2 August 2018


Today I’d like to share with you the coolest new haircare brand to finally be available here In Australia - Function of Beauty. The US brand which was started some 3 years ago, has gone from strength to strength thanks to its unique customised products. Function of Beauty sells their products exclusively their own website, and they’re taking customisation to the next level. How cool is that, and needless to say that I was excited when I was asked if I wanted to put the Function of Beauty Shampoo and Conditioner* to the test.

To purchase their shampoo and conditioner, you need to answer their 12-question hair quiz with information about hair traits and concerns - and from there, the shampoo and conditioner is blended accordingly. The chance of two people answering exactly the same is 1 in 24 billion - so in other words, each product leaving the their headquarters really is customised.

Below is a write up of the hair quiz, and my replies in CAPITAL LETTERS

Hair type (choose 1): WAVY
  • Straight 
  • Wavy 
  • Curly 
  • Coily 
Hair structure (choose 1): MEDIUM
  • Fine 
  • Medium 
  • Coarse 
Scalp moisture (choose 1): NORMAL
  • Dry 
  • Normal 
  • Oily 
  • Deep condition 
  • Replenish hair 
  • Fix split ends 
  • Strengthen 
  • Hydrate 
  • Lengthen 
  • Volumize 
  • Color protection 
  • Thermal protection 
  • Anti-aging 
  • Anti-frizz 
  • Curl definition 
  • Shine 
  • Straighten 
  • Nourish roots 
  • Soothe scalp 
  • Oil control 
Shampoo color (choose 1): ORANGE
  • Blue 
  • Pink 
  • Orange 
  • Green 
  • Purple 
  • Dye free 
Conditioner color (choose 1): ORANGE
  • Blue 
  • Pink 
  • Orange 
  • Green 
  • Purple 
  • Dye free 
Fragrance (choose 1): PEONY
  • all (you)calyptus 
  • hibis(kiss) 
  • musk-have 
  • peony tail 
  • feeling (f)ineapple 
  • (f)ragrance-(f)ree 
Fragrance strength (choose 1): STRONG
  • Light 
  • Medium 
  • Strong 
Formula name: KARINA
  • The name you want printed on the bottle  

And I received the most gorgeous bottles of orange shampoo and conditioner. The actual bottles are clear and very simple, it is the actual product inside that is coloured. Selecting the colour was a touch choice as all looked so beautiful, but eventually I settled for the orange, which is gorgeous.

So what did I think of the actual products..

  • I have long, thick hair that is coloured, and due to its length, even though I do get regular trims, the ends are (naturally) often of the dry side. I am generally used to using salon haircare brands, so that is naturally what I’ll be comparing the Function of Beauty too, which is also reasonable given their price. 
  • I selected the hair concerns of deep condition, fix split ends, anti-ageing, shine and colour protection, so that is naturally what I can judge the products on. Selecting these were also a tough choice as I wanted to tick so many more boxes, but you can only tick 5 so you really have to think hard about what your main hair concerns are. 
  • Deep Condition - I definitely have definitely felt that the products have helped add extra moisture and nourishment to my hair. It has been easy to comb, and dry ends haven’t looked quite as dry. And also, when my hair gets a good dose of moisture, it tends to get a little wavier, and it has had a lot more of waves and bounce since using these products.
  • Split Ends - Now, I personally don’t believe that any product, regardless of how good it is, can mend split hair - there is only one solution, chop it off and start afresh. My hair is not extremely split I the ends, but there are some, but my reasons for selecting this as a concern, is that products that claims to fix split ends, do add extra nourishment and care where the hair need it most, at the damaged end of the hair, and that can never hurt. 
  • Colour Protection - I tend to get my hair coloured at the hair dresser every few months, but I haven’t had it done since using these products, and am due for a touch up, but I have not noticed that my hair has faded further while using the products. 
  • Anti-Ageing - And now, that is a difficult one to judge, and I can’t really say that my hair looks or appears any younger from using the products. Yes, my hair has changed over the years, but I am fortunate that although the majority of my friends at my vintage have gotten quite a few grey hairs, I haven’t as yet (thanks Mum for your good hair genes!), but after my last pregnancy 3 years ago, my hair did go from its usual super flat and straight hair, to now being quite wavy. 
  • Shine - I’ll tie this one in the the Anti-Ageing, as my perception is that with age, hair does tend to have less shine - and since using the products, my hair has been looking very glossy and shiny, and therefore also very healthy.
  • Overall, I am enjoying using these products. My hair easy to comb out with little or no knots, and once dry, it feels silky soft and if full of life and bounce. And needless to say that it smells absolutely divine from the Peony. I adore the scent, and love that it lingers in my hair even after my hair is dry. And while I selected it to be strongly scented, it is in no way overpowering or overwhelming, but of course, if you prefer it subtle, you can simply select that. 
  • I also love that these products are free from sulphates, parabens, and other toxins, as well as they are vegan and cruelty free. 
  • I also love the simple yet sleek bottles, though they do come with a set of stickers so you can decorate if you like. On the bottles are also cute little and the fact that they also come with pumps, to make it easy to dispense in the shower. 

Sticker sheet, and cute phrases on the bottles; Shampoo "Unlike You / Anybody, Just for You", and Conditioner; "Imagine (Yourself), Imagine (Flaws are Unreal), Imagine Beauty" 

  • That you can select the products to be in your favourite colour, or to match your bathroom is also pretty amazing, and who doesn’t love (and feel a little bit extra special), when seeing your own name printed onto the products - Dare I say that Function of Karina is as special as she is, lol!
  • Definitely worth a try, and I can definitely see myself placing another order, with a new combination, colour and scent. 

Function of Beauty Shampoo + Conditioner - RRP: AUD 59 + $5 shipping
Available from Function of Beauty

Note that the above is a referral link which will give first-time customers a $5 discount - I don't earn any money from this, just saving you a little, so you can get the shampoo and conditioner combo for $54 + $5 shipping.

Some products may have been kindly provided for editorial consideration, and have been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy, and reviews are 100% honest and based on personal opinion and experience. Note that The Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter is not a professional or expert, so please do not substitute these opinions as professional advice.

Remember that in between my blog posts you can always keep up with me on Twitter, Facebook, Bloglovin or Instagram


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