23 May 2018


Remember not too long ago when I was telling you about one of the latest releases from Neutrogena… the Deep Clean Purifying range (if you missed it, you can check it out here) - well, great news is that Neutrogena has just launched yet another range, the the Visibly Clear Range. personally, I’ve always loved the product from Neutrogena, as they are efficient, yet very affordable, so I was very excited to put another new range to the test..

With the new Visibly Clear range, Neutrogena aims to deliver a complexion clearing skincare regimen wit ha new spot-fighting technology. The products help clear breakouts while preserving the skin’s natural skin barrier to help it build a shield against future breakouts and make it more spot-proof. And without not stripping the skin of essential oils, but rather soft and smooth. There are five different products in the range, which I’ve put to the test.

The Neutrogena Visibly Clear Spot Proofing Daily Wash is a clear face wash that works to help wash away dirt, grime and impurities, and clearing spots thanks. It contains salicylic acid and lactic acid that helps give the skin a gentle chemical exfoliation to unclog pores, and fight them deep down the pores. It does remove makeup, but personally I like using it in the morning in the shower to help remove any excess oil, dirt and grime.

Then there’s the Neutrogena Visibly Clear Spot Proofing 2 in 1 Wash-Mask. This is slightly thicker white wash no doubt thanks to the added kaolin that also helps absorb any excess oils from the skin. It is a little more intense than the Daily Wash, and hence I personally like using that one at night after removing my makeup. Again, it does remove makeup, but I find it is better suited as the second cleanse, again as it contains salicylic acid that helps loosen up all dead skin cells and giving the skin deeper clean. And I also really like that this is a 2 in 1 multi-tasking formulas that can be used as both a cleanser and a mask. And at night, I sometimes like to use put a slightly thicker layer on my face and leave it there for just a few minutes while I brush my teeth etc, for an even deeper clean. And it immediately leaves the skin feeling and looking cleaner and fresher. It has a nice cooling and refreshing feeling not the skin, thanks to the added menthol.

Next is the Neutrogena Visibly Clear Spot Proofing Daily Scrub, which is a gentle scrub that helps gently buff away all the dead skin cells, dirt and grime, to help unclog up the pores, and leave the skin feeling soft, smooth and glowing. I love that the small scrubbing particles are naturally derived, and that it also contains both salicylic acid and lactic acid to help clear breakouts and keep the skin clean. I also love the fact that it is so gentle that you can use it once a day.

Then there’s the Neutrogena Visibly Clear Spot Proofing Purifying Toner. For some reason I’ve been skipping using a toner lately, and I don’t honestly know why as I really love the results that I get when I do. Often toners can be very drying on the skin, but this one is alcohol-free so it is still gentle on the skin and doesn’t dry it out. This toner helps ensure that any remaining makeup is removed and as it also contains salicylic acid and lactic acid it again gently help purify the skin, and leave it refreshed, and again without drying it out.

Finally, there’s the Neutrogena Visibly Clear Spot Proofing Oil Free Moisturiser, which is a very lightweight oil-free moisturiser that helps add moisture to the skin, while not being too heavy, and without clogging up the pores. It doesn’t’ contain SPF (which I personally don’t mind as I can add it on top when I want), and that means that it can be used morning and night. However, I don’t quite feel that it adds sufficient moisture for my ageing skin at night, but I love using it during the day, as it works so perfectly under makeup, helping to keep my skin matte at the same time. My combination skin does tend to become a little drier during the cooler months, so I am not sure if it will add sufficient moisture then, but for now, I am quite enjoying this moisturiser, as it it keeps my skin soft and smooth.

Having used all of the products in combination it is difficult to talk about them in isolation, but I can say that after I started using them frequently morning and evening, that my skin and existing breakouts has cleared up. I have actually enjoyed using all of the products individually so its hard to pick favourites. However, I have always loved the Neutrogena 2 in 1 wash and masks, so needless to say that I love this one too, as it is simply so quick, yet effective too. I also love that toner, as it is so refreshing on the skin, but doesn’t dry it out. And the moisturiser is great too, through I can imagine that I’ll love it even more during the warmer summer months when my skin always tend to become a little greasier.

Neutrogena Visibly Clear Spot Proofing Daily Wash - RRP: $14.99 / 200ml
Neutrogena Visibly Clear Spot Proofing 2 in 1 Wash-Mask - RRP: $14.99 / 150ml
Neutrogena Visibly Clear Spot Proofing Daily Scrub - RRP: $14.99 / 150ml
Neutrogena Visibly Clear Spot Proofing Purifying Toner - RRP: $14.99 / 200ml
Neutrogena Visibly Clear Spot Proofing Oil Free Moisturiser - RRP: $14.99 / 50ml

Available from Chemist Warehouse and Priceline

* Some products may have been kindly provided for editorial consideration, and have been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy, and reviews are 100% honest and based on personal opinion and experience. Note that The Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter is not a professional or expert, so please do not substitute these opinions as professional advice.

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