13 September 2016


While I have been taking care of my skin on my face for as long as I can remember, I admit that one of those areas that I neglect is my neck and décolleté, which I've just treated with the left over face moisturiser on my hands topped up with a basic body lotion. This may have been sufficient years ago when I was younger, but sadly age is now starting to show, especially on my décolleté, but also on my hands, where the skin is starting to age with pigmentation getting worse and worse each year, needless increased after any sun exposure - so when the Neck, Chest and Hand Repair from SkinCeuticals landed on my doorstep, I was naturally very excited. 

This Neck, Chest and Hand Repair from SkinCeuticals is a targeted cream the addresses the skin quality and specific concerns of forgotten body areas frequently exposed to the sun, and it is formulate specifically to brighten and redensify and restore difficult to treat skin areas. 
The cream contains among others; 
  • 1% Hydroxyphenoxy Propionic Acid to stimulate desquamation for removal of surface excess pigmentation and inhibits melanin transfer to prevent excess hyperpigmentation
  • 4% Sodium Tetrahydro-Jasmonate to promote desquamation for removal of excess surface pigmentation and activate fibroblasts to stimulate collagen and other proteins within layers of skin including DEJ to help redensify skin
  • 3% Vigna Aconitifolia Seed Extract to stimulate collagen I synthesis and increases cellular renewal 

In other words, this cream contains concentrated brightening agents to help fade accumulated sun damage, age spots and excess hyper-pigmentation while inhibiting new melanin from building up. It also helps support collagen levels to plump the skin and alleviate creepiness, to make the skin look younger and healthier.
The Neck, Chest and Hand Repair has a lovely light gel consistency, that absorbs instantly into the skin making it feel so soft and without any greasiness or stickiness at all. It does clearly moisturise the skin, but personally I like to add a more intense moisturiser on top for added benefit. It comes in a pump bottle, which makes it very easy to use, and thanks to the gel consistency it spreads quickly and easily, so you don't need too much. It does have a slightly odd and spicy herbal scent, but is this is due to it being fragrance free, so this scent comes from the combination of plant extracts including jasmine extract, rose flower oil, cucumber fruit extract, sunflower seed oil, rosemary leaf oil, and turmeric extract, but as it is still quite subtle, I really don't mind, and much prefer this scent over an artificially added fragrance.
After having used the Neck, Chest and Repair for several weeks, I am happy to say that the skin on the worst affected area, my décolleté, without a doubt is looking more even in tone. Pigmentation has started to fade, in particular a larger cluster on my chest, but also some darker spots seem less noticeable. I am not sure if my skin is looking less 'creepy' and more plump - but the fact that my skin is looking brighter and more even toned, makes me very excited for the continued use of this repair treatment.
SkinCeuticals Neck, Chest & Hand Repair - RRP: $98 / 60ml
Available from Active Skin, Adore Beauty, RY, Skincare Store, and Advanced Coemeceuticals
* Products have been kindly provided for consideration, and have reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

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