10 March 2013

Industry News: Heart Beauty Magazine Launching in Australia.

I love magazines, admit to subscribing to a few, and often buy others as they come out during the month if something grabs my attention. Sadly for most of them, I feel that that the beauty sections of the monthly glossy women’s fashion magazines, are way too small, and I have always wished that they would they would extend these beauty sections.

Well now for the fantastic news – a new magazine is now being launched with is going to be about beauty on every single page of the magazine, from cover to cover. How awesome does that sound!!

This new magazine, Heart Beauty Magazine, is launching in the end of March 2013, and will hereafter be coming out every quarter.

The cover of the launch issue, the March issue, is shot by talented photographer Katie Nolan, and it showcases the stunning make-up artistry of Australian icon Rae Morris.

The magazine will focus on new beauty products, beauty services, presenting profiles of industry leaders, and have feature articles written by beauty experts. There will be articles on the hottest beauty stories and a wealth of information on all the best new beauty products and treatments.

There will also be full page shoots featuring the elegant work of artists including Rae Morris, Rachel Montgomery and Nigel Stanislaus.

So whether you’re a makeup artist, hair dresser, a beauty blogger or just a beauty junkie, there is finally a magazine just for you to enjoy from cover to cover.

The magazine will be available at news agencies for $8.95 per issue, or why not just subscribe and make sure you don’t miss out, but instead will be guaranteed to receive each issue in your letterbox. You can subscribe for a full year for the low price of $26.85 at Heart Beauty Magazine OnlineThe magazine is officially launching in Australia, but subscriptions will be available worldwide! 

As I am always all for being honest, I have to admit that I have taken up a challenge of being one of the first 100 beauty bloggers to blog about this new Heart Beauty Magazine in order to receive a one year free subscription. And while I of course do hope to be one of the lucky ones to win a subscription, I would have blogged about this anyway, as I feel it is such fantastic news for any beauty lover, that I just had to share.

Do you subscribe to or regularly buy any magazines? What’s your favourite magazine?




  1. Yay a new mag with only the good stuff haha. Looking forward to the first issue :)

    1. I think there is a lot of us looking forward to it... I can't wait!!


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