8 July 2016


I have sadly always struggled with breakouts, even now that I am at the age where you'd think I could replace blemish products for anti-ageing products, but sadly that is not always the case. So consequently I am always looking for product that will quickly and effectively help when I get these breakouts, so when I was asked to trial Dream Dots which has recently been launched into the Australian market, I naturally happily accepted. 

Dream dots are an absorbent overnight patch treatment, that have been designed to calm and treat unwanted breakouts.

After cleansing the skin, a patch is applied over the blemish - and because the patch is waterproof, yet breathable, it creates a moist healing environment is formed beneath the patch, maintaining ideal pH balance, temperature and hydration levels while sealing in repair factors, leading to the skin healing 50% quicker.

When the clear Dream Dots come in contact with the blemish, it absorbs the fluid from the spot, and the patch swells and turns white overnight, so that there is a visible reduction in the redness and inflammation of the blemish when the dot is removed in the morning.

The actual material used for the dots has been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) approved product has been modelled on devices used in hospitals for severe burns and wounds, so it doesn’t dry out or scar the blemish or the skin around it, and because it is drug free, paraben free, latex free and doesn't contain any harsh ingredients, the dots can be used by anyone, even those with extremely sensitive skin types.

These Dream Dots are certainly different from any other blemish product that I have previously used, and I must admit that I did find them slightly fiddly to apply, or at least until I got used to them.

I tried them in particular on larger more deep-set blemishes, the type that do take longer to clear and I was pleasantly surprised to say that they were significantly calmer and smaller the next morning after using the Dots.

At $19.95 for 24 Dots, these do work out more expensive than the average tube of blemish treatment, which would generally be able to treat countless blemishes, as well as also larger infected areas/clusters of blemishes. However that said, for those larger peskier blemishes, these Dots are a very good and certainly a gentler alternative, not least because such blemishes usually require countless applications of blemish products, which is very drying on the skin thanks to their harsh ingredients. 

Dream Dots - RRP: $19.99 / 24 patches

Dream Dots is available from Terry White and select other pharmacies, contact (02) 9959 1014 for stockist information

* Some products may have been kindly provided for consideration, and have reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

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