27 June 2018


Charcoal seems to be one of those popular ingredients at the moment, appearing in everything from face masks to toothpaste. I have seen a lot of the charcoal powder teeth whitening treatments around, but never tried them, but stuck to the known ‘supermarket’ brands which however at times have made my skin very sensitive.

So when Ultimate Carbon Kit from Carbon Coco* landed on my desk to trial, I couldn’t wait to put it to the test. The Carbon Coco's Ultimate Carbon Kit contains:

1x Activated Charcoal Toothpaste
1x Activated Charcoal Tooth Polish
1 x Toothbrush with Bamboo Bristles

  • The Carbon Coco is a 100% Natural Teeth Whitener, made from an oxidized version of charcoal. It claims to be gentle and effective in whitening, removing external stains without the toxic chemical ingredients used in commercial tooth whitening. Along with the 100% Organic Coconut Shell Activated Charcoal, it also contains bentonite powder and lemon myrtle. It also promises to polish the teeth, strengthen the enamel and detoxify the mouth 
  • The products are best used at night, and to use, you simply dip a wet toothbrush into the black powder, and then brush your teeth for two minutes, before rinsing your mouth. You then follow with the Activated Carbon Toothpaste, which contains is an Activated Charcoal fluoride free formula that fights bad breath, keeps the mouth refreshed and replaces your everyday toothpaste. It also promises to reduce bacteria build-up by up to 90 percent for 12 hours and penetrate deep between teeth to fight bacteria plaque. 

  • The Activated Charcoal Tooth Polish comes in a little jar with a screw lid, and I have to say that I’ve not had great experiences using it. I am not sure if its because I am just a super clumsy person, but I just found the fine black powder to be so messy, dropping over my white stone bench top in the bathroom, with a big mess to clean up. Not what you want when you’ve been run off your feet all day and just cannot wait to get into bed. And secondly, what a waste of product too. And consequently I admit that I just didn’t get into the routine of using each night. I simply couldn’t be bothered. Too much trouble. But I did naturally use it a few times, and did feel that I could see a difference on my coffee stained teeth, as they appeared to be brighter. 
  • The Activated Charcoal Toothpaste is to replace your regular toothpaste. It also has a black-ish colour, and froths up to a grey foam. It feels gentle on the teeth, and has a light minty flavour, but personally I prefer my toothpaste to have a very strong flavour for a mintier breath. When used on its own, I did not find it to be any better than my regular toothpaste that I can more easily (and cheaper) pick up in the supermarket. 
  • As for the toothbrush, this was ok, but unless I used the powder, I quickly got back to using my trusted electric toothbrush. 

So what’s my final verdict..

  • I did like that this is a natural product, which is a huge bonus. I do have sensitive teeth, and these products did not irritate them. And overall I did, even after just a few uses, find that my teeth looked brighter, with some yellowness and ‘gunk’ reduced, and they felt smoother when I ran my tongue over them. So clearly effective, yet gentle. 
  • I was a little cautious at first use… I mean, brushing your teeth in black powder just didn’t seem that appealing, and a little intimidating too. But apart from the messy powder on your bathroom bench and in the sink, (and make sure you keep your mouth closed wen you brush your teeth or you’ll get charcoal splatter on your mirror too). 
  • If I had used a little more religiously I am sure that I would have seen better results, but unfortunately running around after two little kids all day, I am way too drained at night to put up with the extra routine and mess in my bathroom, so did end up giving it up. 
  • That said, I did like what results I saw so quickly, so I will not rule out using in particular the Activated Charcoal Tooth Polish again sometime in the future. 

Carbon Coco's Ultimate Carbon Kit - RRP: $59.95
Available from Carbon Coco

* Some products may have been kindly provided for editorial consideration, and have been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy, and reviews are 100% honest and based on personal opinion and experience. Note that The Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter is not a professional or expert, so please do not substitute these opinions as professional advice. 

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