8 October 2017


Who doesn't love a good and family game. Well today I'll show you the coolest one you'll see in a long time, a fair dinkum Aussie limited edition version of Scrabble... 

Aussies are renowned for their unique take on the English language so Mattel has given the Aussies their own signature version of the game, Aussie Scrabble. The new Aussie version lingo list includes ripper, cuppa, strewth, cozzie, biffo and bogan and is a celebration of quirky Aussie slang and localised lingo.

To create the game, Mattel took to social media with its mate Jetstar in 2016 to crowd source the best slang words from across the country for potential inclusion into the final glossary.

More than 20,000 submissions were put forward, with words such as 'arvo', 'crikey', 'biffo', 'shonky' and 'cozzie' forming the official word glossary.

The Aussie Scrabble bend to the original rules by allowing participants to use terms coined from an extensive list of popular Australian colloquialisms, while the ‘strewth cards’ introduce another layer of fun, allowing players to draw extra tiles for extended game play, and get bonus points for every slang word used.

Having more than 17 years ago, I am personally slowly getting used to all the fun words so unique to Australia, but still had a giggle when I read through the included Aussie Slang Glossary, which include words such as; 
  • Arvo 
  • Ambos 
  • Barbie 
  • Brekkie 
  • Cozzie 
  • Dipstick 
  • Footy 
  • G'day 
  • Heaps 
  • Journo 
  • Lippy 
  • Moolah 
  • Ocker 
  • Pash 
  • Prezzy 
  • Rapt 
  • Salvos 
  • Sickie 
  • Straya 
  • Tinny 
  • Uey 
  • Wowser 

This is seriously such a fun and unique game with a home-grown Aussie flavour that will have the whole family laughing, so make sure to get your hands on one while you can! 

Limited edition Aussie Scrabble - RRP: $39.99
Available from Big W, Target, Toys R’ Us and Myer while stocks last.

* Some products may have been kindly provided for editorial consideration, and have been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy, and reviews are 100% honest and based on personal opinion and experience. Note that The Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter is not a professional or expert, so please do not substitute these opinions as professional advice.

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