3 October 2016


I recently, and when I say recently, I mean last month! - had a little breast scare where I discovered a couple of smaller lumps in one of my breasts. After being sent by ambulance and spending 4 days in hospital for severe mastitis last year when our little boy was just over a week old, I've become very aware of my breasts and any changes...

While I am still breast feeding, I appreciate that some small lumps can simply be blocked milk ducts, but as you can just never be too safe, I decided to go see my GP to get it checked out. She immediately felt the lump too, and sent me to get an ultrasound, as still breastfeeding I was advised that it wasn't ideal to do a mammogram as the breast tissue would be even denser than normal. Luckily the ultrasound showed that lumps were nothing serious, a follow-up ultrasound a few weeks later showed that they had already reduced in size. That said, it naturally did frighten me and caused a few sleepless nights and restless days. 

So when I heard of QV's Breast Cancer campaign, I just knew that I had to jump on board and do whatever I can to help spread the message..
QV has partnered with the McGrath Foundation to turn an everyday moisturiser into a valuable tool to assist in identifying changes that could be an early sign of breast cancer, available in pharmacies from October 2016 (Breast Cancer Awareness Month). 
QV Self Check Breast Cream has been designed to encourage women to self check their breasts as part of their every day skincare routine with $2 from every pack sold going directly to the McGrath Foundation. 
Each pack also includes detailed instructions to educate on how to self check your breasts - our research has shown that young women aren't confident in how to check their breasts so education is vital to this campaign. 
Why Breast Self Checks are so important
  • Breast Cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer for women aged 20-39 years
  • Regular breast self checks is an easy way to become familiar with and monitor breasts for any changes and if cancer is found while limited to the breast, 96% of patients will be alive five years after diagnosis
  • 58% of women aged 25 to39 rarely or never self check their breasts, yet 79% recognise breast checking is very effective way to help identify breast cancer
To support the campaign, #IPledgeToCheck QV has developed a Self Check Breast Cream, which is a fragrance free nourishing cream that cam be used on the breasts daily so you can moisturise the skin while checking your breasts and learn what is normal for your breast, so you immediately will know if something abnormal or changes should occur - as they say, early detection is the key.
The cream comes in the breast-cancer pink shaded tube, but what I really like, is that it also comes with clear instructions on how to actually check your breasts. 
This means that the QV #IPledgeToCheck Campaign helps empower women to get to know their breasts and encourage women to start regularly, while also educating on how to check your breasts by providing instruction, on and off line.
And for every tube of QV Self Check Cream sold, QV will donate $2 to the McGrath Foundation.
If you're not familiar with the McGrath Foundation, they help raise funds to place McGrath Breast Care Nurses across Australia to help families through breast cancer by providing invaluable physical, psychological and emotional support from the diagnosis and throughout the treatment. 
So help yourself and get your hands on a tube of QV Self Check Breast Cream - take your bra off and start checking and getting familiar with your breast immediately - and while you do this, help support this wonderful cause and organisation too. And make sure to spread the word too!
QV Self Check Breast Cream - RRP: $8.15 / 100g 
Available exclusively from pharmacies

* Products have been kindly provided for consideration, and have reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

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1 comment

  1. Fantastic post. Every woman needs to be aware of this. Thank you for sharing. I need to buy some of this cream pronto!


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