26 August 2013

Product Review: Hydra-Oil Replenishing Body Cream

While I don’t have particularly dry skin, there is no denying that  does get a little drier during winter, and consequently I am always on the lookout for a very moisturising body cream, so here’s my thoughts on the *Hydra-Oil Replenishing Body Cream;

What They Say:
"Specially formulated to help diminish the appearance of scars and other skin discolourations such as spots and stretchmarks".

RRP: $21.95 (150ml) - Available exclusively from Coles

What I Say:
I also recently reviewed the Hydra-Oil, so if you’ve missed my review, you can see it here.

The Hydra-Oil has been designed with an ingredient called Tri Nano Oil which acts as a non-greasy emollient and helps with increased skin absorption.

It claims to be specifically formulated to help diminish the appearance of scars and other skin discolorations such as spots and stretch marks, as well as aiding in evening out skin tone and nourishing mature and dehydrated skin.

It is made up of essential oils, which helps to tone the skin and remove the dryness to keep the skin smooth and hydrated. Hydra-Oil is rich in vitamins which help fight signs of ageing and improves the health and quality of skin.

Unlike other body creams, this cream comes in an aerosol can, where the cream sprays out like a little like a shaving gel. The can is easy to use – well the first time, but when you go back to get more and you have slightly greasy hands from the cream, it does make it a little trickier to hang on to the bottle.
The actual cream is very light and airy, it is also very creamy, and as claimed, it really does absorb quickly into the skin without leaving it greasy. And it instantly leave the skin feel extremely soft, smooth and very hydrated. My winter dry shins are no longer dry, and neither are the drier area such as elbows and knees.

It has a quite strong natural scent, no doubt coming from the rosemary, lavender and chamomile oils used. This scent does fade once the cream has absorbed into the skin, but still does linger around a little.

So how did the cream perform after using it for a few weeks? Well, I have to say that I have not noticed any difference in the appearance of stretch marks, scars or skin tone. But Hydra-Oil is recommending using to twice a day for a minimum of three months to see results, and as I’ve only been using it once a day for a few weeks it may be a little early to cast a verdict.

What I like:
  • That it contains lots of natural oils including chamomile, lavender, rosemary, sunflower, and calendula,
  • It is very moisturising
  • It absorbs quickly and is non-greasy

What I don’t like
  • That I cannot see how much cream is left in the can
  • That the can is a little tricky to use when you have greasy hands
  • The scent is a little strong
  • That it contains parabens
Overall, this is a lovely body cream, which is extremely moisturising and nourishing, yet absorbs quickly and without leaving the skin feel greasy. At $21.95 for 150ml it is a little expensive for a ‘supermarket’, but as it is quite concentrated I’d dare say that the can would last for a while, although again, this is hard to tell, as it is not possible to see how much cream is left in the can – after two weeks of daily use, it feels like I still have around half a can left. So if you have dry skin, I definitely recommend that you give this body cream a go.
*This product was kindly provided for consideration, and has been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

Have you tried any of the products from Hydra-Oil? What do you think of a body lotion in a can? What’s your favourite body lotion?



  1. Sounds lovely. I can imagine it smells nice too with all the essential oils!

    1. It is very lovely, and if you like the smell of essential oils, then it will be right up your alley!


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