1 April 2013

First Google Reader closing, now another one closes too…

It has only been three or so weeks ago since Google reader announced that they will be shutting down the service from 1st July 2013, which is sad news for many who use this service as the main reader to keep up-to-date with their favourite blogs.

And now I have literally just seen an announcement Hellocotton.com that their service will also soon come to an end. Oh no!!


To allow for a little more variety and personal choices, I have always had a few options of following my blog – and yes, Hello Cotton is also one of them!

On the Hello Cotton website the announcement says that "It is with much regret that we inform you today that Hellocotton.com will soon come to an end. It has been a very inspiring adventure for us and we want to thank you for all your support".

You can see the full announcement here.

But there is no mention of when exactly the Hello Cotton service will be shutting down, so if you are only using Hello Cotton as you way of keeping in the loop with your favourite blogs, I highly recommend that you sign up to a few other readers.

And I would obviously be very sad if I lost all my dear Hello Cotton followers, so I hope those of you following my blog on Hello Cotton, will make sure to follow my blog via GFC (at least it has not yet been confirmed that Google is also shutting down that service), Bloglovin’, or SheSaidBeauty.

You can follow the Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter here;

on Bloglovin' click here

on SheSaidBeauty click here

Alternatively, visit my blog, and click on the links on the left hand sidebar to follow my blog!

Thanks heaps for continuing to follow and support my blog!

How do you follow your favourite blogs? Do you know of any other great blog Readers?


1 comment

  1. Thanks a lot Rena for visiting and following my blog, Its much appreciated!


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