergy that calms the fire and balances the air and ether energies within us, providing moisture, with soothing effects to skin and the senses.

Now finally on to the actual cream…

The cream has a quite thick consistency which would make you think it would leave the skin feeling greasy, but that is far from the case. It absorbs quickly and leaves the skin incredibly soft and deeply hydrated, throughout the day without the need to reapply. And the skin is left with a nice healthy glow. And what I love too, is that divine scent keeps lingering on the skin for most of the day too.

The cream also gets bonus points for being formulated without the use of petrochemicals, parabens or synthetic fragrances or colours.

It comes in a heavy plastic tub, which is so heavy that I initially thought it to be made from glass. It has a simply white screw lid with the brand’s logo embossed into the lid – and it simply just looks classy and elegant – and very luxurious too, one of those that you’d leave out on display in your bathroom!

What I Like:
  • Comes in a luxurious looking jar
  • Smells utterly divine and the beautiful scent lingers on the skin
  • Absorbs quickly into the skin and without making it feel greasy or sticky
  • Makes the skin feel thoroughly moisturised and gives it a nice healthy glow
  • Thick and creamy consistency
  • Doesn't contain petrochemicals, parabens or synthetic fragrances or colours

What I Don’t Like:
  • A little pricey

Overall, this is an amazing cream, and I love the research and development that has gone into making it and the other products from Subtle Energies, making it more than just a body cream. It not only feels so lovely on the skin, it smells so incredible too – like turning an ordinary shower into a spa experience. Sadly it is not cheap, but if you can afford the splurge or feel like treating yourself, you won’t regret it!
*This product was kindly provided for consideration, and it has been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

What do you think of this body cream from Subtle Energies? Ever heard of the brand before? What’s your thoughts on Ayurveda Aromatherapy? And did you test your Dosha?


  1. Very nice review! Love the texture! <33

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  2. I need to try this! I use the bliss blend serum and i have fallen inlove with the brand! I agree it also takes me to the spa kind of place. The smell is just beyond this world! Great review! I must get this when i can splurge! xxx


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