19 August 2017


With two toddlers it is very rare that we actually watch 'live' TV these days. Though the kids have their set bed times, and technically it should mean that we can start watching certain programs, this just never happens, or we have just sat down and one of them will yell out for our attention so we miss the beginning of a show. Frustrating. And as I personally find it a waste of time watching something if I've missed the beginning, or part of it, we've come to rely on the likes of Netflix and watching movies on DVD or Blu-ray, as then we can simply start and stop whenever we see fit. And lately we've had so much fun and entertainment watching the newly released Films That Define A Decade, a collection of five DVDs/Blu-Rays that covers the 60s to the 00s, featuring the films that defined that particular decade. 

Films That Define A Decade Collection includes; 

60's - 'There has never been a decade quite like the ‘60’s! An era of change, conflict and hope, it will be fondly remembered for its revolutionary thinking, the fight for freedom of expression and its definitive slogan to “Make Love Not War”. With the movies;

  • The Birds (1963) 
  • Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) 
  • To Kill A Mockingbird (1962) 
  • Psycho (1960) 

70's - 'They say the ‘60’s really happened in the ‘70’s. Bell-bottoms and disco took over, while films from the ‘70’s captured the free-spirited movement of the decade in many ways. With the movies:
  • Close Encounters Of The Third Kind (1977) 
  • The Sting (1973) 
  • Monty Python And The Holy Grail (1974) 
  • Smokey And the Bandit (1977) 

80's - 'The excessive ‘80’s…where everyone had huge hairdos and massive shoulder pads, mobile phones were the size of bricks and the movies were larger than life. With the movies;
  • An American Werewolf in London (1981) 
  • The Breakfast Club (1985) 
  • Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) 
  • Ghostbusters (1984) 

90's - 'The glorious ‘90’s…when grunge became chic and Spice Girls ruled pop culture. We witnessed the supersonic development of technology and welcomed the internet into our homes. With the movies;
  • American Pie (1999) 
  • The Big Lebowski (1998) 
  • The Usual Suspects (1995) 
  • Casino (1995) 

00's - 'The ‘noughties’ was a turbulent decade, with things seemingly changing faster than we could keep up with! Addictive social media platforms saturated our daily lives, and the innovation of technology made films more popular and accessible than ever before. With the movies; 
  • 8 Mile (2002) 
  • Gladiator (2000) 
  • The Bourne Identity (2002) 
  • Mamma Mia! (2008) 

We are yet to every single one of the movies, but needless to say that several of the movies bring back lots of memories from the years they were initially released. And we've already each got a few favourites, mine including Breakfast At Tiffany's, 8 Mile and Gladiator, while hubby especially loves Ghostbusters, American Pie and The Bourne Identity!

Needless to say that there is seriously something for every movie taste here, and hours upon hours of entertainment, so make sure to check them out. They'd be the perfect gift ideas too, including for Father's Day next month!

Films That Define A Decade;
DVD - $12.48 each
Blu-Ray - RRP: $15.48 each

Available from JB Hifi and Sanity, or for more information, visit The Viewing Lounge

* Some products may have been kindly provided for consideration, and have reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

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